The Montclarion Wins College Newspaper Awards

Montclair State University’s student-run news organization, The Montclarion, won nine New Jersey Press Foundation (NJPF) College Newspaper awards – including six first-place awards.

“At a time when the world more than ever needs dedicated, professional journalists able to create content across a range of platforms, these students are rising to the challenge of becoming the media leaders of tomorrow,” says School of Communication and Media Director Keith Strudler.

According to Haley Wells, editor-in-chief of The Montclarion: “These awards really focus on the writing of the articles, which just goes to show how important great writing and reporting are to a news organization.”

The Montclarion staff took home first-place awards in news, feature, and arts and entertainment/critical stories, and a second-place award for editorial writing. It also won first place for photography and picked up firsts and thirds for web project and online video.

“This is a huge win for The Montclarion,” says Assistant Professor Tara George, head of Journalism and Television/Digital Media, who serves as faculty advisor for The Montclarion. “In the last four years, the students and I have worked to develop the multi-platform digital nature of the paper while still respecting its print roots….With their wins, they have proven not just that they are awesome, but that they are awesome across multiple platforms.”