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Yam Limbu
Professor, Marketing, Feliciano School of Business
- Office:
- School of Business
- Email:
- limbuy@montclair.edu
- Phone:
- 973-655-3361
- Degrees:
- MBA, Tribhuvan University (Nepal)
- PhD, New Mexico State University
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Dr. Limbu is a Professor of Marketing at Montclair State University. He is an expert in pharmaceutical and healthcare marketing. His research interests include pharmaceutical marketing, healthcare marketing, business ethics, consumer behavior, financial services marketing, and public health. He endeavors to make an impact in interdisciplinary research that emphasizes the interplay between marketing and critical societal issues, such as healthcare, public policy, and business ethics. Many of his works have been published in prestigious peer-reviewed marketing and interdisciplinary journals (Google Scholar Citation Report: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=w8bYj4gAAAAJ&hl=en) including Industrial Marketing Management, European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Consumer Affairs, International Journal of Advertising, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, International Journal of Bank Marketing, Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, Management Decision, Social Science & Medicine, Health Communication, Vaccines, Frontiers in Pharmacology, Frontiers in Public Health, British Food Journal, and International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education. He has co-authored books, book chapters, and conference proceedings.
Dr. Limbu serves as an associate editor for the International Journal of Bank Marketing. He has served as editor-in-chief and guest editor for various journals. He has also co-edited several books. He serves on the editorial boards of several journals and was an ad hoc reviewer for numerous scholarly journals. He also serves as a research or grant proposal reviewer for government agencies, including the Office of Prescription Drug Promotion (OPDP), the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the National Science Centre, Poland.
Dr. Limbu served as vice president of the Academy of Global Business Research & Practice from 2019 to 2021. He was the vice president of the Society for Global Business & Economic Development from 2013 to 2018. He has also served as a board member and marketing track chair for the Business and Applied Sciences Academy of North America and as a Member-at-Large of the Society for Marketing Advances from 2019 to 2023.
Dr. Limbu has served as Keynote Speaker, Plenary Speaker, General Chair, Program Co-Chair, Track Chair, Proceedings Editor, Session and Meet the Editors and Doctoral Workshop Panel Members for acedemic conferences and symposiums. He has conducted research workshops and seminars with faculty and doctoral students. He serves as a visiting faculty and thesis/dissertation committee member and adjudicator at various institutions. He provides consulting services for business firms and nonprofit organizations.
Pharmaceutical marketing
Healthcare marketing
Marketing ethics
Consumer behavior
Services marketing
Public health
Office Hours
- Tuesday
- 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm
- Thursday
- 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm
Montclair State does not endorse the views or opinions expressed in a faculty member's webpage or website. Consistent with the principles of academic freedom, the content provided is that of the author and does not express the opinions or views of Montclair State University.
Professional Experience
- Assistant Professor, Montclair State University (2009 - 2015)
- Professor, Montclair State University (2020 - Present)
- Associate Professor, Montclair State University (2015 - 2020)
Honors & Awards
- The Brad Gordon Scholarship , New Mexico State University, NM, USA (August 2007)
- The McCarter Research Award, New Mexico State University, NM, USA (May 2008)
- The Merit-based Enhancement Award, Mexico State University, NM, USA (October 2008)
- Society for Marketing Advances Doctoral Consortium Fellow, New Mexico State University, NM, USA (October 2008)
- Excellence in Scholarship Award, Feliciano School of Business, Montclair State University (May 2019)
- Stukent Research Grant, Stukent, Inc. (April 2019)
- Separately Budgeted Research Internal Award, Montclair State University, NJ, USA (September 2016)
