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Nina Goodey
Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry, College of Science and Mathematics
- Office:
- Center for Environmental & Life Sciences 406A
- Email:
- goodeyn@montclair.edu
- Phone:
- 973-655-3410
- Degrees:
- BA, Rice University
- PhD, University of Texas @ Austin
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Biochemistry research in Dr. Goodey’s lab is a collaborative effort involving Montclair undergraduate, MS, and PhD students who work on projects related to drug targets for neglected tropical diseases, soil contamination impacts, and pathogen detection. Current projects include investigating IGP synthase in M. tuberculosis to develop anti-TB drugs, exploring the effects of soil contaminants on enzymatic functions under extreme conditions, developing a rapid test for ranavirus to protect amphibians and fisheries, and determining the crystal structure of dihydrofolate reductase from the filarial nematode W. bancrofti in complex with NADPH and folate to support drug discovery efforts against parasitic infections. Students gain hands-on experience in techniques like protein expression, purification, enzyme kinetics, DNA manipulation, bioinformatics, and data analysis. They collaborate with faculty across disciplines and regularly contribute to publications and presentations. The lab’s research is supported by the National Science Foundation, the American Heart Association, the New Jersey Water Resources Research Institute, and other funding sources.
Research students in the Goodey Group
Students conducting research in the Goodey group gain hands-on experience in a variety of interdisciplinary areas, including biochemistry, molecular biology, chemistry, microbiology, and ecology. Depending on the research goal they are involved with, students learn valuable techniques such as DNA mutagenesis, protein expression and purification, enzyme kinetics, bioinformatics, and data analysis. They collaborate with experts like Dr. Ueli Gubler, who provides guidance on careers in molecular biology and the pharmaceutical industry, and work alongside faculty collaborators, including Dr. Dave Konas, Dr. Meredith, Dr. Schuler, and Dr. Monsen, on joint projects that enhance interdisciplinary learning. Students present their findings in formal research meetings and reports, honing skills in scientific writing, presentations, and experimental design. All group members are expected to treat each other with respect, work collaboratively, and support one another’s academic growth. The Goodey group fosters a positive and inclusive environment where students from all backgrounds are encouraged to contribute, learn, and thrive as they work toward their academic and professional goals. For opportunities, contact Dr. Goodey.
Publications from Goodey Group:
Dyson, Eshariah; Hagmann, Diane; Idrovo, Cesar; Krumins, Jennifer; Goodey, Nina. 2024. Brownfield topsoil vertical heterogeneity: implications for germination and soil microbial functioning. ACS Omega. https://doi.org/10.1021/acsomega.4c05265.
M. Murray, H. Spinks, Y. Besen‑Cassino, E. Emery, B. Johnson, E. Nunez Perez, Y. Wang, D. Lopatto, N. M. Goodey, R. Tuininga. Breaking barriers: female and Hispanic undergraduate students experience gains in self‑confidence and tolerance for obstacles during a sustainability‑centered internship program in the USA. Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13412-024-00966-6
Bhagyashree P. Vaidya, Sarah E. Krisak, Jennifer Adams Krumins, Nina M. Goodey. Barren to green in a single application: revitalizing brownfield soil with simulated root exudates. Environmental Science & Technology, 103735. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352186424002116
David W. Konas, Sarah Cho, Oshane D. Thomas, Maryum M. Bhatti, Katherine Leon Hernandez, Cinthya Moran, Hedda Booter, Thomas Candela, Joseph Lacap, Paige McFadden, Savannah van den Berg, Alyssa M. Welter, Ashley Peralta, Cheryl A. Janson, Jaclyn Catalano, Nina M. Goodey. 2023. Investigating the Roles of Active Site Residues in Mycobacterium tuberculosis Indole-3-glycerol Phosphate Synthase, a Potential Target for Antitubercular Agents. ACS Bio & Med Chem Au. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1021/acsbiomedchemau.3c00029.
Lange, K., Frey, K. M., Eck, T., Janson, C. A., Gubler, U., and Goodey, N. M. 2023. Crystal structure of dihydrofolate reductase from the filarial nematode W. bancrofti in complex with NADPH and folate. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 17(4), e0011303.
