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Daniel Mengara

Professor, World Languages and Cultures

BA, University Omar Bongo (Gabon)
MA, Illinois State University
MA, University of Nice (France)
PhD, University of Nice
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Professor of French and Francophone Studies
Department of World Languages and Cultures
Graduate Program Coordinator
Department of Political Science and Law
Department of World Languages & Cultures (Interim = Fall 2022-Spring 2023 only)
Executive Director of SORAC (Society of Research on African Cultures)
Editor-in-Chief: SORAC Journal of African Studies
Schmitt Hall 241G
Department of World Languages & Cultures
Montclair State University
1 Normal Avenue
Upper Montclair, NJ 07043, USA
Office Phone: (973) 655-5143
Dept. Phone: 973-655-4283
TIA HANKS (Program Assistant)
Dickson Hall 204
Phone: 973-655-4238

Ph.D., University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis, France, 1995
Anglophone Studies, specializing in African literatures and civilizations/postcolonial studies

D.E.A. (Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies), Anglophone Studies (Concentration: African Literatures and Civilizations/Postcolonial Studies, 1992

MA, Illinois State University, Normal, Illinois, 1996
French Studies, specializing in second/foreign language pedagogy

MA, University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis, France, 1991
Anglophone Studies, specializing in African literatures and civilizations/postcolonial studies

BA, Omar Bongo University of Libreville, Gabon, 1990
English and Anglophone Studies

— African civilization(s) and literature(s) in French and/or in English
- Francophone Studies
— Diaspora Studies (African-American & Caribbean)
— Postcolonial Studies
— African Sociolinguistics and the French language
— Comparative Gender Issues
— Issues in Language Acquisition and Teaching (Pedagogy)
— General literary and cultural issues
— Literary theory and criticism
— Comparative literature
— Africa and the West
- France-Africa Relations
- Government & Politics of Africa



Mengara, Daniel. Le Gabon en danger : Du devoir de réforme au devoir de violelnce - Autopsie d’une République monarchique « bananisée » en état de déliquescence. L’Harmattan, 2019.

Mengara, Daniel M. Le Chant des chimpanzés (A Nove). Paris: L'Harmattan, 2008.

Mengara, Daniel M. Mema (A Novel). London: Heineman (African Writers Series), 2003

Mengara, Daniel M., ed. Images of Africa: Stereotypes and Realities. Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press, 2001.

Mengara, Daniel M. La représentation des groupes sociaux chez les romanciers noirs sud-africains: réalisme, falsification ou idéalisation? Paris: L'Harmattan, 1996.


Mengara, Daniel. “From Villain to Messiah: Colonial Discourse and the « Jesus-fication » of king Chaka in Thomas Mofolo’s Chaka.” Research in African Literatures 51.3 (Fall 2020).

Mengara, Daniel. “The Making of a Monarchical Republic: The Undoing of Presidential Term Limits in Gabon Under Omar Bongo.” Invited book chapter in peer-reviewed volume entitled The Politics of Challenging Presidential Term Limits in Africa. Edited by Jack Mangala. Palgrave Macmillan, 2020, 65-104.

Mengara, Daniel. “Colonial Intrusion and Stages of Colonialism in Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart.” African Studies Review 62, 4 (Fall 2019).

Mengara, Daniel. “Sarkozy: Viens Chercher Ali” (Sarkozy: Come Get your Ali): Gabon and the Enduring Legacies of France’s Françafrique System in Francophone Africa.” EuropeNow 15, March 2018.

Mengara, Daniel. « Oralité, mythes et littératures africaines: Plaidoyer pour une renaissance par l’audiovisuel ». In Les mythes anciens à l’épreuve de la modernité dans les littératures africaines. Proceedings of the Second Algiers Pan-African Festival, Algeria, November 21-22, 2009. Ed. Naget Khadda. Nouvelle sétie No. 5. Algiers : CNRPAH, 2012.

Mengara, Daniel. “Is France Disengaging from Africa? A Critical Look at Nicolas Sarkozy’s “Rupture” Policy in the Context of France-Africa Relations.” Africa and the New World Era: From Humanitarianism to a Strategic View. Edited by Jack Mangala. Palgrave Macmillan, 2010, 53-70

Mengara, Daniel. "Preface". British Travellers in Tunisia 1800-1930: A History of Encounters and Representations. By Adel Manai. Tunis: Centre de Publication Universitaire, 2007.

