Tamara Leech Named to 2022 Class of Andrew Carnegie Fellows

Public Health Associate Professor Tamara Leech has been named to the 2022 class of Andrew Carnegie Fellows and will be awarded a $200,000 stipend to devote up to two years for research and writing in the humanities and social sciences.

Leech’s work centers on the well-being of youths who live in marginalized and underserved urban environments. In 2019, Leech co-authored a study about common recruitment and retention obstacles that scholars interested in racial disparities research face: potential mistrust from the Black community; a stigmatized research topic; and high participation burden.

The goal of her fellowship project, “Community Conversations and Reimagining Public Safety,” is to help cities center impacted communities in their public safety redesign process.

Her research will involve community conversations and help produce tool kits for scholars, municipalities and community members trying to reimagine first response in their cities. “Ensuring that communities have a meaningful voice in the reform process is critical to developing effective and equitable public safety systems,” Leech says.

The fellowship is backed by the Carnegie Corporation of New York, a philanthropic foundation that supports scholarship and research into the social sciences and humanities, and addresses important societal issues. Leech is one of 28 distinguished scholars and writers selected for this year’s class.