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Mark Kay
Professor, Marketing, Feliciano School of Business
- Office:
- School of Business
- Email:
- kaym@montclair.edu
- Phone:
- 973-655-7445
- Degrees:
- BFA, School of the Art Institute of Chicago
- MFA, University of Chicago
- MA, University of Chicago
- MBA, Baruch College
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Dr. Kay teaches course in marketing, branding, sustainability, and corporate social responsibility practices. Dr. Kay studied at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago in Art, Design, and Film Studies. At the University of Chicago, he earned two masters degrees in the Fine Arts and at the Divinity School, studying aesthetics, ethics, and value theory. He received his MBA and Ph.D. degrees in Marketing from Baruch College at the City University of New York (CUNY). He has written on the case method of teaching and the process of team development. His award-winning cases include the Toys "R" Us entry strategy in Japan, the rise of the Performance Bicycle Shops, and the Tabasco Hot Sauce brand. During the 1990s, he worked with a team at Baruch/CUNY that developed a pedagogical seminar program for teaching marketing and logistics that were taught to faculty and industrial leaders in the Czech Republic and in Hungary. He also lead a team on the marketing of AIDS prevention programs at the Congress of Europe that was held in Vilnius, Lithuania in 1999. His research focuses upon branding, sustainability, healthcare, and corporate social responsibility practices. Recent research focus on well-being practices in the tradition of transformative consumer research.
Office Hours
- Monday
- 2:30 pm - 5:30 pm
- Wednesday
- 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm
Montclair State does not endorse the views or opinions expressed in a faculty member's webpage or website. Consistent with the principles of academic freedom, the content provided is that of the author and does not express the opinions or views of Montclair State University.
- Kay, Mark J., Session Track Chair, the Transformative Consumer Research Conference, the Association for Consumer Research, (June 2021), University of Virginia, “Contrasting Agencies of Solitude and Sociality”, Research session and panel.
- Public interest organizations, such as health agencies, face specific social problems. These adeptly take a practical and focused approach by adopting <i>harm reduction</i> policies. This is recognized as an important principle that has been proven to effectively guide programs and policies toward efficient well-being solutions. Principles of harm reduction promote autonomy, charity, beneficence, and social justice to advance equity democratically by providing accessible care to all.
Professional Experience
- Associate Producer, WSK Productions & New York Center for Visual History (1982 - 1988)
- Instructor, Baruch College (1988 - 1991)
- Rapporteur, Japan Society (1986 - 1988)
- Assistant Professor, Iona College (1990 - 1994)
- Senior Research Director, Howard Malboro / Saatchi & Saatch ( - Present)
- , WSK Productions ( - Present)
- Principal, consultant, & researcher, Unlikely Marketing (1988 - 2023)
- , Educational Testing Service ( - Present)
- Management Consulting, TNS. (April 2022 - Present).
- Training/Education, Meta Inc.. (April 2022 - June 2022). Worked with a teams engaged in the development of online products to be used to assist online learning and teaching.
- Management Consulting, InfantSEE. (April 2022 - Present). Marketing consulting to help the non-profit work of optometrists to aid in the prevention of vision problems in infants.
- Management Consulting, Various non-profit and corporate firms. (November 1997 - Present).
Honors & Awards
- Consortium Fellow, American Marketing Associaton ( 1992)
- Grant, US AID ( 1999)
- Teaching Workshop Grant, the Mellon Foundation ( 1997)
- Case Development Grant, Council of Logistics Management ( 1996)
Refereed Published Articles
- M. Kay (1999). Critical Linkage on the Cyber-Frontier. Inquiry
- , A. Morris, A. Kornhauser, M. Kay (1999). Getting the Goods Delivered in Dense Urban Areas: A Snapshot of the Last Link of the Supply Chain. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Boad
- M. Kay (1999). New Strategies in B2B Markets. E-Business Review
- A. Morris, A. Kornhauser, M. Kay (1998). Urban Freight Mobility: Collecting Data on Time, Costs, and Barriers Related to Moving Product into the Central Business District. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Boad
- M. Kay (2001). New Strategies in B2B Markets. E-Business Review, International Academy of E-Business
- M. Kay (2001). New Strategies in B2B Markets: Pricing, Networking, and Supply Chain Management. 2001 Conference of the International Academy of E-Business
- M. Kay (2007). Healthcare Marketing: What is Salient?. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing
- M. Kay (2006). Strong Brands and Corporate Brands. European Journal of Marketing
- M. Kay, (2016). Transformative Stories: A Framework for Crafting Stories for Social Impact Organizations. Journal of Public Policy & Marketing
- M. Kay (2010). Marketing and the Effects of Recessions. Phi Kappa Phi Forum
- Y. Limbu, M. Kay (2010). Hybrid Detailing: A Proposed Model for Pharmaceutical Sales. i-Manager’s Journal on Management