Mengara, Daniel M. “Introduction - On Internalism vs. Externalism: Rationale and Framework.” SORAC Journal of African Studies. Volume 3 (Fall 2005): i-vi.

Mengara, Daniel M. and Victoria Larson. "Africa and the Invention of Democracy". Globalizing Africa. Ed. Malinda Smith. Lawrenceville, NJ: Africa World Press, 2003.

Mengara, Daniel M. "Francophonie plurielle ou Francophonie française? Enjeux et perspectives d’une Francophonie à deux vitesses." Francophonie au pluriel. Ed. Justin K. Bisanswa and Michel Tétu. Paris : CIDEF-AFI, 2003.

Mengara, Daniel M. "Préface". Les larmes d'amour. By Lociano Benjamin. Paris: La Pensée universelle, 2002.

Mengara, Daniel M. "Perceptions of African Feminism: A Socio-Historic Perspective." Images of Africa: Stereotypes and Realities. Edited by Daniel M. Mengara. Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press, 2001: 281-305.

Mengara, Daniel M. "Introduction: White Eyes, Dark Reflections". Images of Africa: Stereotypes and Realities. Edited by Daniel M. Mengara. Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press, 2001: 1-20.

Mengara, Daniel M. “Africa's Stolen Identity: Deconstructing the Past in Order to Reconstruct the Future.” American and British Interactions, Perceptions and Images of North Africa. Edited By Adel Manai. Tunis: TSAS/The American Center, 2001: 19-40.

Mengara, Daniel M. “French, An African Language: Finally!” Advances in African Linguistics. Edited by Vicki Carstens and Frederick Parkinson. Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press, 2000: 281-298.

Mengara, Daniel M. "The Heroic Tribulations of My Amazing Mother". Short Story. Network 2000: In the Spirit of the Harlem Renaissance, (Newsletter) edited by Sandra Grayson. Volume 7, Issue 2 (Spring 2000): 2.

Mengara, Daniel M. “Africa, the French Language and the Francophone World: Francophonia in Black and White”. MIFLC Review, 7 (1997-1998): 20-34.

Mengara, Daniel M. “On the Nature of Francophonia and Its Consequences for Language Instruction”. Transculture 1, 2 (1996-1997): 41-68.

Mengara, Daniel M. “Postface” in Christian March, Le discours des mères martiniquaises. Diglossie et créolité: un point de vue sociolinguistique. Paris: L'Harmattan, 1996: 219-225.

Mengara, Daniel M. “Postcolonialism, Third-Worldism and the Issue of Exclusive Terminologies in Postcolonial Theory and Criticism”, Commonwealth 18, 2 (1996): 36-45.


Mengara, Daniel M. Guest Editor. Internalist vs. Externalist Approaches to African History & Cultures. SORAC Journal of African Studies. Volume 3 (Fall 2005).

Mengara, Daniel M., and Rabia Redouane, Guest Editors. African & Diasporic Voices. SORAC Journal of African Studies. Volume 2 (November 2002).

Mengara, Daniel M., John Conteh-Morgan, and Leslie Wilson, Guest Editors. Perceptions of Africa: Images, Visions and Revisions. SORAC Journal of African Studies. Conference Edition. Volume 1 (April 2000).



Mengara, Daniel. "Political Writing and Censorship in Africa in the Era of Facebook, YouTube, and Other Social Media." 46th Annual meeting of the African Literature Association, upcoming May 26-29, 2021 (Online).

Mengara, Daniel, "Chinua Achebe, Modernity, and the Crisis of Becoming," 62nd Annual Meeting of the African Studies Association, Boston, MA, November 21-23, 2019.

Mengara, Daniel. “From Africa, I Will Fleece You to “Africa, I Have Fleeced You”: The “Nos Ancêtres Sont des Gaulois” model and The Institutional Challenges of African Literature.” Paper presented at the 45th annual African Literature Association (ALA) conference, Columbus, Ohio, May 15-18, 2019.

