Dr. Cortni Borgerson

Assistant Professor, Anthropology
Email: borgersonc@montclair.edu
Office: 973-655-7198
Skype: cortnib
Twitter: @CortniBorgerson
Instagram: @CortniBorgerson
Faculty Profile
Expert on the hunting of endangered species, the incentives for illegal behavior, natural resource use and food security, primates, insect eating, the human dimensions of conservation, and both the culture and wildlife of Madagascar.
Areas of Expertise
- Endangered Species Hunting
- Illegal Behavior
- Natural Resource Use and Food Security
- Primates
- Lemurs
- Insect Eating
- Human Dimensions of Conservation
- Madagascar
- Animal Planet: Extinct or Alive
- National Geographic Bee
- Yes, Cicadas are safe to eat–and They’re Delicious (Free Republic)
- Billions of cicadas are about to emerge, creating a once-in-a-lifetime spectacle (National Geographic)
- Can you eat cicadas? Billions of tasty bugs expected in Illinois this summer (My State Line)
- How eating ‘bacon bugs’ helps save lemurs National Geographic
- 11 Cicadas Recipes To Help You Enjoy the Latest Brood (AOL)