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University Calendar

The Effect of Offshore Power on Beach Use and Tourism on the East Coast: Evidence from a Stated Preference Survey

March 20, 2018, 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Location Center for Environmental and Life Sciences - 120
Posted InCollege of Science and Mathematics

About Dr. George Parsons

George Parsons is a professor in the School of Marine Science & Policy at the University of Delaware. Most of his research has centered around economics and the environment, including valuation, policy design, and benefit-cost analysis. He is presently an Associate Editor of Resource and Energy Economics and has served on EPA’s Science Advisory Board. He holds a PhD in economics from the University of Wisconsin.  

About the Seminar

Parsons will discuss the results of a stated preference survey conducted for the Bureau of Ocean and Energy Management concerned with the potential impact of offshore wind power on beach use and tourism on the East Coast. He will show several visual simulations used in his internet-based survey, report the impact suggested by his results, and discuss how the data are used in a model to estimate economic values. The model discussed is a Travel Cost Random Utility Model.