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C Jayachandran
Professor, Marketing, Feliciano School of Business
- Office:
- School of Business
- Email:
- jayachandrc@montclair.edu
- Phone:
- 973-655-7523
- Degrees:
- BA, University of Madras (India)
- MA, University of Madras
- PhD, University of Madras
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Dr. C. Jayachandran is a Professor of Marketing speacialized in teaching Marketing and International Business courses at the graduate and undergraduate levels. He is recognized by the NJ World Trade Council as the Outstanding Faculty in International Business. He is also the Founding President of the Society for Global Business & Economic Development (SGBED) and now changed and registered as a non-profit organization as the Academy of Global Business Research and Practice (AGBRP) dedicated to promote academic network, research and scholarship, He is also a recipient of two Title VI B Grants from the US Department of Education to develop IB programs and outreach actvities.
His research interests include marketing strategies, international marketing, healthcare marketing, health communication, preventive health behavior and Services marketing
His publications have appeared in a number of journals, including Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Business & Industrial marketing, Journal of Consumer Marketing, Journal of Services Marketing, Health Education, International Journal of Communication, American Journal of Health Education, International Journal of Business Innovation and Research, Asian Case Research Journal, Journal of Hospital Marketing, Journal of Services Research, International Journal of International Food and Agribusiness Marketing, among others.
He has co-edited serveral books of readings, special issues of peer reviewed journals and conference proceedings.
He had organized 16 major international conferences and 7 research symposiums in collaboration with institutions in China, India, Slovakia, Singapore, USA, Thailand, Japan, Mexico, Spain, Dubai and Brazil.
His outreach work include grant generating ideas for non-profit social enterprises, internationalization of SMEs & foreign market entry strategies
Areas of Expertise:
International Marketing, Export- Import marketing & Compliance Issues,
Pharmaceutical & healthcare marketing
Health Communication
Preventive health Behavior
Professional Experience
- President, Society for Global Business & Economic Development (SGBED) (2016 - 2019)
- President, Academy of Global Business Research and Practice, Inc (AGBRP) (2019 - Present)
- Technical/Professional Work, University of New Hampshire, School of Business. (June 1996 - Present). External reviewer for USDE Title VIb funded International business program
- Management Consulting, Pennsylvania Association for the Blind. (June 1996 - Present). Assisted the organization with product development strategies that fit into the existing organizational system and human capital
- Management Consulting, Precision Customs Coatings, LLC. (June 1996 - June 1996). Studies logistics and physical distribution of PPC products in Hong Kong and presented a comprehensive report to top management
- Training/Education, Hanyang University Business School & LG Industries. (March 2005 - March 2005). Organized and presented half a day workshop on "Innovation for Competitive advantage" to engineer executive trainees from LG industries
- Academic, Kean University, COllege of Business & Public Administration. (January 2003 - May 2003). Served as a consultant and reviewed a proposal to start an MBA program in global management; provided recommendations and insights to strengthen the program
- Technical/Professional Work, Temple University Fox School of Business. (January 2003 - Present). Assisted to develop USDE CIBER grant proposal
- Training/Education, Precision Custom Coatings LLC. (December 1997 - December 1997). Presented a one day workshop on "Doing Business Internationally" to Global Sales executives
- Training/Education, Hong Kong Polytechnic University & Heifei Municpality. (August 2011 - August 2011). Organized and presented one- day seminar on "Strategies to promote innovation : the need for moving towards open innovation" to public officials and the academics in CHina
- Training/Education, Hong Kong Polytechnic University & Shanghai City COuncil . (August 2011 - August 2011). Organized and presented one-day seminar on "Strategies to promote innovation: moving towards open innovation" for Chinese business and government officials in Hongzhou, China
- Academic, University of Michigan, Flint. (October 2010 - December 2010). Evaluation of faculty research, teaching and service for promotion to full professorship
- Academic, Temple Fox School of Management CIBER. (July 2008 - December 2008). Review of the Federally funded Center for International Business and Research (CIBER) grant activities for two academic years (2006-07 & 2007-08 (interim evaluation)
- Technical/Professional Work, Fox School of Business, Temple University, Philadelphia. (June 2014 - July 2014). Assisted in developing a CIBER grant proposal for 2014-2018
- Academic, EADA, School of Business, Barcelona . (May 2009 - June 2012). A three year term membership on the Research Advisory Board of the School of Business to suggest ways and means to strengthen faculty research and peer reviewed publications.
