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Fredrick Gardin
Associate Professor, Kinesiology, College for Community Health
- Office:
- University Hall
- Email:
- gardinf@montclair.edu
- Phone:
- 973-655-7156
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My scholarly endeavors are organized around the central theme of the development of skilled performance in sports medicine and sports conditioning. Sub-components of this theme include socialization, the development of expertise and acquisition of skilled performances.
Research Projects
A Qualitative Description of Self-Regulatory Behaviors of Male Expert and Novice Athletic Trainers in Collegiate Settings in NATA District 3
Gardin, F.A., Middlemas, D.A., Mensch, J.M. (2011). A Qualitative Description of Self-Regulatory Behaviors of Male Expert and Novice Athletic Trainers in Collegiate Settings in NATA District 3. Athletic Training Education Journal. 6(3): 136-144.
Quiet eye duration is responsive to variability of practice and to the axis of target changes.
Horn, R., Okumara, M., Sylvester, C., Alexander, M., Gardin, F., Gray, R., & Zullo, E. (2011). Quiet eye duration is responsive to variability of practice and to the axis of target changes. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport (Accepted for Publication).
The “Think-Aloud” Method to Promote Student Modeling of Expert Thinking.
Gardin, F.A. (2010). The “Think-Aloud” Method to Promote Student Modeling of Expert Thinking. Athletic Therapy Today, 15(4), 18-21.
What’s in a Grade: The students’ perspective (Part 2).
Gardin, F.A. (2007). What’s in a Grade: The students’ perspective (Part 2). Athletic Therapy Today, 12(4) 32-34.
What’s in a Grade: Faculty Responsibility for Grade Inflation
Hunt, T.N., Gardin, F.A. (2007). What’s in a Grade: Faculty Responsibility for Grade Inflation. Athletic Therapy Today, 12(3), 19-22.
Critical growth experiences of expert and novice athletic trainers in college settings.
Gardin, F.A., Middlemas, D.A., Mensch, J.M. (2011) Critical growth experiences of expert and novice athletic trainers in college settings. Presented at the North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity National Conference, Burlington, VT, (Poster).
Comparison of Student and ACI Results on a Retrospective Clinical Behavior Survey.
Murphy, J.M., French, K., Gardin, F.A. (2011) Comparison of Student and ACI Results on a Retrospective Clinical Behavior Survey. Presented at the Athletic Training Educators Conference, (Poster).