Mengara, Daniel. “Representations of the Urban Environment and Political Discourse in Ousmane Sembene’s Les Bouts de bois de Dieu and Calixthe Beyala’s Les Honneurs perdus.” Paper presented at the 44th annual African Literature Association conference, Washington, DC, May 23-26, 2018.

Mengara, Daniel. “The Curse of Colonial Borders in Africa: From Scattered Identities to Identities in Crisis:” Submitted for presentation at the 27th annual Africa & Diaspora conference, California State University, Sacramento, April 26-28, 2018

Mengara, Daniel. “From Villain to Messiah: The « Jesus-fication » of king Chaka in Thomas Mofolo’s Chaka.” Paper presented at the annual African Literature Association conference, Yale University, New Haven, June 14-17, 2017.

Mengara, Daniel. “Dynastic Politics and Electoral Violence in Africa: Lessons from the 2016 Presidential Elections in Gabon”. Paper presented at the 26th annual Africa & Diaspora conference, California State University, Sacramento, April 27-29, 2017.

Mengara, Daniel. “The Mvet Epic Tale and the Empowerment of Women in Traditional Fang Society.” Paper presented at the 25th Annual Africa and Diaspora Conference, California State University, Sacramento, April 21-23, 2016.

Mengara, Daniel. “The Blogosphere, Francophone African Youth and the Crisis of Belonging.” Paper presented at the 57th Annual Meeting of African Studies Association, Indianapolis, Indiana, November 20-23, 2014.

Mengara, Daniel. “On the Role of Africans in the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade: Fantasies, Myths and Realities.” Paper presented at the SERSAS/SEAN conference on “Africa Looks Back: Reflections, Constructions, Imaginations,” East Carolina University, Greenville, NC, September 27-28, 2013.

Mengara, Daniel. “African Youth, Political Engagement and Afrocentric Confusion: A Pessimistic Assessment?” Paper presented at the SERSAS/SEAN conference on “Africa Looks Back: Reflections, Constructions, Imaginations,” University of Florida, February 8-9, 2013.

Mengara, Daniel. “Oral Art, the Mvet Epic Tale and Scientific Imagination in Indigenous African Societies.” Third International Conference on Science in Society, Washington, D.C., August 5-7, 2011.

Mengara, Daniel. “On the Peace-Building Potential of Truth and Reconciliation Commissions in Africa.” SORAC International Conference on Conflict and Conflict Resolution in Africa: History, Myths and Realities”, Montclair State University, October 7-9, 2010.

Mengara, Daniel. “Food for Thought: What Can African Anthropology and Archaeology Teach Us About African Ethos on Conflict and Conflict Resolution?” SORAC International Conference on Conflict and Conflict Resolution in Africa: History, Myths and Realities”, Montclair State University, October 7-9, 2010.

Mengara, Daniel and Jack Mangala. “Digne fils de son père: Joseph Kabila, Faure Eyadema et Ali Bongo. Réflexions sur les récentes successions filiales du pouvoir en Afrique.” Joint presentation project at theCanadian Association of African Studies conference on Africa Matters: Celebrating 40 years of the Canadian Association of African Studies, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada 5-7 May 2010.

Mengara, Daniel. « Oralité, mythes et cultures africaines: Plaidoyer pour une renaissance par l’audio-visuel », International Colloquium on « Les mythes anciens à l’épreuve de la modernité dans les littératures africaines. », Second Algiers Panafrican Festival, Algeria, November 21-22, 2009.

Mengara, Daniel, “Is France Disengaging from Africa? A Critical Look at Nicolas Sarkozy’s “Rupture” Policy in the Context of France-Africa Relations,” Presented at the Africa in Contemporary International Relations: Context, Stakes, Actors and Issues, Grand Valley State University, September 21-22, 2009.

Mengara, Daniel. « Quel panafricanisme pour quelle Afrique? Pourquoi la renaissance culturelle de l'Afrique ne pourra pas se passer de la mondialisation », Colloque à l'occasion du quarantième anniversaire du Festival Panafricain de 1969, Ministère Algérien de la Culture, Alger, 14-16 juillet 2009.

Mengara, Daniel. “Community and Death of the Gods in Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart and Arrow of God,” to be presented at the Canadian Association of African Studies, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, May 4-7, 2009.

