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Shannan Clark
Associate Professor, History, College of Humanities and Social Sciences
- Office:
- Dickson Hall 415
- Email:
- clarksh@montclair.edu
- Degrees:
- BA, University of Pennsylvania
- MA, Tulane University
- MPhil, Columbia University
- PhD, Columbia University
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Professor Clark teaches a range of courses on the history of the modern United States. Prior to joining Montclair State in 2008, he taught at Tulane University, the University of Missouri at St. Louis, Columbia University, the Van Arsdale Labor Center of Empire State College (SUNY), and Princeton University. His research explores the development of white-collar work in the twentieth-century United States, with a particular focus on labor relations within the culture industries, including advertising, the print media, the broadcast media, and design. He is the author of The Making of the American Creative Class: New York's Culture Workers and Twentieth-Century Consumer Capitalism.
Professor Clark teaches the following courses at Montclair State University:
HIST 100 -- The Study of History
HIST 118 -- U.S. History since the Civil War
HIST 212 -- Social History of the United States
HIST 321 -- History of American Workers since 1860
HIST 365 -- History of the Mass-Communication Media in the United States
HIST 400 -- Senior Seminar: Inequality in Modern America
HIST 411 -- Cultural and Intellectual History of the United States since 1880
HIST 437 -- The Rise and Decline of the New Deal Order: U.S. Politics and Society, 1920-1980
HIST 499 -- The Vietnam Wars
Office Hours
- Monday
- 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
- 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
- Thursday
- 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
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- The Making of the American Creative Class: New York's Culture Workers and Twentieth-Century Consumer Capitalism -- Oxford University Press
- Interview on The Making of the American Creative Class with Pierre d"Alancaisez for New Books Network (Posted April 6, 2021)
- Interview on The Making of the American Creative Class with Sasha Lilley for KPFA Radio's Against The Grain (Original Broadcast March 15, 2021)
- Review of The Making of the American Creative Class by Emily Holloway for The Gotham Center for New York City History (April 1, 2021)
- Review of The Making of the American Creative Class by Robin Kaiser-Schatzlein for The New Republic (January 4, 2021)