Photo of University Hall

University Calendar


November 22, 2015, 7:08 pm - 11:00 pm
Location Student Center and Annex - Rathskeller
SponsorSLAMCostFREE!More Informationhttps:/‌/‌‌news/‌admin/‌editarticle.php?ArticleID=15476Posted InCampus Events
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With Thanksgiving quickly approaching, join us as we take the night to engage in a unique Thanksgiving activity.

Enjoy a mish mash of drinks and snacks and other favorites as we watch the football game together.

Bring your friends to play some board games and participate in the Pie Eating Contest!

SLAMocopia is brought to you by Student Life at Montclair (SLAM) - the SGA Programming Board. As a Project 1908, SLAMocopia will take place at 19:08 (7:08pm) because Montclair State University was founded in the year 1908 !

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For more information contact Joshua Bishop-Mbachu, Communication Coordinator: