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Ozlem Cosgun
Associate Professor, Information Management and Business Analytics, Feliciano School of Business
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Dr. Ozlem Cosgun is an Associate Professor at the Feliciano School of Business in the Information Management and Business Analytics (IMBA) department. She holds BS, Master, and Ph.D. degrees in Industrial Engineering and has a second BS degree in Computer Engineering. She has 12+ years of academic experience and supervised many master's and Ph.D. students.
Before joining MSU, she worked at several universities and taught both undergraduate and graduate courses such as Operations and Supply Chain Management, Management Science, Operations Research, Business Intelligence and DSS, Predictive Analytics, Programming for Analytics, Quantitative Research Methods, Data Analysis, Applied Statistics, Research Methods, Systems Engineering, and Mathematical Programming and Modelling courses.
Dr. Cosgun’s research interests include the applications of machine learning and optimization, and she published her research in peer-reviewed journals such as Computers and Industrial Engineering, and Knowledge-Based Systems. She has also served as a session chair and presented her research at numerous national and international conferences.
- Abdurrezzak Sener, <b>Ozlem Cosgun</b>, Burak Cankaya. Advanced data analytics for improving the reliability of trucks and supply chain safety, <i>will be submitted to</i> <i>International Journal of Information and Decision Sciences</i>
- Kibis, E., <b>Cosgun, O.</b> Determining the optimal chemotherapy dosage for stage II breast cancer patients: A hybrid model of machine learning and optimization techniques,<i> will be submitted to Computers and Industrial Engineering (A in ABDC / Q1 in SJR)</i>
- Eyyub Kibis, Musa Caglar, Ali Dag, <b>Ozlem Cosgun</b>, Serhat Simsek, An SIR Model for controlling the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) outbreak: Policies and suggestions, <i>will be submitted to POMS (A* in ABDC/Q1 in SJR)</i>
- Eyyub Kibis, <b>Ozlem Cosgun</b>. An integrated machine learning approach with mixed integer linear programming: Determining optimal chemotherapy dosage for stage II breast cancer patients. <i>will be submitted to Computers and Industrial Engineering (impact factor:5.431)</i>
- Cankaya, B., <b>Cosgun, O.,</b> Topuz, K., Garcia, High-Stakes Decision Making with Data Envelopment Analysis and XAI: Creating and Predicting a New Sustainable Operational Efficiency Metric for Airlines
- <i>Sun, Y-C., <b>Cosgun, O</b>. Optimizing Telehealth Utilization: Enhancing Efficiency and Equity in Healthcare – Lessons learned from COVID-19<u> </u></i>
- <b>Ozlem Cosgun</b>, Eyyub Kibis. Capacity Planning of Hospital Beds and Ventilators in New York City during COVID-19, <i>will be submitted to Computers and Industrial Engineering (impact factor:5.431)</i>
Professional Experience
- Assistant Professor, College of Business and Information Systems Dakota State University, SD, USA (2018 - 2019)
- Research and Teaching Assistant , Istanbul Kultur University (2003 - 2011)
- Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering, Istanbul Arel University (2011 - 2011)
- Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering, Istanbul University Cerrahpasa (2011 - 2015)
- Post-doc Research Associate, Department of Industrial, Systems and Manufacturing Engineering, Wichita State University, KS, USA (2015 - 2018)
- Adjunct Professor, College of Information Technology and Engineering, Marshall University, WV, USA (2017 - 2018)
- Associate Professor, Montclair State University (2023 - Present)
- Associate Professor, Information Systems Engineeering and Management Harrisburg University of Science and Technology, Harrisburg, PA, USA (2022 - 2023)
