University Calendar
Rethinking Social Competence Across the Spectrum and the Lifespan

Please join us! Thursday (10/20) from 10:45-11:45 AM in Cohen Lounge (Dickson 178) for the Psychology Department's invited talk by Dr. Matthew D. Lerner, titled "Rethinking Social Competence Across the Spectrum and the Lifespan."
Matthew D. Lerner, PhD
Associate Professor of Psychology, Psychiatry, & Pediatrics
Director, Social Competence & Treatment Lab
Research Director, Stony Brook Autism Initiative
Co-Director, Stony Brook LEND Center
Stony Brook University
Talk Abstract:
The capacity for social connection is considered fundamental for human development and flourishing. However, there is vast variation in how readily and effectively such connection is achieved - with some populations, such as autistic individuals, often defined by difficulties in doing so. In recent years, assumptions about how, when, and with whom these difficulties emerge have been upended, revealing often surprising implications for how best to help (or not help) those who frequently struggle to find their place in the world. In this talk, these recent shifts will be reviewed, and research into novel approaches to intervention across the lifespan will be introduced. Finally, methodological, ethical, and training implications to guide new directions for ontogenetic research will be discussed.
Hope to see you there, and please feel free to share with any interested colleagues and students!