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Angela Grotto

Associate Professor, Management, Feliciano School of Business

School of Business 438
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Angela Grotto is an Associate Professor of Human Resource Analytics in the Feliciano College of Business at Montclair State University. She earned her Ph.D. in Industrial/Organizational Psychology from Baruch College and the CUNY Graduate Center.

Angela’s research addresses how employees manage work-life boundaries, how organizations can support employee work-life management, and the role of gender in these two areas. Her research is supported by the Sam and Bonnie Recther Fellowship from the University of Louisville’s Center for Positive Leadership. Her ongoing research on boundary management can be found in a translation article in MIT Sloan Management Review. Angela has published in Journal of Organizational Behavior, Journal of Vocational Behavior, Journal of Business and Psychology, Stress and Health, Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, and Journal of Applied Behavioral Science.

Angela teaches Employee Training & Development, Strategic Human Resource Analytics, and Advance Human Resources Analytics.



  • Grotto, A. R., Livne-Tarandach, R., & Winslow, C. How supervisor compassion for employee IVF treatment relates to perceptions of supervisor leadership and employee well-being. Data collection phase.
  • Grotto, A. R., Mills, M. J., Minei, E. M., & Hastings, S. Antecedents and outcomes of interruption ‘facework’. Pilot data analysis stage.
  • Grotto, A. R., Misra, K. & Waismel-Manor, R. Cross-cultural differences in managers’ work-nonwork boundary management. Data collection stage.
  • Masoumi, A. & Grotto, A. R. Modeling the competition between for-profit and non-profit human milk banks. Data analysis stage.
  • Grotto, A. R., Andreassi, J. K., & Rua, T. Remote/hybrid work and turnover intentions: A test of competing hypotheses for the roles of community, connection, and job embeddedness. Data analysis stage.
  • Grotto, A. R. & Donovan, C. The influence of job control on manager well-being and turnover intentions. Data analysis stage.
  • Grotto, A. R. & Mills, M. J. The longitudinal gendered effects of nonwork boundary flexibility-willingness on work-related well-being. Data analysis stage. ​
  • Grotto, A. R. & Terrazas, J. M. Differences in emotional labor, job ambivalence, and burnout before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Manuscript prep stage.

Professional Experience

  • Consultant, Sirota Consulting (now Mercer) (2009 - 2011)
  • Associate Consultant, Sirota Consulting (now Mercer) (2006 - 2009)
  • Senior Consultant and Team Leader, Sirota Consulting (now Mercer) (2011 - 2013)


  • Management Consulting, Every Mother Counts. (January 2017 - June 2018). Development and administration of employee work-life balance interviews and surveys, data analysis, presentation of results, and recommendations and action planning.
  • Management Consulting, Gilda's Club of NYC. (June 2017 - January 2018). Development of employee work-life balance survey, data analysis, presentation of results, and recommendations and action planning.
  • Management Consulting, Sirota. (June 2014 - August 2014). Development of employee onboarding and exit surveys and an exit interview protocol for organizations.

Honors & Awards

  • Sam and Bonnie Recther Fellowship, University of Louisville College of Business Center for Positive Leadership (January 2024)
  • Gabriel Hauge Faculty Fellowship, The O'Malley School of Business at Manhattan University (September 2016)
  • Summer Research Grant, Manhattan University (June 2014)

Refereed Published Articles

  • G. Shah, S. Pingali, A. Grotto (2020). Reviving the One Woman Campaign – Addressing a clogged leadership pipeline. Case Research Journal
  • A. Grotto, M. Mills, E. Eatough (2024). Manage Boundaries Better with Your Team. MIT Sloan Management Review
  • A. Grotto, M. Mills (2023). Crossing the line: The violating effects of illegitimate interruptions from work and differential impact on work-family conflict by gender.. Journal of Organizational Behavior
  • Y. Cho, M. Mills, A. Grotto (2023). Drawing on attributional augmenting to unlock the potential of cybervetting to combat gender discrimination in hiring. Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice
  • A. Grotto (2022). An episodic process model of after-hours ICT-related interruptions at home. Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies
  • A. Grotto, J. Andreassi (2022). Mix it up? The influence of team composition on employee perceptions of stressors in a post-merger environment. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science
  • A. Grotto, M. Mills, E. Eatough (2022). Switching gears: A self-regulatory approach and measure of nonwork role re-engagement following after-hours work intrusions. Journal of Business and Psychology
  • A. Grotto, K. Lyness (2022). What a week! A moderated-mediation crossover model for daily boundary violations at home and partner evening negative affect. Stress and Health