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News Students Can Use

Phishing Scam Reminder

Email Phishing Scams Targeting Students with Offers for Off-campus Jobs and Financial Help.

Posted in: Announcements, Featured News, Safety

Important Reminder News Item Banner

Over the past two weeks we have seen an increase in the number of email phishing scams targeting students with offers for off-campus employment, financial assistance, etc. These emails often masquerade as legitimate Montclair State communications by forging a faculty member’s email address or referencing the University in some way in the reply-to address. The start of a new semester is usually seen by scammers as a prime opportunity to catch students off guard since there are often many official email communications from the University sent to you at this time.

We ask that you please be alert for any email you may receive that claims to be affiliated with Montclair State University and that asks for any personal information, contact information, credit card number, etc. These messages are almost always fraudulent and designed to gather data that can be used for identity theft or financial abuse.

As a general reminder:

Do not trust emails or texts from sources that you do not know. Look at both the display name and the email address of the sender, and see if you recognize them. Also be suspicious of prevalent spelling and grammar errors, false information such as incorrect department names, and requests for personal information or credentials.

PLEASE NOTE: Montclair State’s Division of Information Technology and
other administrative and academic units will NEVER under any
circumstances ask you to provide your password, social security number,
protected health information, or other personal information in an email.
ANY email you receive asking for such information, regardless of the
alleged source, should be considered fraudulent and deleted immediately.

We thank you for your continued diligence in recognizing and avoiding
phishing scams. For  additional information about identifying and
protecting yourself against phishing scams please visit the IT website.