- Academic, McGraw Hill. (August 2023 - September 2023). Review of Geringer, et al textbook "International Business, 3rd edition for an e-book format
- Academic, McGraw Hill. (June 2021 - Present). Review of textbook manuscript (International Business)
- Academic, SUNY at New Paltz. (December 2018 - January 2019). Review of Faculty crdentials for professorship
- Technical/Professional Work, McGraw Hill Education. (January 2018 - March 2018). Review of chapters for International BusinessTextbook
- Technical/Professional Work, Performance review of Temple University Fox School of Business CIBER gran . (June 2015 - August 2017). Review of all the mandated activities, outcomes and recommendations/suggestions to strengthen planned activities in the following year
Honors & Awards
- "Excellence in Education" Award, SGA, Montclair State University ( 1994)
- V.C. Rangaswamy Memorial Award for Best Ph.D thesis, University of Madras ( 1978)
- Direct Marketing Education Fellowship, Direct Marketing Educational Foundation, NYC ( 1988)
- School of Business Merit Award of $2,000, School of Business ( 1988)
- Prof. George J. Abrams Memorial Award for "Excellence in Education", Alpha Kappa Psi, Monclair State University ( 1993)
- "Outstanding Faculty Member in International Business Education in NJ Award", New Jersey Wortld Trade Council ( 1993)
- The First Title VI B Grant, US Department of Education ( 1994)
- "Excellence in Teaching International Marketing Award", Precision Custom Coatings LLC ( 1994)
- NASBITE, "Program Excellence Award" to ITCC for developing and offering outreach services through ITCC , NASBITE ( 1998)
- The second Title VIB grant , US Department of Education ( 1997)
- "It All Started With You Award" by Precision Custom Coatings Inc, Precision CUstom Coatings, Inc ( 1996)
- Gold Medal in appreciation of contribution in building institutional relationships, Comenius Unviersity Faculty of Management, Bratislava ( 2001)
Refereed Published Articles
- C. Jayachandran (1979). An Empirical Study of Product Diversification Patterns with Reference to Coimbatore Engineering Firms. Inform
- C. Jayachandran (1995). A Case Study: International Trade Counseling Center, A Partnership with Academia, Business Public & Private organizations . American COuncil of Education (American Association of State Colleges & Universities (ALO)
- C. Jayachandran (1981). Need for Social Approach in Butter and Ghee Industry: A Pilot Study of Bangalore Market. Indian Dairyman
- C. Jayachandran (1985). Apparel Purchasing Behavior-How to promote Americanism?. Apparel World
- M. Kyj, C. Jayachandran (1987). Pre-Need Purchasing Behavior-An Overloked Dimension in Consumer Maaketing . The Journal of Consumer Marketing
- C. Jayachandran, M. Kyj (1988). Expanding Marketing Opportunities with Pre-Need Service. The Journal of Services Marketing
- C. Jayachandran (1991). Behind the Facade of Net Errors and Omissions: Issues in Balance of Payments. Issues in International Business
- C. Jayachandran (1991). Technology negotaition under imperfect market conditions: an examination of policy implications. Issues in International Business
- C. Jayachandran, R. Chandran, L. O'Hara (1992). Internationalization of Multi-Hospital Systems. Journal of Hospital Markketing
- C. Chakraborty, C. Jayachandran (2001). Sotware Sector: Trends and Constraints. Economic and Political Weekly
- C. Jayachandran (2001). Software Sector: Trends and Constraints. Economic and Political Weekly
- C. Chakraborty, C. Jayachandran (2001). Indian software Industry: Structure, Trends and Constraints. Journal of Services Research
- R. Subramanian, T. Singh , R. Misra, C. Jayachandran (2008). Infosys Technologies Limited: The Global Talent Program. Asian Case Research Journal
- , I. Ekeledo, C. Jayachandran (2009). Entry Mode Strategies of International Retailers: A Conceptual Framework and Research Proposition. International Journal of Business Research/ Academy of International Business and Economics (AIBE)
- R. Subramanian, C. Jayachandran (2011). The Evolution of Research and development in the Pharmaceutical Industry: Toward an Open Innovation Model -- Can Pharma Reinvent Itself?. International Journal of Business Innovation and Research