Mengara, Daniel. “The Age Factor in African Politics: Why the Cult of the Ages is Killing Africa’s Potential,” presented at the 17th Annual Africa/Diaspora Conference on "African Youth in America & Africa: Bridging the Gaps," California State University, Sacramento, Sacramento, California, May 1-3, 2008

Mengara, Daniel. “Africa, Human Rights and Françafrique: The Incestuous Paradigm”. Canadian Association for African Studies, New College at the University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, May 17-20, 2007.

Mengara, Daniel M. "Language and Film in Sub-Saharan African Societies: What Cinema for what Audience?" Symposium on the Arts in Society, New York University, New York City, 23-25 February 2007.

Mengara, Daniel M. "Contagion and Containment in the African Mind: A Cultural Approach to Disease in Africa." African Health and Illness. University of Texas at Austin, March 25-27, 2005.

Mengara, Daniel M. “Roots, Rock, Reggae: Musicality and Cultural Survival in the African Diasporas”. 4th Southern Interdisciplinary Roundtable on African Studies (SIRAS), Kentucky State University, Frankfort, Kentucky, March 27-30, 2003.

Mengara, Daniel M. “On Internalism vs. Externalism: Rationale and Theoretical Framework of an Incestuous Paradigm.” Paper presented at the SORAC 2002 International Conference on “Internalist vs. Externalist Interpretations of African Culture and History,” Montclair State University, November 7-9, 2002.

Mengara, Daniel M. “Lumumba: Fool or Prophet?” Paper presented at the SORAC 2002 International Conference on “Internalist vs. Externalist Interpretations of African Culture and History,” Montclair State University, November 7-9, 2002.

Mengara, Daniel M. “Codes of Culture: The Role of Myths, Tales, Proverbs and Music in Africa's Oral Traditions." Paper presented at IOHA 2002 (12th Annual International Oral History Association), Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, 24-27 June 2002.

Mengara, Daniel M. "Francophonie plurielle ou Francophonie française? Enjeux et perspectives d’une Francophonie à deux vitesses." Paper presented at the 2001 Colloquium of the Anné Francophone Internationale entitled "Francophonie au pluriel," Sorbonne University, Paris, May 17-20.

Mengara, Daniel M. “An African Marshall Plan.” Paper presented at the "Crossing Boundaries: The African Diaspora in the New Millennium” international conference, New York University, September 20-23, 2000.

Mengara, Daniel M. "Victims or Conquerors? Remarks on Black American Cultural 'Imperialism'." Paper presented at SORAC 2000 International Conference on "Black Thought and Movements in World History." Montclair State University, April 27-29, 2000.

Mengara, Daniel M. “Balancing the Imbalances: French-ness and Francophone-ness in the 21st Century.” Paper presented at the 17th Annual Colloquium on 20th Century French Studies. University of Pennsylvania, March 30-April 2, 2000.

Mengara, Daniel M. "Battle of Histories: Martin Bernal's Afrocentrism, Mary Lefkowitz's Aryanism and the Issue over the African Origins of Western Civilisation". Presented at the SORAC 98 International Conference on the "Images of Africa: Stereotypes and Realities", Montclair State University, October 22-24, 1998.

Mengara, Daniel M. "Africa and the Democratic Paradigm: Did Africa Invent Democracy? If so, What Must Africa Do to Become Democratic Again?" Paper presented at Africa Society's conference, "Africa in the 21st Century", University of Alberta, Canada, February 28, 1998.

Mengara, Daniel M., "Africa and the Invention of Democracy”. Paper presented at SORAC’s conference: “Dialogue of Cultures: the Africa of Arts, Politics and Religion, and its Impact on the West", Montclair State University, December 11, 1997.

Mengara, Daniel M., "Africa, the French Language and the Francophone World: Francophonia in Black and White”, 47th Mountain Interstate Foreign Language Conference (MIFLC), East Carolina University, October 16-18, 1997.

Mengara, Daniel M., "French, An African Language: Finally!” 28th Annual Conference of African Linguistics (ACAL 28), Cornell University, July 11-13, 1997.

