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Todd Kelshaw
Associate Director, School of Communication and Media, School of Communication and Media, Dean's Office, College of the Arts
- Office:
- Morehead Hall 121
- Email:
- kelshawt@montclair.edu
- Phone:
- 973-655-5162
- Degrees:
- BS, Syracuse University
- MA, University of Washington
- PhD, University of Washington
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As a scholar of organizational communication, my special concerns are for democratic environments in which members may share leadership, collaboratively create and problem-solve, and foster healthy relationships across cultural, moral, and attitudinal differences. In an organizational landscape that is increasingly characterized by democratization, globalization, and decentralized yet thoroughly networked interactivities—all of which are advanced through emerging communication technologies—issues of stakeholder empowerment are quickly becoming more important and sophisticated. If, as John Dewey observed, democracy is not so much a mechanism of governance as it is a moral ideal to be realized throughout the communicative contexts of our daily lives, such issues are inherent to all of our communities, spanning residential and civic settings, politics and governance, work, commerce, education, recreation, journalism, and so on. Through my scholarship, I aim to interrogate and celebrate notions of relational stakeholdership, and to develop and apply dialogic and deliberative communication competencies toward people’s mutual empowerment and organizational well-being.
My scholarship generally falls into three topical categories, all of which pertain to my interests in democratic organizational environments. These categories are: deliberative democracy in civic contexts; digitally mediated democratic interaction; and democratic approaches to teaching and learning. My published scholarship includes:
Kelshaw, T. (2018). Administering community-engaged pedagogies: Toward an anticipatory approach to problems. Journal of the Association for Communication Administration, 37(1), pp.13-17.
Kelshaw, T. (2015). Wearing Members Only jackets: Baby boomers and the shift from sharing in to buying into community. In T. Gencarelli and B. Cogan (Eds.), Baby boomers and popular culture: An inquiry into America's most powerful generation. Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger/ABC-CLIO. Pp. 49-65.
Kelshaw, T. (2010). Public deliberation and the rhetorical "real": Balancing accomplishment and complication in republican-democratic structures. In B. Warnick and M. Smith (Eds.), The responsibilities of rhetoric. Long Grove, IL: Waveland Press. Pp. 117-128.
Kelshaw, T & Lemesianou, C. A. (2010). Emerging online democracy: The dynamics of formal and informal control in digitally mediated social structures. In T. Dumova & R. Fiordo (Eds.), Handbook of research on social interaction technologies and collaboration software: Concepts and trends. Hershey, PA: IGI Global Publishing. Pp. 404-416.
Kelshaw, T., Lazarus, F., & Minier, J. (Eds.) (2009). Partnerships for service-learning: Impacts on communities and students. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Kelshaw, T., & Gastil, J. (2008). When citizens and officeholders meet (Part 2): A typology of face-to-face public meetings. International Journal of Public Participation, 2(1), 33-54.
Kelshaw, T. (2007). Understanding abnormal public discourses: Dialogue and deliberation defined. International Journal of Public Participation, 1(2), 69-90.
Kelshaw, T., & Gastil, J. (2007). When citizens and officeholders meet (Part 1): Variations in the key elements of public meetings. International Journal of Public Participation, 1(2), 1-17.
St. John, J. & Kelshaw, T. (2007). Remembering ?memory,? part II: A rhetorical commentary on an institutional keyword in communication studies. Review of Communication, 7(3), 360-368.
Kelshaw, T. & St. John, J. (2007). Remembering ?memory?: The emergence and performance of an institutional keyword in communication studies. Review of Communication, 7(1), 46-77.
Natale, D., Brook, K, & Kelshaw, T. (2007). Critical reflections on community-campus partnerships: Promise and performance. Partnership Perspectives, 4(1), 13-22.
Kelshaw, T. (2006). Community issues forum facilitation. In L. W. Hugenberg & B. Hugenberg (Eds.), Teaching ideas for the basic course: Vol. 10. Dubuque: Kendall/Hunt Publishing. Pp. 197-204.
Kelshaw, T. (2006). Communication as political participation. In G. J. Shepherd, J. St. John, and T. Striphas (Eds.), Communication as . . . : Stances on theory. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Burkhalter, S., Gastil, J., & Kelshaw, T. (2002). The self-reinforcing model of public deliberation. Communication Theory, 12(4), 398-422.
Gastil, J., & Kelshaw, T. (2002, March). What does it mean to deliberate? A study of the meaning of deliberation in academic journals and the on-line publications of membership associations. Prepared for and presented to the Kettering Foundation, Dayton, OH.
Gastil, J., & Kelshaw, T. (2000, May). Public meetings: A sampler of deliberative forums that bring officeholders and citizens together. Prepared for and presented to the Kettering Foundation Public-Government Workshop, Dayton, OH.
Office Hours
- Monday
- 11:30 am - 12:30 pm
- Wednesday
- 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
- Thursday
- 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Montclair State University does not endorse the views or opinions expressed in a faculty member's webpage or website. Consistent with the principles of academic freedom, the content provided is that of the author and does not express the opinions or views of Montclair State University.
- "Communication as Political Participation"
- "Critical Reflections on Community-Campus Partnerships"
- "Emerging Online Democracy"
- "Understanding 'Abnormal' Public Discourses
- "Public Deliberation and the Rhetorical 'Real': Balancing Accomplishment and Complication in Republican-Democratic Structures"
- "Remembering 'Memory': The Emergence and Performance of an Institutional Keyword in Communication Studies"
- "Remembering 'Memory' Part II: A Rhetorical Commentary on an Institutional Keyword in Communication Studies"
- "When Citizens and Officeholders Meet Part I: Variations in the Key Elements of Public Meetings"
- "When Citizens and Officeholders Meet Part II: A Typology of Face-to-Face Public Meetings"