- J. Wang, C. Jayachandran (2013). Editorial: Balancing Corporate Success and Social Good. Int. J. of Information Systems and Social Change
- Y. Limbu, C. Jayachandran, B. Babin, R. Peterson (2016). Empathy, Nonverbal Immediacy, and Salesperson Performance: The Mediating Role of Adaptive Selling Behavior. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing
- Y. Limbu, C. Jayachandran (2014). Exploring the Linkage between Social Capital and Self-Reported Health Status of Underprivileged Individuals: Role of Traditional Health Beliefs. International Journal of Business & Applied Sciences
- M. Cucculelli, C. Jayachandran, (2015). International Journal of Business and Globalization (Editorial). Inderscience
- Y. Limbu, C. Jayachandran, B. Babin (2014). Does Information and Communication Technology Improve Job Satisfaction? Moderating Role of Sales Technology Orientation. Industrial Marketing Management
- C. McKinley, Y. Limbu, C. Jayachandran (2017). The Influence of Statistical versus Exemplar Appeals on Indian Adults' Health Intentions: An Investigation of Direct Effects and Intervening Persuasion Processes to the Health Communication. Health Communication
- C. McKinley, Y. Limbu, R. Gautam, A. Ahirwar, P. dubey, C. Jayachandran (2018). Nutrition Knowledge and Diet: Exploring the Influence of Social and Informational Factors. American Journal of Health Education
- V. Temperini, Y. Limbu, C. Jayachandran (2017). Consumers’ trust in food quality and willing to pay more for National Parks’ brands: Preliminary evidence from Italy. Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing
- C. McKinley, Y. Limbu, C. Jayachandran (2017). Message-Framing Effects on Indian Females’ Mammography-Screening Intentions: Examining Moderating and Mediating Relationships. International Journal of Communication
- S. Babu, C. Jayachandran, (2017). Role of Knowledge Inequality and Social Entrepreneurship in Agricultural Transformation: Case of Rural South India. International Journal of Business & Applied Sciences
- I. Wanasika, Y. Limbu, C. Jayachandran, , I. Wanasika (2018). New Paradigms of Theory and Practice in Emerging markets: Knowledge and Innovation for Sustainable Growth (Editorial). International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets
- Y. Limbu, C. Jayachandran, C. McKinley, J. Choi, (2018). Exploring how structural and cognitive social capital influence preventive health behavior: Evidence from a Bottom of the Pyramid (BoP) population. Health Education
- D. Johnson, Y. Limbu, C. Jayachandran, R. Reddy (2019). Climbing the Down Escalator: When Customer-to-Customer Interactions are Harmful to Service Firms. European Journal of Marketing
- Y. Limbu, C. McKinley, R. Gautam, A. Ahirwar, P. Dubey, C. Jayachandran (2019). Nutrition knowledge, personal motivation, and food label use among Indian adults with multiple chronic conditions: A moderated mediation model. British Food Journal
- Y. Limbu, B. Huhmann, C. Jayachandran (2020). Consumers’ Credibility Perceptions and Attitudes Toward Prescription Drug Websites. International Journal of Business and Applied Sciences
- .. Venkataramany, C. Jayachandran (2023). Contextualizing the Impaact of Entrepreneurship Education & Training: Micro, Small & Medium Sized Enterprises (MSME) in the State of Tamil Nadu. IABE
Published Proceedings
- C. Jayachandran (5s). 1988. Strategies to re-establish US Competitiveness in technology markets Proceedings of the Institute for International Economic Competitiveness
- C. Jayachandran (5s). 1987. Factors influencing new product introduction: a study of the US pharmaceutical industry Proceedings of the North East Decision Sciences Institute
- C. Jayachandran (5s). 1999. Internet access and electronic commerce:obstacles and trends in emerging markets Proceedings of the NASBITE Annual conference
- C. Jayachandran (5s). 1998. The Internet Environment in China: Implications for CHinese Business & Industry Proceedings of the CHina and Zhuhai in the Globalization of World Economy conference
- C. Jayachandran (5s). 1998. Relationship Marketing Proceedings of the conference,"Current Trends in Management"