Vaidya, B. P., Hagmann, D. F., Haramuniz, J., Krumins, J. A., and Goodey, N. M. 2022. Artificial root exudates restore microbial functioning in a metal contaminated, barren, inactive soil. Environmental Pollution, 312, 120007. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2022.120007.
Balacco, J. R., Vaidya, B. P., Hagmann, D. F., Goodey, N. M., & Krumins, J. A. 2022. Mycorrhizal Infection Can Ameliorate Abiotic Factors in Urban Soils. Microbial Ecology, 1-8.
Eck, T., Laureano de Souza, M., Delvillar, M., Ashraf, K., Yadav Bheemanaboina, R.R., Chakrasali, R., Kreiss, T., Siekierka, J.J., Rotella, D.P., Bhanot, P. and Goodey, N.M. 2022. Characterization of competitive inhibitors of P. falciparum cGMP‐dependent protein kinase. ChemBioChem, 23(7), e202100704.
Wieczerak, T., Rynerson, D., Prasad, A., Wolde, B., Lal, P., Vasishth, A., Goodey, N.M. and Tuininga, A.R., 2022. Measuring the effect of sustainability programs on interest in STEM disciplines: a pre-post survey study of the student green team internship program. SN Social Sciences, 2(2), pp.1-24.
Esposito, N., Konas, D., Goodey, N. M. 2022. A review: M. tuberculosis indole-3-glycerol phosphate synthase, a potential new tuberculosis drug target. ChemBioChem 23.2: e202100314.
Goldstein, M. and Goodey, N. M. "Distal Regions Regulate Dihydrofolate Reductase-Ligand Interactions. 2021 Allostery. Humana, New York, NY. 185-219.
Vaidya, B. P., Hagmann, D. F., Balacco, J., Krumins, J. A., and Goodey, N. M. 2020. Plants mitigate abiotic restrictions to enzymatic function in metal contaminated brownfield soils. Environmental pollution, 265, 114801.
Eck T., Patel S., Candela T., Leon H. K., Little M, Reis NE, Liyanagunawardana U., Gubler U., Janson C.A., Catalano J., Goodey N. M. 2020. Mutational analysis confirms the presence of distalinhibitor-selectivity determining residues in B. stearothermophilus dihydrofolate reductase. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 692, 108545. PubMed PMID: 32810476.
Hagmann, D. F., Kruge, M. A., Goodey, N. M., & Krumins, J. A. 2020. Characterization of coal particles in the soil of a former rail yard and urban brownfield: Liberty State Park, Jersey City (NJ), USA. International Journal of Coal Geology, 217, 103328.
Diane F Hagmann; Kruge A Michael, Matthew Cheung, Maria Mastalerz; Jose Luis R Gallego; Jay P Singh; Jennifer A Krumins; Xiaona Li; Nina M Goodey. 2019. Environmental forensic characterization of former rail yard soils located adjacent to the Statue of Liberty in the New York/New Jersey harbor. Science of the Total Environment. 690, 1019–1034.
Singh, J. P., Vaidya, B. P., Goodey, N. M. and Krumins, J. A. 2019. Microbial response to metal contamination in an urban, vegetated brownfield. Journal of Environmental Management. 244, 313–319.
Singh, J. P., Ojinnaka, E. U., Krumins, J. A., and Goodey, N. M. 2019. Abiotic factors determine functional outcomes of microbial inoculation of soils from a metal contaminated brownfield. Ecotoxicology and environmental safety 168, 450-456.
Goodey, N.M., 2019, STEM field-to-field transitions for a better workforce. Research OUTREACH (110). Available at: https://researchoutreach.org/articles/stem-field-field-transitions-better-workforce/ (Accessed 2020/02/03).
Gallagher, F., Goodey, N. M., Hagmann, D., Singh, J. P., Holzapfel, C., Litwhiler, M., Krumins, J. A. 2018. Urban re-greening: a case study in multi-trophic biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in a post-industrial landscape. Diversity, 10(4), 119.
Tobias, A.M., Toska, D., Lange, K., Eck, T., Bhat, R., Janson, C. H., Rotella, D. P., Gubler, U., and Goodey, N. M. 2018. Expression, purification, and inhibition profile of dihydrofolate reductase from the filarial nematode Wuchereria bancrofti. PloS one, 13(5), e0197173.
