The Global Center on Human Trafficking


Sadi Ahmed was lured to Rawalpindi in the hope of getting a job, but was held hostage for three months by an organ trafficking gang. Sadi was one of 24 people rescued by police in Rawalpindi, Pakistan. They had been imprisoned in a building in an affluent suburb, awaiting the forced removal of their kidneys. “There were 20 to 25 other persons sitting. I was told to shut up and be quiet and sit there. About 10 minutes later, the agent arrived and said get ready as I was going in for a test. I asked, ‘What type of a test are you taking me for? What type of work are you offering?’.” The traffickers wanted to test his kidney, and told him he would be given the equivalent of £2,300 for the organ. Mr. Ahmed says he was “beaten up, not allowed to go out, we were padlocked in”. “We were threatened that the police would beat us up and we would be killed.” When police raided the building, Mr. Ahmed was saved just in time. He was due to have his kidney removed at a nearby hospital, called the Kidney Centre, a few hours later. (Source)

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