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Ginneh Collins

Associate Director of Graduate Recruitment, Office of Graduate Admissions, Enrollment Management

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The Associate Director of Graduate Recruitment in the Office of Graduate Admission manages all graduate program recruitment initiatives. We have four reporting Assistant Directors of Graduate Recruitment and Sr. Assistant Director of Graduate Recruitment. Each Assistant Director manages and specializes in a college.

Alexis Wallace- Feliciano School of Business (SBUS)

Arturo Arana- College of Art (CART), College of Humanities and Social Science (CHSS) and School of Nursing (SNUR)

Courtney Catalano- College of Science and Mathematics (CSAM)

Alexandra Moore- College for Education and Engaged Learning (CEEL) and College for Community Health (CCHL)

Isabella Soulloum- International Recruitment

The team helps all potential students, applicants, and new students and aids new student registration. Our goal is to provide world-class service through a seamless admission process. We are dedicated to providing each student with a personalized experience.

Office Hours


8:30 am - 4:30 pm
I am in the office Monday-Wednesday. I am virtual on Thursday and Friday.


8:30 am - 4:30 pm
I am in the office Monday- Friday.