Deng, Y., Jung, C., Liang, Y., Goodey, N. M. and Waite, T.D., 2018. Ferrate (VI) decomposition in water in the absence and presence of natural organic matter (NOM). Chemical Engineering Journal, 334, 2335-2342.
Herbert, K. G., Marlowe, T. J., Fails, J. A., Ku, C. S., Goedert, K. M., Hill, E., Goodey, N. M., MacVeigh, D. T. 2017. Board # 49 : The NECST Program - Networking and Engaging in Computer Science and Information Technology Program Paper presented at 2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Columbus, Ohio. https://peer.asee.org/27867.
Minnow, Y. V. T, Goldberg, R., Tummalapalli, S. R., Rotella, D. P., and Goodey, N. M. 2017. The Mechanism of Inhibition of Botulinum Neurotoxin Type A by Two Quinolinol Compounds. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics. 618, 15-22.
Goodey, N. M., Talgar, C. P. 2016. Guided Inquiry in a Biochemistry Laboratory Course Improves Experimental Design Ability. Chemistry Education Research and Practice. 17.4, 1127-1144.
Perez-Abraham, R., Garabiles Sanchez, K., Alfonso, Melanie, Gubler, U., Siekierka, J., and Goodey, N. M. 2016. Expression, Purification and Enzymatic Characterization of Brugia malayi Dihydrofolate Reductase. Protein Expression and Purification. 128, 81–85.
Talgar, C. P., Goodey, N. M. 2015. Views from Academia and Industry on Skills needed for the Modern Research Environment. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education (BAMBED), 43, 5, 324–332.
Hagmann, D. F., Goodey, N. M., Mathieu, C., Evans, J., Aronson, M.F., Gallagher, F., Krumins, J. A. 2015. Effect of Metal Contamination on Microbial Metabolic Potential in Soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 91,291-297.
Krumins, J. A., Goodey, N. M., Gallagher, F. 2015. Plant–soil interactions in metal contaminated soils. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 80, 224-231.
Liu, C. Tony, Lin Wang, Nina M. Goodey, Philip Hanoian, and Stephen J. Benkovic. 2013. Temporally Overlapped but Uncoupled Motions in Dihydrofolate Reductase Catalysis. Biochemistry, 52 (32), 5332–5334.
Lapeine, Marvin, Katherine G. Herbert, Emily Hill, and Nina M. Goodey. 2013. Mobile interaction and query optimization in a protein-ligand data analysis system. Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data. 1291-1292.
Schlee, S.; Dietrich, S.; Kurcon, T.; Delaney, P.; Goodey, N. M.; Sterner, R. 2013. Kinetic mechanism of Indole-3-glycerol Phosphate Synthase, Biochemistry, 52, 132-42. (Corresponding author, equal contributor with Schlee)
Goodey, N.M., Alapa, M.T., Hagmann, D.F., Korunow, S.G., Mauro, A., Kwon, K.S., Hall, \sS.M. 2011. Development of a fluorescently labeled thermostable DHFR for studying \sconformational changes associated with inhibitor binding. Biochem. Biophys. Res. \sComm., 413, (3), 442-447.
Goodey, N. M., Herbert, K.G, Hall, S. M., Bagley, C. K. 2011. Prediction of residues involved in \sinhibitor specificity in the dihydrofolate reductase family. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta \s(BBA) - Proteins and Proteomics, 1814, 12, 1870-1879.
Lee, J. and Goodey, N.M (equal contributors). 2011. Catalytic Contributions from Remote Regions of Enzyme Structure. Chemical Reviews. 111(12), 7595-7624.
Feldman, C., Nothstein, G., Somaiya, C., K., Obeidallah, H., Silverthorne, E., Wunderlich, S., and Goodey, N. M. (Nina Goodey and Charles Feldman are listed as equal contributors). 2011. An exploratory Investigation of Risk of Pathogenic Contamination at Selected Skilled Nursing and Assisted Living Residences. Perspect. Public Health, 131(2), 85-8.
Goodey, N.M., Benkovic, S.J. 2008. Allosteric regulation and catalysis emerge via a common route. Nat. Chem. Biol. 4, 474-482.
Enzymology, enzyme kinetics, protein engineering, analyzing protein-ligand interactions
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- CELS406A
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