Photo of the Red Hawk statue.
News Students Can Use

Your Experience with Food Insecurity

An Important Survey to Help the University Provide Vital Services.

Posted in: Announcements, Dean of Students News, Featured News, Red Hawk News, Wellness

Image of fall leaves from a tree on campus.

As we look to enhance our services for students who may be experiencing food insecurity on the Montclair State University campus, we need your input, honest feedback and perspective regarding how the University can serve our students, most in need, as effectively as possible.

Food Insecurity Is Even Greater Now!

In 2018, The US Government Accountability Office (GAO) reported that insufficient food and housing is one of the biggest barriers to success for college students nationwide.  With the pandemic, we know that need has increased on all levels for food access as well as housing security for many Americans. We are incredibly proud of our Red Hawk Pantry, which serves the needs of our students who find themselves without consistent access to food. In light of the pandemic, we want to learn more about the current needs of our campus community and how best we can meet and exceed those challenges to ensure all of our students have access to success while enrolled at Montclair State.

Your Input Is Vital

Please take a moment to complete this survey.

Your input, experiences and perspectives are critical as we look to expand our support programs and services at Montclair State University.

Thank you in advance for your support and participation. By completing this survey, you are truly making a difference in our community.


Dr. S

Dawn Meza Soufleris, PhD
Vice President for Student Development & Campus Life
Montclair State University