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University News

New Works by University Authors Debut at Annual Reception

Posted in: Arts, Communication and Media

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The seventh annual reception for Montclair State University authors was held on April 21, 2015, in Sprague Library’s Periodicals Reading Room and faculty and staff gathered to recognize those who had recently authored books or created CDs and to browse through the displayed works.

Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Willard Gingerich, who cosponsored the reception together with Library Services Dean Judith Lin Hunt, said that the past year’s output by University faculty and staff comprised more than 38 works, including books, a DVD and music CDs.

The books and CDs on display were produced by faculty and staff from every College and School in the University and ranged from books on art, music, philosophy, politics, science and business to novels and poetry. Calling it an “impressive output,” Gingerich noted that more than 298 works have been published by University personnel since the first author’s reception was held in 2009.

“Congratulations to all of you who are authors,” said Gingerich and emphasized the importance of scholarly achievements by faculty to the reputation of the University. “It’s what makes us a University; this makes our claim substantial and real.”

Many faculty and staff were on hand to mingle, view the works on display and talk about their books. As in past years, the reception provided the opportunity for faculty members to see the actual work others had produced and to catch up with colleagues from other departments and colleges. A booklet with a synopsis and cover image of each of the new works was also available to take home.

The books will be on display in the exhibit case in the lobby of Sprague Library until the end of May and copies of the booklet are available at the Library’s circulation and reference desks. All members of the University community are encouraged to pick up a copy.

The booklet – as well as the booklets for all previous years – is also available online at the websites of the Provost and the Library, and can be viewed below.


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