Dr. Marc Favata

Professor and Chairperson, Physics and Astronomy
Email: favatam@montclair.edu
Office: 973-655-4406
Faculty Profile
Expert on theoretical astrophysics, relativity, and gravitational wave astronomy.
Areas of Expertise
- Theoretical Astrophysics
- Relativity
- Gravitational Wave Astronomy
- Scientists find gravitational waves, say Einstein was right (Asbury Park Press)
- Montclair State Professor Is Changing The Way We See ‘Gravity’ (Patch.com)
- Montclair State physicists part of team that detected distant stars colliding (Northjersey.com)
- How often do black holes get kicked out of star clusters? (American Astronomical Society NOVA)
- Scientists Observe Collisions of Neutron Stars with Black Holes (MSU University News)
- A roar, a crash and a major scientific tool that was a piece of New Jersey’s roots is done | Opinion (The Star Ledger)
- Experts weigh in on current job market trends (Zippia.com)
- What happens when black holes collide? (Astronomy Magazine)