- C. Jayachandran (5s). 1997. Setting Promotional Budgets: Theoretical and Practical Perspectives Proceedings of the 3rd annual conference on marketing & communications
- C. Jayachandran (5s). 1995. An analysis of US and Japanese entry strategies in Pacific Rim countries: The case of automobile industry Proceedings of the Eastern Academy of Management
- C. Jayachandran (5s). 1982. Research in Marketing: A View Proceedings of the 1st All India Meet of Marketing Management Instructors
- C. Jayachandran (5s). 1982. Marketing of Milk for Economically Backward Sections: Challenges of the Eighties Proceedings of the Seminar on Marketing of Milk Products
- C. Jayachandran (5s). 1986. Indirect Costs: Marketer's Perceptions of Allocation & Control Proceedings of the Atlantic Marketing Association
- , , R. Subramanian, R. Misra, C. Jayachandran (5s). 2008. Infosys Technologies Limited: The Global Talent Program Eastern Academy of Management
- I. Ekeledo, C. Jayachandran (5s). 2007. Internastionalization of Asian Firms: Entry Mode Strategies and Research Propostitions SGBED: Creativity and Innovation: Imperatives for Global Business & Development
- C. Jayachandran (5s). 1988. A neo-technology model of the US trade: case of manufacturing industries Proceedings of the Institute for International Economic Cemptitiveness
- C. Jayachandran (5s). 1989. Perceptions of factors determining the choice of foreign technology collaborations Proceedings of the International Academy of Management & Marketing
- C. Jayachandran (5s). 1989. Effectiveness of product literature and trade shows, a cse study in industrial marketing Proceedings of the International Academy of Management & Marketing
- C. Jayachandran (5s). 1990. The US Service Transnationals: Some strategies to promote AMerican competitiveness Proceedings of the Institute for International Economic COmpetitiveness
- C. Jayachandran (5s). 1990. Semiconductor purchase process and its strategic implications Proceedings of the International Academy of of Management & Marketing
- C. Jayachandran (5s). 1991. Some issues with technology compensation Proceedings of the 3rd International conference on marketing and development
- C. Jayachandran (5s). 1993. Politics of trade negotiations: The firing power of Super 301 Proceedings of the International Academy of Business Disciplines
- C. Jayachandran (5s). 1999. The Internet and International Trade: Some Issues Proceedings of conference on current treends in management
- C. Jayachandran (5s). 2001. Learning and Sharing Electronic Business Technologies: The Case of India's Software Firms 2001 conference of the International Academy of E-Business
- C. Jayachandran (5s). 2004. Managing Business in a Volatile Environment: Balancing Local and Global Challenges
- C. Chakraborty, C. Jayachandran, R. Misra (5s). 2005. Management Challenges in Times of Global Change and Uncertainty SGBED:
- Y. Limbu, C. Jayachandran (5s). . Fishing for Silent Traits in Salesforce? An Empirical Investigation of the Role of Perspective-Taking Empathy, Nonverbal Immediacy, and Listening on Sales Effectiveness 2012 Society for Marketing Advances Proceedings
- , R. Subramanian, J. Toney, C. Jayachandran (5s). 2009. The Evolution of Research and Development in the Pharmaceutical Industry: Toward the Open Innovation Model-Can Pharma Reinvent Itself? Society fo Global Business & Economic Development (SGBED)
- C. Jayachandran, Y. Limbu (5s). 2012. Preventive Health Behavior among Bottom of the Pyramid (BOP) Households: Roles of Health Beliefs, Demographics, and Social Contexts 4th Research Symposium, Society for Global Business and Economic Development (SGBED)
- Y. Limbu, C. Jayachandran (5s). 2014. The moderating roles of traditional health beliefs in the relationship between social capital and self-reported health status among disadvantaged households in India Business and Applied Sciences Academy of North America (BAASANA) International Conference of Proceedings
- Y. Limbu, C. Jayachandran (5s). 2014. Exploring the Health Behavior of the Poor and the Role of Social Capital, Health Locus of Control, and Gender Association for Marketing & Health Care Research (AMHCR) Conference