Mengara, Daniel M. “African Literatures: We Know the Voices of the Past; What Are the Voices of the Future?” Africa and the Diaspora in the 21st Century Conference. Montclair State University, February 28, 1997.


Mengara, Daniel, "When Democracy Requires Violence,” Book Launch talk organized by the Department of Modern languages and Literatures and the Department of Political Science and Law, Montclair State University, November 18, 2019.

Invited to participate at the “Celebrating Languages Across Culture” panel organized by the Alexander Kasser Theater, Montclair State University, October 16, 2019.

Mengara, Daniel. “Gabon.” Invited presentation to Dr. Tony Spanakos’s “Introduction to Politics” class, Fall 2018.

Mengara, Daniel. Invited Guest at First -Gen Faculty and Staff Panel organized by the Center for Advising and Student Transitions (CAST), Montclair State University, April 6, 2018.

Mengara, Daniel. “Rhinoceros.” Invited speech by the Theatre and Dance Department to introduce reading of Ionesco’s Rhinoceros. Montclair State University. November 30, 2016.

Mengara, Daniel. “Song in Franco-African Culture.” Invited presentation. French Day, A half-day conference for high schools organized by the Department of Modern Languages Montclair State University, March 18, 2016.

Mengara, Daniel. “African Mythology” Invited presentation. World Mythologies Day, A half-day conference co-organized by the Institute for the Humanities, Montclair State University, April 10, 2015.

Mengara, Daniel. “Francophone African and Caribbean Pop Music and Dance.” Invited presentation. French Day, A half-day conference co-organized by the Institute for the Humanities and the Department of Modern Languages Montclair State University, March 21, 2014.

Mengara, Daniel. “Identity, Colonial Legacy and the Challenges of Economic Integration in Central Africa” Invited Paper presented at the Miami University, colloquium on “Globalization and Belonging in Central Africa and Its Diasporas,” Miami University, Hamilton, Ohio, November 18-19, 2013.

Mengara, Daniel. “Singing Culture: On the Importance of Song in African Culture” Invited presentation. French Day, A half-day conference co-organized by the Institute for the Humanities and the Department of Modern Languages Montclair State University, March 1, 2013.

Mengara, Daniel. “Of migrations and Diasporas: The African Case.” Invited presentation. World Cultures Day, A half-day conference by the Institute for the Humanities on the theme: “National Diasporas: The Scattering of Seed.” Montclair State University, March 25, 2011.

Mengara, Daniel. “Of People and Democracy: Cultural Relativity and the Universals of Freedom.” Invited Speech Center of Pedagogy's Annual Advance. Montclair State University, March 8, 2011.

Daniel Mengara, “Les littératures francophones d’Afrique sub-saharienne et les paradigmes de la décolonisation : désillusions et « pleurer-rire ».” Invited keynote lecture at La Semaine francophone, an event organized by the Metropolitan Chapter of the American Association of Teachers of French, New York City, Baruch College, March 5, 2011

Mengara, Daniel. “Mysterious Barricades and Thought Traps: Gabon's Mvet Epic Tale and Fang People's Identity,” invited presentation, World Cultures Day, A half-day conference by the Institute for the Humanities on the theme: “In the Beginning . . . Origin Stories and Social Identity,” Montclair State University, March 26, 2010.

Mengara, Daniel M. “Reconciling Western Values with African Traditions: The Case of Mema”. Invited Speech into Dr. Susana Sotillo’s Language and Culture class, Montclair State University, February 22, 2006.

Mengara, Daniel M. “Decolonizing the Mind: "Mema," The Politics of Storytelling and the Post-Colonial Imagination in Africa.” Invited Speech organized by the department of Modern Languages and Literatures and the Department of English with Sally McWilliams. Cohen Lounge, Montclair State University, October 3, 2005.

Daniel M. Mengara. "Elections 2005, ONU et Transparence électorale au Gabon: Mettre fin à l'état Manioc d'Omar Bongo". Series of Conference-debates organized by the BDP-Gabon Nouveau, the activist organization that I lead, that will take me on a tour to six French cities (Bordeaux, Lyon, Nancy, Amiens, Rennes and Paris) meeting with Gabonese expatriates and discussing with them the issue of democratization in Gabon, from May 27 to June 1, 2005.