- Best Paper Award, Marketing Track, Business and Applied Sciences Academy of North America (BAASANA) International Conference (June 2014)
- Best Paper Award, Marketing Track, Business and Applied Sciences Academy of North America (BAASANA) International Conference (August 2013)
- Faculty Honoree, Beta Gamma Sigma, Montclair State University (March 2013)
- Engaged Teaching Fellow, Research Academy for University Learning, Montclair State University (September 2010)
- Separately Budgeted Research Internal Award , Montclair State University, NJ, USA (May 2023)
- Best Paper Award, Public Policy, Non-Profit, & Healthcare Marketing Track , Society for Marketing Advances Conference (November 2022)
Refereed Published Articles
- R. Peterson, B. Xu, Y. Limbu (2009). Potential Effectiveness of Salesperson Mirroring and Empathy Training in Selling to Small Business: An Examination. Small Business Institute Journal
- R. Peterson , Y. Limbu (2009). The Convergence of Mirroring and Empathy: Communications Training in Business-to-Business Personal Selling Persuasion Efforts. Journal of Business to Business Marketing
- R. Peterson, B. Xu, Y. Limbu (2009). The Depiction of Female Models in Sport Television Commercials in the U.S. by Degree of Slenderness: An Appraisal. Journal of Promotion Management
- Y. Limbu, I. Torres (2009). The Effect of Product Involvement and Ad Type on Attitudes toward Direct-to-Consumer Advertising of Prescription Drugs. Journal of Health and Human Services Administration
- A. Mukherjee, Y. Limbu (2013). Pharmaceutical direct-to-consumer advertising: past, present, and future. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing
- R. Peterson, Y. Limbu (2010). Student Characteristics and Perspectives in Entrepreneurial Courses: A Profile. Journal of Entrepreneurship Education
- I. Torres, Y. Limbu (2010). Antecedents and Consequences of Attitudes toward Direct-to-Consumer Advertising of Prescription Drugs. Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising
- Y. Limbu, M. Kay (2010). Hybrid Detailing: A Proposed Model for Pharmaceutical Sales. i-Manager’s Journal on Management
- Y. Limbu, M. Wolf, D. Lunsford (2011). Consumers' Perceptions of Online Ethics and its Effects on Satisfaction and Loyalty. Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing
- A. Mukherjee, Y. Limbu (2013). A Review of Research on Direct-to-Consumer Advertising of Prescription Drugs: Directions for Future Research. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing
- B. Xu, R. Peterson, G. Hampton, Y. Limbu (2011). Dissimilar New Product Pace: Product Contingency Effects. Marketing Management Journal
- Y. Limbu, B. Huhmann, B. Xu (2012). Are College Students at Greater Risk of Credit Card Abuse? Age, Gender, Materialism, and Parental Influence on Consumer Response to Credit Cards. Journal of Financial Services Marketing
- Y. Limbu, M. Wolf, D. Lunsford (2012). Perceived Ethics of Online Retailers and Consumers’ Behavioral Intentions: Mediating Roles of Trust and Attitude. Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing
- R. Peterson, Y. Limbu, B. Xu, S. Fischbach (2012). Applications of Balance Theory to Faculty Effectiveness: An Assessment. Marketing Education Review
- Y. Limbu, B. Huhmann, R. Peterson (2012). An examination of humor and endorser effects on consumers’ responses to direct-to-consumer advertising: The moderating role of product involvement. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing
- Y. Limbu, C. Jayachandran, B. Babin (2014). Does Information and Communication Technology Improve Job Satisfaction? Moderating Role of Sales Technology Orientation. Industrial Marketing Management
- Y. Limbu, C. Jayachandran (2014). Exploring the Linkage between Social Capital and Self-Reported Health Status of Underprivileged Individuals: Role of Traditional Health Beliefs. International Journal of Business & Applied Sciences
- J. Asing-Cashman , B. Gurung, Y. Limbu, D. Rutledge (2014). Free and Open Source Tools (FOSTs): An Empirical Investigation of Pre-Service Teacher’s Competency, Attitude, and Pedagogical Intention. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
- R. Jensen, Y. Limbu, Y. Spong (2015). Visual analytics of Twitter conversations about corporate sponsors of FC Barcelona and Juventus at the 2015 UEFA Final . International Journal of Sports Marketing & Sponsorship
- I. Wanasika, Y. Limbu (2015). Effects of Antitakeover Defenses on Value in the Pharmaceutical Industry. American Journal of Management
- B. Huhmann, Y. Limbu (2016). Influence of Gender Stereotypes on Advertising Offensiveness and Attitude toward Advertising in General. International Journal of Advertising