- T. Valerio, Y. Limbu, C. Jayachandran, (5s). 2016. Consumers’ trust in food quality and willing to pay more for National Parks’ brands: Preliminary evidence from Italy International Food Marketing Research Symposium Proceedings
- C. McKinley, Y. Limbu, C. Jayachandran (5s). 2016. “Message Framing Effects on Indian Females’ Mammography Screening Intentions: Examining Moderating and Mediating Relationships Society for Marketing Advances Proceedings
- C. Jayachandran, Y. Limbu, (5s). 2015. Health Branding and Preventive Health Behavior: Trends in Emerging Markets 5th Research Symposium, Society for Global Business & Economic Development (SGBED)
- C. McKinley, Y. Limbu, C. Jayachandran (5s). 2015. The Influence of Statistical versus Exemplar Appeals on Indian Adults Health Intentions: An Investigation of Direct Effects and Intervening Persuasion Processes National Communication Association
- Y. Limbu, C. Jayachandran, C. McKinley (5s). 2014. Joint Effects of Message Framing and Evidence Type on Early Disease Detection and Prevention Messages The 13th International Conference Proceeding of the Society for Global Business & Economic Development
- Y. Limbu, P. Chatterjee, C. Jayachandran (5s). 2014. Asymmetric Relationship between Reference Group Influence on Pro-Health and Deviant Behaviors of Base of Pyramid Consumers Association for Consumer Research
- D. Johnson, Y. Limbu, C. Jayachandran, R. Reddy (5s). 2017. The Moderating Role of Service Category Perception in Service Co-Creation Summer American Marketing Association Conference Proceedings
- Y. Limbu, C. McKinley, C. Jayachandran, (5s). 2018. Persuasion Strategies in Disease Prevention and Early detection Behaviors: Examining the Interactive Effects of Message Framing and Evidence Type Business and Applied Sciences Academy of North America COnference proceedings
- C. McKinley, Y. Limbu, R. Gautam, C. Jayachandran, (5s). 2018. Re-examining the Association Between Nutrition Knowledge and Diet: The Influence of Social and Informational Factors The Proceedings of National Communication Association 104th Annual Convention
- D. Johnson, Y. Limbu, C. Jayachandran, R. Reddy, (5s). 2018. The Role of Category Skepticism and Customer to CUstomer Interactions in Service Co-production SGBED
- Y. Limbu, C. McKinley, R. Gautam, C. Jayachandran, (5s). 2018. A moderated mediation model of the relationship between nutrition knowledge and food label use among consumers with multiple chronic conditions SGBED
Books & Chapters
- C. Jayachandran, L. Guijin (1999). The Managerial Process and Impact of Foreign Investment in Greater China: An Overview. Jai Press Inc
- C. Jayachandran (1987). Readings in Integrated Rural Development, Marketing Management and Agri-business. Oxford & IBH Publishing for Society of Social Economists, Tamil Nadu
- , C. Jayachandran, I. Ekeledo (2007). International Market Entry-strategy Choice for Global Service Firms: Is there a Dominant Approach? . Penerbit, Universiti Utara malaysia
- C. Jayachandran (1991). International Trade Collaboration: Issues in Negotiation. MCB University Press
- N. Campbell, C. Jayachandran, L. Guijun, (1999). The Managerial Process and Impact of Foreign Investment in Greater China. Jai Publishers
- C. CHakraborty, G. Rawlins, C. Jayachandran (1999). The Exchange Rate and Technology Intensive Exports: Evidence from the People's Republic of China. Jai Press Inc
- R. Subramanian, C. Jayachandran (2010). The "Visible" Hand: Government Policy's Effect on Regional Competitiveness of Clusters in Business Clusters: Partnering for Strategic Advantage. Routledge
- C. Jayachandran, M. Thorpe, R. Subramanian, V. Nagadevara, (2010). Business Clusters: Partnering for Strategic Advantage. Routledge
- C. Jayachandran, R. Subramanian (2014). Strategic and Tactical Dimensions of Technology Standards Battles: SOny and Blu-Ray. Routledge
- R. Subramanian, M. Rahe, V. Nagadevara, C. Jayachandran, (2014). Rethinking Innovation: Global Perspectives. Routledge
- Ahmed , , C. Jayachandran, Y. Limbu (2022). Nation Branding as a Strategic Approach for Emerging Economies: The Case of UAE. Palgrave McMillan CHam