Mengara, Daniel M. Invited Lecture on “The Humanistic Civilizations of Africa”, Miami Ohio University, Ohio, March 27, 2003.

Mengara, Daniel M. Invited Lecture on “Democratic Ambivalences and Arrested Development in Africa: The Case of Gabon”. Miami Ohio University, Ohio, March 26, 2003.

Mengara, Daniel. "Using Microsoft FrontPage 2000 to Develop and Deploy Web sites on the Internet." MSU Technology Expo, March 2000.

Mengara, Daniel M. “Africa's Stolen Identity: Deconstructing the Past in order to Reconstruct the Future”. Guest speaker at the TSAS (Tunisian Society of Anglo-Saxon Studies) Fifth Annual Conference on “Britain-The United States and North Africa: Interactions, Perceptions and Images”, University of Sfax, Tunisia, March 12-13, 1999

Mengara, Daniel M. “Slavery in Modern Day Africa: The Case of the West African Market Kids in Gabon”. Guest speech presented at mini-conference on "Slavery in Modern Day Africa" organized by the Department and Political Science and African American Studies, Montclair State University, February 25, 1999.

Mengara, Daniel M., “Perceptions of African Feminism: A Literary and Socio-Historical Perspective”. Global Education’s Tea and Talk Series, Montclair State University, April 23, 1997.

Mengara, Daniel M. “Teaching Multiculturally: Is Objectivity Possible? The Case of African and Postcolonial Societies”. Institute of the Humanities’ Teaching Multiculturally: Is Objectivity Possible? Conference. Montclair State University, April 3, 1997.


Mengara, Daniel, “De ‘La plus grande France’ à la France européenne: Le nationalisme français dans tous ses états.” Invited speech by Dr. Lois Oppenheim into her class with invitation to alumni, Montclair State University, Monday, May 3, 2021.

Mengara, Daniel, “Narratives of Africa: Stereotypes and Realities”, invited paid lecture. Montclair Public Library, Adult School Department, Montclair, February 6, 2020.

Mengara, Daniel. “La négritude comme héritage des peuples noirs: Perspectives et enseignements.” Invited Keynote Address to speak to close to 300 Haitian businessmen and professionals, August 14, 2010.

Mengara, Daniel M. “Parcours d’un étudiant noir”, Invited Speech. High Point Regional High School, New Jersey, November 20, 2006.

Mengara, Daniel M. "Charles de Gaulle and the French Empire." Guest Lecture at the Montclair Kimberley Academy, June 5, 2001.


I am or have been a Member of the Following MSU Institutions, Committees or Organizations

- Member of the CHSS Graduate Curriculum Committee for the Department of Political Science and Law
- Member of the Dean's CHSS College Reform Committee
- Member of the CHSS Dean’s Process Reform Sub-Committee
- Graduate Program Coordinator (GPC) for the Department of Political Science (2018-present).
- Member of the Montclair State University Senate
- Member of the Senate’s Student Affairs Council
- Member of the University Senate’s Elections Committee
- Member of the Senate’s Administrative Affairs Council
- Vice-President of Montclair State University Senate
- Chair of the Montclair State University Senate’s Constitution Committee
- Member of the Center of Pedagogy’s BA/MAT Dual Certification Steering Committee
- Member of the MSU Center of Pedagogy Task Force on World Languages and Faculty Liaison with the State of New Jersey's Department of Education for French
- Member of the CHSS NCATE/ACTFL Committee
- CHSS Representative to the World Cultures Committee (Formerly Multicultural Awareness Sub-Committee--MAR)
- Member of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences’ Computer Committee.
- Executive Director of SORAC, the Society of Research in African Cultures
- Member of the Advisory Committee of CERAF (Center for Economic Research on Africa).
- Supervisor of the Cercle Français, the French Club for students of French. (1996-2003)
- Member of the Department Committee on Teacher Education and Retention
- Chair of The Department PAC on Reappointment and Tenure
- Member of MSU's Disciplinary Hearing
- Graduate Program Coordinator and Certification Advisor for the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures
- Member of Department Modern Language’s Travel Committee
- Member of MSU's African American Caucus
- Faculty Mentor for MSU's Mentoring Program
- Faculty Advisor for the Haitian Student Organization
- Graduate and Certification Advisor for the Department of French, German and Russian
- Department Representative to the CHSS Graduate Council.
- CHSS Representative to the Multicultural Awareness Sub-Committee (MAR)
- Department Alternate to the CHSS Tech Council
- Member of French Department Search Committee

Organizations created, Conferences and Events organized at MSU, and Panels Chaired

Panel Chair, C-8 Freedom, Self-Censorship, Moral Policing on Social Media, 46th Annual meeting of the African Literature Association, May 26-29, 2021 (Online).

