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Richard Lord

Professor, Accounting and Finance, Feliciano School of Business

School of Business 348
BS, Georgia Institute of Technology
MBA, University of Georgia
PhD, University of Georgia
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Dr. Lord has taught a broad range of undergraduate and graduate courses at Montclair State. His research activities focus mainly on corporate finance issues. He is a member of leading academic organizations, such as the American Finance Association, Southern Finance Association, Eastern Finance Association, and Southwestern Finance Association. He has presented his research at many national and international conferences and has published widely, in such journals asFinancial Management, the Financial Review, the Journal of Applied Finance, and the Quarterly Journal of Business and Economics. Dr. Lord serves on the editorial board of the journal Financial Decisions and is USA Regional Coordinator for the Society for Global Business and Economic Development. He served on the organizing committee for the 2010 meeting of the Northeast Business and Economics Association (NBEA).

Dr. Lord has been heavily involved in curricular development in the Feliciano School of Business, emphasizing “real life” educational experiences and stressing practical problem-solving and the use of technology in crafting solutions. He is a proponent of internships and of cross disciplinary exposure and believes that professionalism and strong communications skills are critical elements of business success.

Dr. Lord possesses an MBA and a PhD in Finance from the University of Georgia and a B.S in Mechanical Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology.


Corporate Debt Policy
Executive Compensation
Capital Budgeting Decision Making

Refereed Published Articles

  • R. Lord, W. Farr, L. Narain (2000). Firm Operating Characteristics and Systematic Risk: An Empirical Study of the Steel Industry. Journal of Accounting and Finance Research
  • R. Lord, W. Farr (2003). Collusion and Financial Leverage: An Analysis of the Integrated Mill Steel Industry. Financial Management
  • R. Lord, J. McIntyre (2003). Leverage, Imports, Profitability, Exchange Rates and Capital-Investment: A Panel Data Study of the Textile and Apparel Industries 1974-1987. International Review of Financial Analysis
  • R. Lord (2007). When to Delay the Purchase of Capital Equipment Because of the Possibility of Obsolescence. Journal of Applied Finance
  • , Y. Saito, R. Lord (2008). Reversal in Earnings and Mean Analysts' Earning Forecasts. International Journal of Business Resaerch
  • R. Lord (2008). Financial Performance of Mexican ADR's Listed on US Exchanges Surrounding the 1995 Peso Crisis. Journal of International Finance and Economics
  • R. Lord, Y. Saito (2010). Effect of Exchange Rates and Gasoline Prices on Japanese Automobile Imports. International Trade Journal
  • J. Yang, R. Lord (2010). Break-even Analysis for Stock-based Compensation Plans. International Journal of Applied Accounting and Finance
  • R. Lord, Y. Saito (2010). Trends in CEO Compensation and Equity Holdings for S&P 1,500 Firms: 1994-2007. Journal of Applied Finance
  • S. Yu, R. Lord, G. Webb (2010). The Hot-Growth Companies: How Well Do Analysts Predict Their Performance. Journal of Economics and Business
  • R. Lord (2012). Executive Compensation at Commercial Banks Before and After the Financial Crisis of 2007-2008. Financial Decisions
  • R. Lord, Y. Saito (2017). Refocusing Through Discontinued Operations in Response to Acquisitions and Diversification. Advances in Accounting
  • R. Lord, Y. Saito (2012). Does Compensation Structure Alleviate Personal CEO Risks?. Journal of Business Finance & Accounting
  • J. Yang, R. Lord, Y. Saito (2017). Income Shifting: Can the OECD MLI Succeed?. Journal of International Taxation
  • J. Yang, R. Lord, Y. Saito (2017). The Evolution of Economic Nexus in Internet Commerce, State Income and International Taxation. Journal of Internet Law, a CCH publication
  • M. Berenson, N. Koppel, R. Lord, L. Chapdelaine (2018). Using Financial Investment Measures to Proactively Engage Students in the Business Statistics Course. Journal of Statistics Education
  • R. Lord, Y. Saito, J. Yang (2019). Has the United States Really Changed From a Worldwide to a Territorial Tax System?. Journal of Taxation of Investments
  • R. Lord, Y. Saito (2020). Why Discontinue Operations? Interrelated Elements of the Corporate Focus Hypothesis. International Journal of Managerial Finance
  • R. Lord, J. Nicholson, Y. Saito, M. Dugan (2020). CEO Compensation, Portfolio Holdings and Strategic Investments. Journal of Financial Economic Policy

Published Proceedings

  • R. Lord (5s). 2001. Design of Financial Leverage and Compensation to Control Managerial Conservatism and Risk-Shifting Incentives Abstracts of the American Accounting Association
  • R. Lord, Y. Saito (5s). 2004. Interrelationship Between the Components of Managerial Compensation and Firm Characteristics Program and Proceedings of the American Accounting Association Meeting in 2004
  • R. Lord, J. McIntyre (5s). 2003. Exchange Rates and Hysteresis in the American Textile and Apparel Industries: 1974-1987 Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Global Business and Economic Development
  • R. Lord, J. McIntyre (5s). 2003. Leverage and Textile Imports in the Textile and Apparel Industries Reconsidered: A Panel Data Study 1974-1987 Proceedings of the Northeastern Business and Economics Association
  • R. Lord, Y. Saito (5s). 2005. Effect of Managerial Risk Exposure and Firm Performance on the Design of Compensation Contracts Proceedings of the American Accounting Association Meeting in 2005
  • R. Lord (5s). 2006. Financial Performance of Mexican Firms Listed on US Exchanges Before and After the Peso Crisis of 1995 Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Conference of the National Business and Economics Society
  • R. Lord, Y. Saito, K. Tone, M. Tsutsui (5s). 2008. The Interrelationship Between Firm Performance, Managerial Compensation and Technical and Allocative Efficiency in the Electric Power Industry Book of Abstracts for the North American Productivity Workshop
  • , R. Lord, Y. Saito (5s). 2007. External Factors Affecting the Decline of the American Automotive Industry Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Global Business and Economic Development
  • R. Lord, Z. Zamanian (5s). 2009. The Interrelationship of Carbon Dioxide Emissions with Technological and Economics Development 11th International Conference of the Society for Global Business and Economic Development
  • R. Lord (5s). 2011. Compensation at American Commercial Banks Before and After the Financial Crisis of 2007-2008 Society for Global Business and Economic Development
  • R. Lord, Y. Saito, K. Tone, M. Tsutsui (5s). 2010. Efficiency, CEO Compensation and Market Performance of American Electrical Utilities Book of Abstracts for the North American Productivity Workshop
  • R. Lord (5s). 2014. Executive Compensation in Intangible Intensive Industries Society for Global Business and Development

Books & Chapters

  • S. Yu, R. Lord (2010). Selected Papers from the Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Finance Association in 2009. Managerial Finance, Emerald Group Publishing Limited
  • S. Yu, R. Lord (2010). Selected Papers from the Annual Meeting of the Southern Finance Association in 2008. Managerial Finance, Emerald Group Publishing Limited
  • S. Yu, R. Lord (2011). Selected Papers from the Annual Meeting of the Northeast Business and Economics Association in 2010. Financial Decisions