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Dong-Kyoon Kim
Associate Professor, Accounting and Finance, Feliciano School of Business
- Office:
- School of Business 358
- Email:
- kimd@montclair.edu
- Phone:
- 973-655-7450
- Degrees:
- BS, Korea University
- MS, Korea University
- MBA, State University of New York @ Buffalo
- MS, University of South Carolina
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Dr. Dong-Kyoon Kim is an associate professor of finance and international finance. Dr. Kim has a Ph.D degree from University of South Carolina. Before he joined at Montclair State University, Dr. Kim also had been a faculty at SUNY-Oneonta. Dr. Kim published articles in several good quality of journals, such as Journal of Multinational Financial Management, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, Multinational Business Review, and Journal of Economics and Finance. Dr. Kim teaches courses in finance, international finance, and international business.
International Financial Management, Investments in Emerging Markets, Corporate governance structure, and corporate bankruptcy.
- Valuing Firm Using the Price to Sales Ratio
- The Effect of Board on IPO Underpricing and Firm Value: Evidence from Korea
- The Examination of the Financial Reporting Quality of DeSpac IPO and Traditional IPO using Benford's Law.
- Impact of territorial tax system on US MNCs and Korean MNCs' operations: Comparison analysis between US MNCs and Korean MNCs
Professional Experience
- Sergent, Joint US Military Assistant Group in Korea (1986 - 1988)
- Fund Manager, Tong Yang Securities Co (1993 - 1994)
- Researcher, Tong Yang Economic Research Institute (1991 - 1992)
- Assistant Professor, State University of New York at Oneonta (2002 - 2005)
- Manager, Hansol Group (1997 - 1997)
Refereed Published Articles
- D. Kim (2004). The Incentive Effects of Executive Stock Options: Evidence from International Acquisitions. Journal of Multinational Financial Management
- S. Jung, D. Kim (2006). Overseas Acquisitions: Culture vs. Marketing. Journal of International Business and Economics
- D. Kim, L. Portes (2007). The Role of International Corporate Diversification on the Probability of Financial distress. Review of Business Research
- D. Kim, C. Kwok, H. Baek (2007). Managerial Incentives to Diversity and Shareholder Monitoring: Evidence from International Acquisitions. Multinational Business Review
- D. Kim (2006). Why Do Managers Undertake Bad International Acquisitions?. Journal of International Business and Economics
- D. Kim (2006). Do Self-Serving Managers Choose Chapter 11 Filing over Out-of-Court Restructuring. Journal of Economics and Finance
- L. Portes, D. Kim (2007). Foreign Direct Investment and Aggregate Volatility. . International Journal of Business Research
- D. Kim, L. San Vicente Portes (2007). The Role of International Corporate Diversification on the Probability of Financial Distress. Review of Business Research
- , D. Kim, J. Kim, H. Baek (2008). Management Earnings Forecasts and Adverse Selection Costs: Good vs. Bad News Forecast. International Journal of Accounting and Information Management
- , D. Kim, M. Son, Z. Zamanian (2007). Is Managerial Discretion Higher in Multinational Firms?. Global Business and Finance Review
- L. San Vicente Portes, D. Kim (2007). Foreign Direct Investment and Aggregate Volatility. International Journal of Business Research
- T. Lee, D. Kim (2008). International Equity Parity with Exchange Risk. Journal of Academy of Business and Economics
- D. Kim, C. Kwok (2009). The Influence of Managerial Incentives on the Resolution of Financial Distress. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting
- D. Kim, I. Song, M. Chen (2009). The Influence of Managerial Incentives and a Firm's Multinationality on corporate reorganization. Global Business and Finance Review
- D. Kim, M. Son, N. Usmen (2010). Cross-listing and Earnings Management Surrounding SOX. Global Business and Finance Review
- S. Jung, Y. Bae, D. Kim, J. Kim (2009). The Demand for and Supply of International Business Knowledge. International Journal of Business Research
- H. Baek, D. Cho, D. Kim (2012). Multinational Real Options and Hysteresis: Cross-Border Acquisitions, and Hard and Soft Service Industries. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade
- H. Baek, D. Kim (2013). Corporate Multinational Flexibility Option and Bankruptcy Resolution. Internationl Review of Management and Business Research
- K. Chang, D. Kim, H. Yin (2013). Does Globalization Increase Bank Efficiency As Measured By Net Interest Margin?. Journal of International Finance and Economics
- S. Kim, D. Kim (2016). Mortage Interest Tax Shield and Home Mortgage Refinancing Decision. Universal Journal of Accounting and Finance
- S. Han, D. Kim, D. Lee (2016). Trade Network and Cutural Distance in Cross-Border Acquisition. Asia Pacific Journal of Financial Studies
- , D. Kim, M. Son (2014). The Association between Earnings News and Timing of Annual Earnings Announcement. Global Business & Finance Review
- D. Kim (2017). Foreign ownership, corporate governance structure, and firm value. Journal of Strategic and International Studies
Published Proceedings
- D. Kim, J. Lee (5s). 2022. Techno-economic Analysis on the Present and Future of the Battery for Electric Vehicle Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on IT Applications & Management, On-line