- Assistant Professor, Information Systems Engineeering and Management Harrisburg University of Science and Technology, Harrisburg, PA, USA (2019 - 2022)
Honors & Awards
- Istanbul Kultur University Full Scholarship , Istanbul Kultur University (September 1998)
- Ranked first in the Department of Industrial Engineering, Istanbul Kultur University (June 2003)
- Istanbul Municipality Scholarship , Istanbul Municipality (January 2004)
- Ranked second in the Department of Computer Engineering, Istanbul Kultur University (June 2004)
- TUBITAK PhD. Scholarship , TUBITAK (January 2006)
- TUBITAK MS. Scholarship, TUBITAK (January 2005)
Refereed Published Articles
- S. Ugurlu, O. Cosgun, Y. Ekinci (2012). A Dynamic Pricing Model for a Maritime Transportation Service Provider. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE SYSTEMS
- O. Cosgun, U. Kula, C. Kahraman (2013). Markdown Optimization via Approximate Dynamic Programming. International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems
- O. Cosgun, I. GULTAS, M. SERARSLAN (2013). Application of a Mathematical Model to an Advertisement Reservation Problem. An International Journal of Optimization and Control: Theories and Applications
- O. Cosgun, G. Kaya (2014). Data Envelopment Analysis Application in Turkish Energy Market. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE SYSTEMS
- O. Cosgun, Y. Ekinci, S. Ugurlu (2014). Fuzzy rule-based demand forecasting for dynamic pricing of a maritime company. Knowledge-Based Systems
- O. Cosgun, U. Kula, C. Kahraman (2013). Analysis of cross-price effects on markdown policies by using function approximation techniques. KNOWLEDGE-BASED SYSTEMS
- G. Kaya, O. Cosgun (2016). Stochastic Dynamic Programming for Natural Gas Pricing in the Turkish Energy Market. JOURNAL OF MULTIPLE-VALUED LOGIC AND SOFT COMPUTING
- O. Cosgun (2016). Sales plan generation problem on TV broadcasting. An International Journal of Optimization and Control: Theories and Applications
- O. Cosgun, U. Kula, C. Kahraman (2017). Markdown optimization for an apparel retailer under cross-price and initial inventory effects. KNOWLEDGE-BASED SYSTEMS
- O. Cosgun, I. Buyuktahtakin (2018). Stochastic dynamic resource allocation for HIV prevention and treatment: An approximate dynamic programming approach. COMPUTERS & INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING
- O. Cosgun, G. Yurdakul (2020). Performance Evaluation of An Apparel Retailer's Stores by Using Stochastic Imprecise DEA. JOURNAL OF MULTIPLE-VALUED LOGIC AND SOFT COMPUTING
- O. Cosgun, G. Ogcu Kaya, C. Cosgun (2024). COVID-19 Vaccination Performance of the U.S. States: A Hybrid Model of DEA and Ensemble Machine Learning Methods. Annals of Operations Research / Springer International Publishing
- B. Erenay, E. Kibis, B. Cankaya, O. Cosgun (2024). Navigating airline disruptions with strategic pilot planning: an optimization approach for long-term workforce efficiency and service quality. Journal of Marketing Analytics
- Y. Sun, O. Cosgun, R. Sharman (2024). The Impact of Policy and Technology Infrastructure on Telehealth Utilization. Health Services Management Research
- O. Cosgun, M. Rivero, B. Cankaya, E. Kibis (2024). Water Quality Index Prediction using Machine Learning and XAI techniques in San Joaquin Valley Region. International Journal of Information and Decision Sciences
- Y. Sun, O. Cosgun, R. Sharman, P. Mulgund, D. Delen (2024). A stochastic production frontier model for evaluating the performance efficiency of artificial intelligence investment worldwide. Decision Analytics Journal / Elsevier
Published Proceedings
- R. Ozdemir, Z. Ayag, O. Cosgun (5s). 2006. A Case Study in a Supply Chain System via Goal Programming YAEM 2006
