Your Place to BE…more!
Posted in: Discussion Groups, Inclusion News, Uncategorized, Upcoming Events

OSJD: Your Place to BE
Welcome Home, Red Hawks! The Office for Social Justice and Diversity (OSJD) wishes you an amazing fall 2022 semester. As you begin or continue your journey at Montclair State University, look to the OSJD as Your Place to BE. Located in the Student Center Annex, Suite 113, we house the Multicultural Center, Center for Faith and Spirituality, Women’s Center and LGBTQ+ Center. Stop by our office for lunch, to study, hangout, join a weekly discussion group or take an educational training or workshop. Grab a friend and attend one of our many programs and events across campus! The OSJD welcomes ALL of who you are and strives to curate the best experiences that allow and encourage your identities, interests and beliefs to flourish and BE. No matter how you show up, know that our office is home. Also Check Us Out Online!
Red Hawk Pantry Celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month
Did you know you have complete access to the Red Hawk Pantry? The Red Hawk Pantry is a free resource center located in Blanton Hall that allows all students, faculty and staff to get food, toiletries and/or other personal items of their choosing, if they are in need of them.
This month, Red Hawk Pantry partnered with the Latin American Student Organization (LASO) in the first installment of the “A Taste of Culture” video series. In celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month, the LASO Secretary, Alexa, made a cultural dish with ingredients from the pantry and you can do the same! If you’d like to diversify your cuisine and expand your palate – look to the Red Hawk Pantry for all the ingredients you’ll need to excite your taste buds! Let’s Get Cooking!
Unsung Heroes
Far too often Hispanic and Latinx people are left out of the conversations regarding LGBTQ+ history. However, with help from the Latinx History Project (LHP) and other LGBTQ+ Hispanic and Latinx activists, the names and stories of those who came before us and helped shape the community of today will no longer be forgotten. Learn More.
Minor in Native American and Indigenous Studies
Montclair State’s new Native American and Indigenous Studies program explores the vibrancy and resilience of Native nations today. Learn about their ongoing struggles against racial injustice, settler colonialism and do community-engaged work with a local Native American community. This 18 credit minor involves an introductory course (NAIS 101), a capstone seminar (NAIS 401) and a choice of courses from a wide range of departments across the University. Enroll Today.
There are many ways of exploring gratitude for our bodies and here at emBODIED, a weekly peer-led discussion group sponsored by the Office for Social Justice and Diversity, we encourage an acceptance of self and the appearance of all body types. The OSJD is here to support and develop an affirming approach to beauty. Join us every Thursday, 1-2 p.m., Student Center, Room 417, to meet friends, learn and foster an understanding of body positivity and increase self-esteem, self-worth and confidence! We Are Here For You.
OSJD Ambassador of the Month
Congratulations! Olga Ramirez has been selected as the September 2022 OSJD ambassador of the Month! Their nominator writes: “Olga has shown exceptional promise with her discussion roup, First to Finish. As a first-year Peer Facilitator who was inspired to volunteer for the role due to her personal experience as a group participant, Olga has prepared extremely well for the conversations she’ll lead. This demographic needs someone who is supportive, well-versed in all things Montclair State University, a role model who’s on top of their game and a comforting spirit. Olga is all of these things and in partnership w/ EOF will be a great leader for the first gen student population.”
Observance Calendars
In accordance with the Religious Holidays Policy and as a service to the entire university community, the Department of Religion and Center for Faith and Spirituality maintain an evolving religious observances calendar and interfaith observance calendar on their websites that is meant to serve as a scheduling and educational tool for instructors, staff and students. The calendar is not an endorsement of what is, or is not, considered a “religion” and will be periodically updated with the input of the University community. Questions or suggested additions may be directed to or
Safe Space Training
Our Safe Space Training Program is a three-hour intensive and interactive training that provides attendees with information and tools to combat homophobia, biphobia, transphobia, cissexism and heterosexism, on campus and beyond. Through interactive activities and discussion, participants will personally reflect on their own experiences to enhance their personal and professional development, provide further education and finally, identify ways to create change on campus. Want to get Safe Space Trained? Register Today!
Here are just a few of the available discussion groups and events of interest:
Discussion Groups
- A-Space: Tuesdays, 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., Student Center, Room 417.
- Transcending Boundaries: Wednesdays, 2-3 p.m., Student Center, Room 417.
- Let’s Talk (Individual Walk-In Session): Monday-Friday at various locations/times.
- Beyond Binaries: Wednesdays, 4-5 p.m., Student Center, Room 417.
- First to Finish (Bi-Weekly): Thursdays, Wednesdays, 4-5 p.m., Student Center, Room 419.
Upcoming Events
- MUFASA Meet and Greet: Thursday, October 13, 7-8:45 p.m., Student Center, Dining Room.
- HSA Week – Guess That Tune: Thursday, October 13, 8:30-10 p.m., Student Center Annex, Red Hawk Nest.
- BSU Men Appreciation Dinner: Sunday, October 16, 7-10 p.m., University Hall, 7th Floor Conference Center.
- Becoming Eve: Wednesday, October 19, 11 a.m. – 1 p.m., Student Center, Ballroom C.
- Gartentreff: Wednesday October 19 and 26, 2:15-2:45 p.m., Community Garden, Behind the Student Center.
- APIC Mixer and Diwali Lunch: Thursday, October 20, 11:30 a.m. – 2: p.m., Student Center Dining Room & Ballroom C.
- Transformative Education Network’s Critical Urban Education Speaker Series: Thursday, October 20, 5:30-7 p.m., Online.
- Blackity Blackity Black Black: Wednesday, October 26, 7:30-10 p.m., Student Center, Dining Room.
- Brettspielabend: Thursday, October 27, 7-9 p.m., Student Center, Dining Room.
- Lip Sync Battle: Friday, October 28, 6-8 p.m., Student Center Annex, Red Hawk Nest.
- Halloween Bash: Friday, October 28, 7:30-9:30 p.m., Student Center, Rathskeller.
- SASA Field Day: Wednesday, November 2, 3:30-5 p.m., Student Center, Quad.
- Annual Dia de los Muertos Festival: Wednesday, November 2, 3:30-6:30 p.m., Student Center, Ballrooms.
- Sankofa: Saturday, November 5, 7-10 p.m., University Hall, 7th Floor Conference Center.
- In The Fire: Thursday, November 10, 7:30-9:30 p.m., Alexander Kasser Theater.
- Caribbean Ball: Sunday, November 13, 7-11 p.m., University Hall, 7th Floor Conference Center.
Please email if you have any questions or suggestions for our next issue.