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University Calendar

Philosophy for Lunch - "De-severing the Digital World"

March 5, 2020, 11:45 am - 12:45 pm
Location Schmitt Hall - 104
SponsorThe Department of PhilosophyCostFreeMore Informationhttps:/‌/‌‌philosophy/‌philosophy-for-lunch/‌Posted InCollege of Humanities and Social Sciences
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"De-severing the Digital World"

Description: In our technology-ridden lifestyle, our attention is constantly taken to different places: we often get lost in the use of our smartphones, where videos, texts, articles, and social media pull us into what feels like another world.  For Heidegger, a constitutive part of our existence is our tendency to reduce, or "de-sever" the remoteness of that which is far: we bring entities close to us, not in terms of physical distance, but in practical awareness or activity.  What would Heidegger say about our earnest use of smartphones?  We feel that they are close, in that they are always readily available for something like a quick Google search— but is there a danger in how often we pull the digital world in?  When we pull it in, what are we pushing away?

Thursdays, 11:45 AM–12:45 PM

Schmitt Hall, Room 104

What is P4L?
Students and professors close-read and discuss a few great passages of philosophy.

Who’s invited?
No preparation or previous knowledge of philosophy is needed. Everyone is welcome!

Should I bring anything?
Bring a beverage, and if you’re hungry, bring your actual lunch.