Panel Chair, Session IV-D-6 Art and Post-Independence Politics, 62nd Annual Meeting of the African Studies Association, Boston, MA, November 21-23, 2019.

Panel Chair, Session I.1 – L’espace urbain dans la littérature francophone. Annual African Literature Association conference, Washington, DC, May 23-26, 2018.

Panel Chair, Session B.15 - Apartheid’s Worlds. Annual African Literature Association conference, Yale University, New Haven, June 14-17, 2017

Chaired “War and Its Casualties” Panel at the Student Research Symposium, Montclair State University, April 12, 2014

Chaired the “Conflict and Conflict Resolution in Africa: History, Myths and Realities" Panel, SORAC International Conference, Montclair State University, October 7, 8 and 9, 2010.

Organized African Film Festival as part of the series of events celebrating African American Heritage Month at MSU, February 2010

Organized African & Caribbean Film Festival, 2003, co-sponsored by the French Club in an overall event entitled “CinemaFest: African, Caribbean and French Cinema.”

Organizer, in conjunction with the Institute for the Humanities, SORAC 2002 International Conference on “Internalist vs. Externalist Interpretations of African Culture and History,” Montclair State University, November 7-9, 2002.

Co-Organizer of "Dance, Music and Myths of the African World", in association with the Institute for the Humanities, February 8, 2001. Some 300 students attended this event.

Organizer of SORAC 2000 International Conference on "Black Thought and Movements in World History", Montclair State University. April 27-29, 2000, in association with the Institute for the Humanities.

Organizer, in conjunction with the Institute for the Humanities, of a mini conference on "African and Diasporic Religions: Voodoo, Witchcraft, Mysticism and Spirituality, What is it all About?" Event held on the occasion of the African American Heritage Month, February 25, 1999.

Organizer, in conjunction with Victoria Larson of Classics of SORAC 98, SORAC's International Conference on the "Images of Africa: Stereotypes and Realities", held at Montclair State University, October 22-24, 1998. About 140 speakers over three days.

Initiator, with Professor Mutombo Nkulu (now at Temple University), of the Africa and the Diaspora in the 21st Century Conference, Montclair State University, February 28, 1997.

Co-founder, with Mutombo Nkulu, of SORAC (Society of Research on African Cultures), MSU.

Member of the organizing committee of the Africa and the Diaspora in the 21st Century Conference, Montclair State University, February 28, 1997.

Co-organizer with the Institute for the Humanities of the December 11, 1997 conference, “Dialogue of Cultures: the Africa of Politics, Arts, and Religion, and its Impact on the West”.

Organizer of the African Film Festival Series, November-December 1997.

Co-organizer with the Institute for the Humanities of the February 26, 1997 conference, “The Path of the Slave: Africa, North America, South America and the Carribean”.


In relation to my political activism on Gabon, I have been interviewed by the following radio stations:

Interviewed on Abdourahmane Dia’s "Washington Forum" televised show on Voice of America, Janaury 22, 2021.

Interviewed and quoted as a special guest on Arzouma Kompaoré’s show on the Voice of America, January 13, 2021,

Interviewed on Abdourahmane Dia’s "Washington Forum" televised show on Voice of America, May 1, 2019:

Interview on the political situation in Gabon, Côte d’Ivoire and Africa on the Jacques Roger Show‘s “Dr. Mouketou reçoit” segment, an African Internet radio station based in Washington DC., and aiming at an African audience worldwide on December 20, 2020.

Interview on the political situation in Gabon, Côte d’Ivoire and Africa on the Jacques Roger Show‘s “Dr. Mouketou reçoit” segment, an African Internet radio station based in Washington DC., and aiming at an African audience worldwide on November 15, 2020.

