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Melissa Gutworth
Associate Professor, Management, Feliciano School of Business
- Office:
- School of Business
- Email:
- gutworthm@montclair.edu
- Degrees:
- BS, The College of New Jersey
- PhD, The Pennsylvania State University
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Professional Experience
- Teaching Assistant, Pennsylvania State University (2013 - 2013)
- Lab Instructor, Pennsylvania State University (2015 - 2016)
- Instructor, Pennsylvania State University (2015 - 2017)
- Assistant Professor, Montclair State University (2017 - Present)
- Management Consulting, Development Dimensions International (DDI). (September 2013 - December 2013). Worked with a team to develop items for a non-verbal cognitive ability test.
- Management Consulting, Del Monte Foods Corporation. (May 2013 - August 2013). Designed selection system for managerial creativity for Del Monte. Provided creativity ratings for applicants’ materials to aid the selection process
- Management Consulting, Pennsylvania State Education Association. (September 2012 - December 2012). Conducted survey data analysis using SPSS. Worked in a team to compile a final report for members of PSEA
- Management Consulting, Johnson and Johnson. (June 2014 - May 2015). Integrated literature from multiple databases and fields of study on requested topic.Created an executive report-style literature review on the following topics: Team Diversity/ Composition, Open Work Space Arrangements, and Exit Surveys.
- Management Consulting, Leadership Enrichment through Assessment and Development. (September 2013 - May 2015). Assessed undergraduate students through an interview and written assessments. Developed a personalized feedback report for participants detailing strengths and developmental opportunities to aid professional development
- Management Consulting, THON Dance Marathon Organization. (September 2013 - May 2014). Worked with a team to design and implement a survey to help the largest student-run philanthropy organization in the world to select and train volunteers more efficiently
- Management Consulting, University of Massachusetts Lowell Center for Terrorism and Security Studies. (August 2014 - May 2015). Conducted a literature review in requested topic of job analysis.
Contributed to the final team product of a thorough literature review on purpose, methods, and considerations when conducting a job analysis - Management Consulting, PNC Bank Leadership Assessment Center. (November 2012 - May 2016). Assessed undergraduates on Bartrum’s Great Eight Competencies through a series of oral presentations and written exercises. Created and delivered a personalized, developmental feedback report for participants
- Other, NJ Chamber of Commerce Media Mention. (April 2019 - April 2019). Empowerment, team building, hiring attitude over skill: N.J. execs discuss how they foster positive and effective work culture. https://njchamber.com/edge
- Other, NJ.com Media Mention. (July 2018 - July 2018). NJ Universities offer graduate-level HR certificates, degrees to meet growing demand. https://www.nj.com/sponsor-content/?scid=115732&prx_t=-dYDAWP8kAjhAPA
- Other, Feliciano Biz Media Mention. (March 2020 - March 2020). Photo on cover highlighting SBUS faculty.
- Other, Feliciano Biz Media Mention. (May 2019 - May 2019). Want to win? Game changer lessons on changing the rules of the game. pp. 11-12
- Other, Feliciano Biz Media Mention. (May 2019 - May 2019). Research spotlight: An in-depth look at the research that is making a difference. p. 15
- Other, Zippia Media Mention. (November 2020 - November 2020). Experts weigh in on current job market trends. https://www.zippia.com/business-specialist-jobs/trends/
- Other, Learning Science Weekly Media Mention. (August 2020 - August 2020). Virtual reality, puppies, and Pictionary. https://www.learningscienceweekly.com/student/activity/670527-issue-12-virtual-reality-puppies-pictionary
- Other, Feliciano Biz Media Mention. (March 2022 - March 2022). Feliciano School of Business (2022). The Future of Work. FelicianoBiz, 17-18.
- Other, BBC Media Mention. (June 2021 - June 2021). ‘Positive deviants’: Why rebellious workers spark great ideas. https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20210528-positive-deviants-why-rebellious-workers-spark-gr-ideas
Honors & Awards
- Group and Organization Management Best Quantiatitve Paper 2023, Group and Organization Management (June 2023)
- Empowering Online Teaching and Learning Certificate, (August 2020)
- Journal of Organizational Behavior Best Paper of the Year Runner Up Award, (August 2018)
- Outstanding Teaching Award, Pennsylvania State University Psychology Department ( 2017)
- Liberal Arts College Dissertation Grant ($2000), Pennsylvania State University ( 2016)
- Research and Graduate Office Travel Award (3 awards totaling $1600), Pennsylvania State University ( 2016)
- College Teaching Certificate from the Schreyer Institute of Teaching Excellence, Pennsylvania State University ( 2015)
- Graddick-Weir Research Award (2 awards totaling $7500), Pennsylvania State University ( 2013)
- Effective Online Teaching Certificate, Pennsylvania State University ( 2015)
Refereed Published Articles
- M. Gutworth, S. Hunter (2017). Ethical Saliency: Deterring deviance in creative individuals. Psychology of Creativity, Aesthetics, and the Arts
- M. Howard, J. Farr, A. Grandey, M. Gutworth (2017). The creation of the workplace social courage scale (WSCS): An investigation of internal consistency, psychometric properties, validity, and utility. Journal of Business and Psychology
- J. Dahling, M. Gutworth (2017). Loyal rebels? A test of the normative conflict model of constructive deviance. Journal of Organizational Behavior
- M. Gutworth, L. Cushenbery, S. Hunter (2018). Creativity for deliberate harm: Malevolent creativity and social information processing theory. Journal of Creative Behavior
- M. Gutworth, M. Howard (2019). Improving sexual harassment training effectiveness with climate interventions. Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice
- M. Howard, M. Gutworth (2020). A Meta-analysis of virtual reality training programs for social skill development. Computers and Education
- A. McKay, M. Gutworth (2021). Temporal individual differences and creativity: An exploratory investigation . Psychology of Creativity, Aesthetics, and the Arts (APA Journal)
- S. Hunter, L. Blocker, M. Gutworth, J. Allen (2023). Why we support some original ideas but reject others: An application of signaling theory. Journal of Creative Behavior
- M. Howard, M. Gutworth (2021). A meta-analysis of virtual reality training programs. Computers in Human Behavior
- S. Kessler, M. Gutworth (2023). The forgotten working class: A call to action based upon a repeated cross-sectional examination of the relationships among social class, financial satisfaction, and exhaustion. Group and Organization Management
- M. Gutworth, M. Howard, D. Simonet (2023). Mandated but willing? Preferences and expectations among mandatory work from home employees. Human Resource Management Journal
- M. Gutworth (2024). Antiwork highlights the need for humanism in IO psychology. Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice
Books & Chapters
- M. Gutworth, D. Morton, J. Dahling, D. Svyantek, K. Mahoney (2013). Managing organizational deviance: Focusing on causes, not symptoms. Information Age Publishing
- S. Hunter, M. Gutworth, M. Crayne, B. Jayne, M. Mumford, M. Frese (2015). Planning for innovation: The critical role of agility. Taylor & Francis
- S. Hunter, M. Gutworth, J. Lovelace, S. Rogelberg, S. Tonidandel, K. Shockley (2017). Originality. Sage Press
- S. Hunter, B. Neely, M. Gutworth, R. Reiter-Palmon (2018). Selection and team creativity: Meeting unique challenges through diversity and flexibility. Oxford University Press
- E. Lambert, M. Howard, M. Gutworth, S. Travers (). Current and Future Human-Technology Partnerships in Healthcare Administration and Finance. Technology in the Workplace
- M. Gutworth, J. Dahling (). Constructive Deviance in the Workplace: New Developments and Lingering Questions. Edward Elgar Publishing