- O. Cosgun, I. Gultas (5s). 2006. A Fuzzy-AHP Approach on Machine Selection Problem Production Research Conference, UAS 2006
- O. Cosgun, Z. Ayag, R. Ozdemir (5s). 2005. Determining Buffer Capacities in Assembly Lines YAEM 2005
- O. Cosgun (5s). 2008. A Case Study on an Office Process for Reducing Lead Time by Applying Lean Tools YAEM 2008
- O. Cosgun (5s). 2008. A Simulation Study on an Office Process by Applying Lean Tools International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering
- O. Cosgun, U. Kula, A. Demiriz (5s). 2008. Effects of demand variability on Markdown Price Policies YAEM 2008
- O. Cosgun (5s). 2007. Data Mining Algorithms on the Web: An Application for Marketing Campaigns International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering
- O. Cosgun, N. Serarslan (5s). 2007. Deciding on the Optimal Timing and the Investment Policy for a Subway Line by Using Probabilistic Dynamic Programming International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering
- O. Cosgun (5s). 2007. Selection of an ERP Software System by using Fuzzy VIKOR International Conference on Fuzzy Theory & Technology (FTT)
- Y. Ekinci, O. Cosgun (5s). 2007. Supplier Evaluation and Selection by Using Data Envelopment Analysis and Goal Programming International Logistics & Supply Chain Congress
- O. Cosgun, H. Behret, E. Cevikcan, M. Yenisey (5s). 2007. TSP Based Flowshop Scheduling via Nearest Neighbour Algorithm CEFIS 2007 11TH IFAC SYMPOSIUM
- O. Cosgun, U. Kula (5s). 2011. Determining optimal markdown policies under stochastic demand International Symposium on Econometrics, Operations Research and Statistics
- O. Cosgun, G. Ogcu Kaya (5s). 2012. Dynamic Pricing Application in the Energy Market 25TH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON OPERATIONAL RESEARCH
- O. Cosgun, Y. Ekinci, S. Ugurlu (5s). 2012. Fuzzy Rule Based Demand Forecasting for Dynamic Pricing 10th International FLINS Conference
- O. Cosgun, S. Firat (5s). 2012. Revenue Management and Pricing: A case study for a natural gas supplier 25TH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON OPERATIONAL RESEARCH
- O. Cosgun, S. Ugurlu, Y. Ekinci (5s). 2012. A Dynamic Pricing Model for a Maritime Passenger Transportation Company YAEM 2012
- G. Yurdakul, O. Cosgun (5s). 2013. Performance evaluation of a retalier's stores by using imprecise DEA International symposium on Econometrics, Operations Research and Statistics
- M. Farooq, Y. Sen, O. Cosgun (5s). 2013. A case study on Reverse Supply Chain System by using Goal Programming 13. Production Research Conference (UAS)
- I. Pekol, O. Cosgun (5s). 2015. A Case study on A Supply Chain Management by Using Goal Programming International symposium on Econometrics, Operations Research and Statistics
- E. Pavillard, O. Cosgun (5s). 2022. Impact of COVID-19 on the Residential Construction Industry in the Tampa Bay Area DSI 2022 Conference
- O. Cosgun, M. Gaikwad (5s). 2021. Investigating socioeconomic and health factors on the prediction of life expectancy by using ML techniques DSI 2021 Conference
- O. Cosgun, M. Sevkli, A. Sevkli (5s). 2019. Comparison of Data Mining and Mathematical Models for Estimating Fuel Consumption of Passenger Vehicles Midwest Association of Information Systems
- J. Carter, H. Narman, O. Cosgun, J. Liu (5s). 2020. Trade-off Model of Fog-Cloud Computing for Space Information Networks IEEE
- O. Cosgun, A. Umar (5s). 2020. Smart Resource Allocation Advisor in the Cloud for COVID-19 and Other Pandemics IEEE
- C. Cosgun, O. Cosgun, R. Sadeghian, S. Aram (5s). 2020. Prediction of Ultimate Load Capacity of Concrete-Filled Steel Tubes with Circular Sections under Axial Load by Using Predictive Analytics Methods IEEE
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