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Ikechi Ekeledo
Associate Professor, Marketing, Feliciano School of Business
- Office:
- School of Business
- Email:
- ekeledoi@montclair.edu
- Phone:
- 973-655-5451
- Degrees:
- BS, Northern Illinois University
- MS, Northern Illinois University
- MBA, Northern Illinois University
- PhD, University of Illinois, Chicago
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Ikechi Ekeledo is an associate professor in the Department of Marketing where he teaches courses in international marketing, international business, services marketing, and marketing management. He received a Ph.D. in business administration (marketing) from the University of Illinois, Chicago. He also holds a M.B.A. in marketing, M.S. in industrial management, and B.S. in operations management from Northern Illinois University. Before joining the Feliciano School of Business faculty in 2005, Dr. Ekeledo was an assistant professor in the College of Business and Management at Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago, where he taught marketing and management courses for six years. Prior to his Ph.D. program, Ikechi Ekeledo held managerial positions in procurement management (Nigeria), production management (Sealy Mattress Company, Illinois, and Spring Air Mattress Company, New Jersey), and sales management (Macy’s Department Store).
Dr. Ekeledo’s current research interests include: international market entry strategies, international business issues in sub-Saharan Africa, and international services marketing.
His research has been published in leading journals, such as Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (JAMS), Journal of International Marketing, International Marketing Review, andJournal of Global Marketing. His JAMS article won the Citation of Excellence for Highest Quality Rating, ANBAR Electronic Intelligence.
International Marketing
International Business
Services Marketing
- Reactions of Local Retailers to the Market Entry of Foreign Retail Chains
- Foreign Market Entry of Transnational Retailers: Lessons from Unsuccessful Entry Strategies
- Foreign Market Divestment in Retail Sector
- Foreign Market Entry Mode of Services: A Risk Analysis Perpective
- Export Marketing Strategy: Managing Price and the Price Escalation Dilemma
- Determinants of Foreign Market Failure and Exit of International Retailers
Honors & Awards
- Ikechi Ekeledo, Who's Who Among America's Teachers (May 2005)
- Listed in the Who's Who Among America's Teachers, 7th Edition, ( 2003)
- The Christina Anne Suntrup/JDF Award for Excellence in Research, Department of Managerial Studies, College of Business Administration, University of Illinois at Chicago ( 1999)
- Outstanding Tutor in English, Kishwaukee College, Malta, Illinois ( 1977)
- Member, Sigma Iota Epsilon (Honorary Management Fraternity), Northern Illinois University (April 1983)
- Certificate of Recognition, Montclair State University (April 2018)
- Certificate of Recognition, Montclair State University (June 2015)
- Certificate of Appreciation, Northeast Business and Economics Association (NBEA) (October 2010)
Refereed Published Articles
- I. Ekeledo (1998). Foreign Market Entry Mode Choice of Service Firms: A Contingency Perspective. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science
- I. Ekeledo (2004). Foreign Market Entry Mode Choice of Manufacturing Firms and Service Firms: A Resource Based Perspective. International Marketing Review
- W. Abdallah, N. Firoz, I. Ekeledo (2005). The Use of International Transfer Pricing in Performance Evaluation of Foreign Subsidiary Managers. International Tax Journal
- I. Ekeledo (2004). The Impact of Electronic Commerce on the Entry-Mode Strategies of Service Firms: A Conceptual Framework and Research Propositions. Journal of International Marketing
- I. Ekeledo (2008). Internationalization of Firms From Emerging Economies: Entry Mode Strategies and Research Propositions. International Journal of Business Strategy
- I. Ekeledo, N. Firoz (2007). Independent Product Support Service Providers as a Competitive Advantage in Developing Economies. Journal of Global Marketing/International Business Press
- A. Jeffers, I. Ekeledo (2007). Impact of Taxes on Foreign Investment in U.S. Real Estate. International Journal of Business Strategy (IJBS)
- , I. Ekeledo, C. Jayachandran (2009). Entry Mode Strategies of International Retailers: A Conceptual Framework and Research Proposition. International Journal of Business Research/ Academy of International Business and Economics (AIBE)
- I. Ekeledo, E. Bewayo (2009). Challenges and Opportunities Facing African Entrepreneurs and Their Small Firms. International Journal of Business Research
- I. Ekeledo (2009). Product Support Service Priorities: Developed Countries Versus Developing Countries. European Journal of Management
- E. Bewayo, I. Ekeledo (2009). Export of Manufactured Goods: Challenges Facing Domestic Firms in Sub-saharan Africa in Today's Globalized Economy. Journal of International Business and Economics
Published Proceedings
- I. Ekeledo (5s). 2001. Foreign Market Entry Mode Choice of Service Firms American Marketing Association
- E. Bewayo, I. Ekeledo (5s). 2009. Small Business and Exporting: The African Case The 11th Conference on Global Business and Economic Development,
- A. Jeffers, I. Ekeledo (5s). 2007. Tax Aspects of U.S. Real Estate Investment by Foreign Investors American Accounting Association (Northeast Regional) Conference
- I. Ekeledo, C. Jayachandran (5s). 2007. Internastionalization of Asian Firms: Entry Mode Strategies and Research Propostitions SGBED: Creativity and Innovation: Imperatives for Global Business & Development
- I. Ekeledo (5s). 2007. Using Aftermarket Product Support to Gain Competitive Edge in Export Markets International Academy of Business and Public Administration Disciplines
- I. Ekeledo, A. Kumar (5s). 2013. Foreign Market Exit of International Retailers: An Integrative Perspective AMA Summer Marketing Educators’ Conference
Books & Chapters
- I. Ekeledo (2000). Choice of Foreign Market Entry Mode: A Resource-Based Approach.
- , C. Jayachandran, I. Ekeledo (2007). International Market Entry-strategy Choice for Global Service Firms: Is there a Dominant Approach? . Penerbit, Universiti Utara malaysia