- S. Sato, M. Kay, A. Arai, Y. Tsuji (2019). When should endorsed brands cut ties with transgressed endorsers?. Communication & Sport
- S. Sato, Y. Ko, Y. Chang, M. Kay (2018). How does the negative impact of an athlete’s reputational crisis spill over to endorsed and competing brands? The moderating effects of consumer knowledge. Communication & Sport
- M. Kay, S. Kay, A. Tuininga (2018). Green teams: A collaborative training model. Journal of Cleaner Production
- M. Kay, S. Kay (2023). The Pursuit of the Solitary. Journal of the Association for Consumer Research
Published Proceedings
- M. Kay (5s). 1998. Promoting Inter-Organizational Connectivity in the Electronics Industry Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science Conference
- M. Kay (5s). 2000. Electronic B to B Markets: Process Drivers and Strategic Linkage 5th International Conference on Global Business & Economic Development: Managing Global Business in the Internet Age
- M. Kay (5s). 2001. Internet B2B Marketing: Evolving Practices Management Education for the 21st Century
- M. Kay, Y. Wang (5s). 2010. Marketing the Staycation: The Salience of the Local in Destinations Branding the Northeast Business & Economics Association (NBEA)
- M. Kay (5s). 2007. Digital Branding 2.0 Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Global Business and Economic Development
- M. Kay (5s). 2004. Sustainable Business Models and Promotion Practices 2004 BELL (Business, Environment, Learning, and Leadership) Conference
- M. Kay (5s). 2003. Internet B2B and the New Marketing Paradigm Seventh International Conference on Global Business and Economic Development
- M. Kay (5s). 2003. Digital Products: Intellectual Property Rights, Standards, and Common "Goods Seventh International Conference on Global Business and Economic Development
- M. Kay (5s). 2001. Internet B2B Marketing: Evolving Practices Internation Conference in Vietnam on Management Education for the 21st Century -Managing in the Digital Age
- M. Kay (5s). 2012. Price-Quality Relationships and the Price Heuristic American Marketing Association
- M. Kay (5s). 2010. Marketing during Recessions: Social Effects and Marketing Opportunities Proceedings of the 2010 Northeast Business & Economics Association
- P. Chatterjee, M. Kay (5s). 2010. Green Brand Extensions: The Role of Attribute-Product Schema Incongruity on the Processing of Environmental Claims Proceedings of the 2010 Northeast Business & Economics Association
- M. Kay, Y. Limbu (5s). 2011. Pharmaceutical Promotions and the Physicians-Patient Relationship: Patient Orientation or Physician Orientation? Proceedings of the 2011 MBAA International Conference
- M. Kay (5s). . Relationship Marketing and the Patient Physician Relationship Proceeding of the Conference of the Academy of Marketing Science
- M. Kay (5s). . Place and Space Elements in Retail Sustainability Practices acra
- M. Kay (5s). 2016. A Model of Corporate Responsibility Commitment: Sustainability Programs, Reporting, and Governance SGBED
- M. Kay (5s). 2016. Sustainability Integration: A Model for Developing Corporate Responsibility Commitment Through Effective Sustainability Programs, Reporting, and Governance 14th International Conference of the Society for Global Business & Economic Development
- M. Kay (5s). 2016. Transformative Digital Storytelling: A Framework for Crafting Stories for Social Change Organizations Association for Consumer Research Conference
- M. Kay (5s). 2016. A Model of Corporate Responsibility Commitment: Sustainability Programs, Reporting, and Governance 14th International Conference of the Society for Global Business & Economic Development
- M. Kay (5s). 2020. Socially Engaged Research: Knowledge, Desire, Action American Marketing Association
- M. Kay (5s). 2020. Brand Stakeholder Management Meets Assemblage Approaches American Marketing Association
- M. Kay (5s). 2020. Socially Engaged Research: Knowledge, Desire, Action American Marketing Assocation
- M. Kay (5s). 2020. Brand Stakeholder Management Meets Assemblage Approaches American Marketing Association
Books & Chapters
- M. Kay (2005). "Retail Strategy: Toys "R" Us Japan" in Asian Retailing: Trends, Strategy and Merchandise, edited by Thomas. Pearson/ Prentice Hall
- M. Kay (2005). "Retail Trends and Retail Innovation in Japan" in the book, Asian Retailing: Trends, Strategy and Merchandise. Pearson/ Prentice Hall
- M. Kay (2005). Toys 'R' Us 2005". in Retail Management,
- M. Kay (2012). Strategic Brand Promotions: Prospects for Sustainability Marketing. Tilde University Press
- M. Kay (2012). Readings and Cases in Sustainability Marketing: A Strategic Approach to Organisational Social Responsibility. Tilde University Press
- M. Kay (2015). Corporate Sustainability Programs and Reporting: Enhancing Responsibility Commitment and Thought Leadership at Starbucks. Tilden Press
- M. Kay (2015). Corporate Sustainability Programs and Reporting: Enhancing Responsibility Commitment and Thought Leadership at Starbucks. Tilden Press
- M. Kay (2016). Enterprise Marketing. Bookpatch
- M. Kay (2016). Relationship Marketing and the Patient Physician Relationship. Springer International Publishing
- M. Kay (2021). Better Marketing: A Student Study Guide. Lulu Publishing