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Auditing a Course

About This Policy

Last Updated
Policy Owner
Academic Affairs
Responsible Office
Academic Affairs


Audit: To “audit” a single course at Montclair State University is to attend class regularly, without the obligation of participating in class discussions, laboratory work, examinations, performances or any class activity other than listening.


Auditing A Single Course

A course may be audited under the following conditions:

  • Audited courses do not carry academic credit.
  • The University’s attendance policy applies to audited courses.
  • Students auditing a course must establish eligibility for admission, register, and pay the required tuition and fees.
  • Students must file an Audit Application with the Office of the Registrar prior to the end of the first week of classes for fall and spring regularly scheduled courses or its equivalent for short term courses, courses that meet less than full term and summer courses.
  • A course may be audited only if the department chairperson permits, and if there is space in the class.

For students who audit and are also registered for courses carrying regular academic credit

  • Audited courses are considered part of the student’s course load which may not exceed the maximum limits.
  • An “audit” may not be changed to “credit” nor a “credit” to “audit” after the first week of the semester.
  • The student’s record will show a grade of “AU” for the course if the instructor certifies by such a grade that the prescribed conditions, including required attendance, have been met.

For students who are registered ONLY for “audited” courses:

  • The student may not change to a credit basis during the term of enrollment.
  • The student’s record will show a grade of “AU” for the course if the instructor certifies, by assigning a passing grade, that the prescribed conditions, including required attendance, have been met.
  • A student who later seeks credit by examination for a course previously audited must be enrolled at the University at the time that the examination is taken and is subject to such fee charges for the examination as the University may establish.
  • A student who has audited a course may take the course at a later date for credit.


Any student electing the audit option must complete an “Audit Application,” obtain the approval signature of the Department Chair, and return it to the Office of the Registrar prior to the end of the first week of classes for regularly scheduled fall and spring semester courses or its equivalent for short-term courses, other courses that meet less than full term, and summer courses.

Auditors will only be granted admission to courses with permission from the instructor and the chairperson provided that all matriculated students have already been admitted and it is still possible to register for the course

Long Term Auditors

Montclair provides access to academic courses for students desiring to continue their education without earning college credit. Non-credit/non-degree status affords an opportunity for individuals to pursue lifelong learning.

Auditing students who take numerous classes as non-credit/non-degree students are considered “Lifelong Learners” and include the following groups:

  • New Jersey residents 65 years of age or older
  • Students who have already earned degrees
  • Non-traditional students who wish to begin their studies as non-degree students but who may want to be considered for degree-seeking status later.

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