Interview on the political situation in Gabon, Côte d’Ivoire and Africa on the Jacques Roger Show‘s “Dr. Mouketou reçoit” segment, an African Internet radio station based in Washington DC., and aiming at an African audience worldwide on July 11, 2020.

Interview on the political situation in Gabon on Résistance TV, a Gabonese Youtube TV channel with 97,000 Facebook members, April 25, 2020.

“Daniel Mengara donne ses avis sur la crise politique au Gabon et comment s’en sortir”. Blog Gabon Énervant, 2 août 2012.

“L’invité, Daniel Mengara,” Interview in Africanist Newspaper Intégration on the political situation in Gabon. Interview conducted by Célestin Ngoa Balla. Intégration No. 11 du 15 au 30 janvier 2011, pp. 2-4.
“Gabon, Daniel Mengara, l’homme du refus des compromissions”. Blog AM D-B, 26 juil 2012

“Ali Bongo veut réprimer la dissidence par des menaces de poursuites judiciaires cependant frivoles”. Blog Gabon Énervant, 11 sept 2011.

“Who’s Who”. Lettre du Continent, N° 618 du 08 septembre 2011, p. 8 (Magazine)

“Afrique: Déferlement Gabonais À Kalorama. Intégration,” 15 août 2011 (Newspaper)

“Invité: Daniel Mengara, opposant gabonais.” Interview in Africanist Newspaper Intégration on the political situation in Gabon. Interview conducted by Célestin Ngoa Balla. Intégration No. 007 du 1er au 15 septembre 2010, pp. 8-9 et p. 16

May 11, 2010, Interviewed for about an hour by AbidjanTV, an Internet-based TV station aiming at an African audience worldwide.

March 27, 2010, Interviewed for three minutes by AbidjanTV, an Internet-based TV station, aiming at an African audience worldwide.

March 7, 2010, Interviewed for more than an hour on the Jacques Roger Show, a radio station based in Washington DC., and aiming at an African audience worldwide.

As part of my political activism, I appeared on several Gabonese TV stations after I announced my candidacy for president in Gabon.

Interviewed on several Gabonese radio stations during my attempted presidential candidacy in Gabon in July 2009.

Was Interviewed on U.S.-based INRI RADIO - "Jacques-Roger Show" to talk about the elections in Gabon in July 2009. Interviewed again in September 2009 on the same show following the elections while I was still in Gabon.

As part of my political activism, I appeared on several Gabonese TV stations after I announced my candidacy for president in Gabon.

Interviewed on several Gabonese radio stations during my attempted presidential candidacy in Gabon in July 2009.

Was Interviewed on U.S.-based INRI RADIO - "Jacques-Roger Show" to talk about the elections in Gabon in July 2009. Interviewed again in September 2009 on the same show following the elections while I was still in Gabon

On September 15, 2008, gave an Interview on Mvet (Fang epic tale from Fang people of Gabon) that will be included in a radio documentary by John Rieger of SoundVision Productions, Berkeley, California
Interviewed by the Deutsche Welle, the international radio of the German Government, about the November 2005 Presidential election in Gabon, October 27, 2005:

Interviewed by the Voice of America (VOA), the international radio of the U.S. Government, about the November 2005 Presidential elections in Gabon, September 12, 2005. Interview available on the Web site of my political movement:

Interviewed by the Voice of America (VOA), the international radio of the U.S. Government, on the political conditions in Gabon, July 17, 2003. Interview available on the Web site of my political movement:

•“Daniel Mengara donne ses avis sur la crise politique au Gabon et comment s’en sortir”. Blog Gabon Énervant, 2 août 2012.
•“Gabon, Daniel Mengara, l’homme du refus des compromissions”. Blog AM D-B, 26 juil 2012
•“Ali Bongo veut réprimer la dissidence par des menaces de poursuites judiciaires cependant frivoles”. Blog Gabon Énervant, 11 sept 2011.
•“Who’s Who”. Lettre du Continent, N° 618 du 08 septembre 2011, p. 8 (Magazine)
•“Afrique: Déferlement Gabonais À Kalorama. Intégration,” 15 août 2011 (Newspaper)

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