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Susana Juniu
Chairperson, Kinesiology, College for Community Health
- Office:
- University Hall
- Email:
- junius@montclair.edu
- Phone:
- 973-655-7093
- Degrees:
- BS, Temple University
- MEd, Temple University
- EdD, Temple University
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Dr. Juniu has a solid background in educational technology, curriculum development, leisure studies, and qualitative and quantitative research. Dr. Juniu has a strong interest in community-based participatory and has received rigorous training in the Photovoice methodology. She incorporates her qualitative research knowledge and expertise utilizing Photovoice to examine under-resourced communities’ views of their social environment, in particular as relates to health and education. She has maintained a steady and productive scholarly record in these areas. She has conducted multiple projects utilizing Photovoice, conducted projects using Photovoice with socially vulnerable communities and sexual minorities including, female sex workers and immigrant women in the Dominican Republic.
Dr. Juniu’s work has been published in English and Spanish in journal articles, book chapters, and scholarly presentations. Dr. Juniu’s international contributions have been broad and significant. Her work in educational technology has been recognized at National and International conferences and research projects and presentations span Argentina, Botswana, Canada, Costa Rica, Israel, Malaysia, Panama, Spain, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and Venezuela. She was granted a teaching/research Fulbright award to work with colleagues at the University of Costa Rica. Her work focused on documenting women’s leisure experiences through photographs.
For Dr. Juniu, education must be affordable and inclusive, open to diversity, and free of misconceptions. One of her major goals is to provide opportunities for students and faculty to have an appreciation for other cultures and languages and an understanding of individual differences. Her commitment is to support a diverse student body and to provide them with world-class education and opportunities to achieve their academic and professional goals.
Qualitative and Quantitative Research, Psychosocial aspects of Leisure Behavior, and Educational Technology. Photovoice methodology - community-based participatory research.