- R. Jensen, Y. Limbu (2016). Soccer Fans’ Motivations, Attitudes, and Behavioral Intentions across Ethnicity and Gender Lines: Are Hispanics in the United States More Passionate about Soccer than Caucasians?. Journal of Marketing Management
- R. Jensen, Y. Limbu (2016). Spectators’ awareness, attitudes and behaviors towards a stadium’s social media campaign. International Journal of Marketing Studies
- R. Jensen, Y. Limbu, . Choi (2016). How does the stadium atmosphere at a college football game affect behavioral intentions across gender lines? The mediating role of spectator satisfaction. International Journal of Management and Marketing Research
- B. Huhmann, Y. Limbu (2016). Content and Compliance of Pharmaceutical Social Media Marketing. Marketing Intelligence & Planning
- Y. Limbu, C. Jayachandran, B. Babin, R. Peterson (2016). Empathy, Nonverbal Immediacy, and Salesperson Performance: The Mediating Role of Adaptive Selling Behavior. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing
- C. McKinley, Y. Limbu, R. Gautam, A. Ahirwar, P. dubey, C. Jayachandran (2018). Nutrition Knowledge and Diet: Exploring the Influence of Social and Informational Factors. American Journal of Health Education
- V. Temperini, Y. Limbu, C. Jayachandran (2017). Consumers’ trust in food quality and willing to pay more for National Parks’ brands: Preliminary evidence from Italy. Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing
- Y. Limbu (2017). Credit Card Knowledge, Social Motivation, and Credit Card Misuse among College Students: Examining the Information-Motivation-Behavioral Skills Model. International Journal of Bank Marketing
- C. McKinley, Y. Limbu, C. Jayachandran (2017). Message-Framing Effects on Indian Females’ Mammography-Screening Intentions: Examining Moderating and Mediating Relationships. International Journal of Communication
- Y. Limbu, R. Jensen (2017). The Determinants and Consequences of Website Credibility in E-Retailing: Examining the Roles of Ethical Issues. International Journal of Electronic Marketing and Retailing
- C. McKinley, Y. Limbu, C. Jayachandran (2017). The Influence of Statistical versus Exemplar Appeals on Indian Adults' Health Intentions: An Investigation of Direct Effects and Intervening Persuasion Processes to the Health Communication. Health Communication
- Y. Limbu, R. Jensen (2018). The determinants and consequences of website credibility in e-retailing: examining the roles of ethical issues. International Journal of Electronic Marketing and Retailing
- R. Peterson, Y. Limbu (2018). The Utilization of Scripts in Designing Charity Promotion Strategy - The Case of Animals. International Journal of Business & Applied Sciences
- Y. Limbu, C. McKinley, V. Temperini (2019). A Longitudinal Examination of FDA Warning and Untitled Letters Issued to Pharmaceutical Companies for Violations in Drug Promotion Standards. Journal of Consumer Affairs
- Y. Limbu, S. Sato (2019). Credit Card Literacy and Financial Well-Being of College Students: A Moderated Mediation Model of Self-Efficacy and Credit Card Number. International Journal of Bank Marketing
- L. Pham, Y. Limbu, T. Bui, H. Nguyen, H. Pham (2019). Does e-learning service quality influence e-learning student satisfaction and loyalty? Evidence from Vietnam. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education
- Y. Limbu, C. McKinley, R. Gautam, A. Ahirwar, P. Dubey, C. Jayachandran (2019). Nutrition knowledge, personal motivation, and food label use among Indian adults with multiple chronic conditions: A moderated mediation model. British Food Journal
- B. Xu, Y. Limbu, Z. Ma, M. Zhao (2019). The influence of national culture on new product creativity. Journal of Strategic Innovation and Sustainability
- D. Johnson, Y. Limbu, C. Jayachandran, R. Reddy (2019). Climbing the Down Escalator: When Customer-to-Customer Interactions are Harmful to Service Firms. European Journal of Marketing
- C. Chung, E. Moriuchi, Y. Limbu, P. Ganesan (2018). Attitudes toward Star Ratings: Generational Differences among Indian Consumers. Journal of Global Marketing
- A. Ahamed, Y. Limbu (2018). Dimensions of Materialism and Credit Card Usage: An Application and Extension of the Theory of Planned Behavior in Bangladesh. Journal of Financial Services Marketing
- Y. Limbu, C. Jayachandran, C. McKinley, J. Choi, (2018). Exploring how structural and cognitive social capital influence preventive health behavior: Evidence from a Bottom of the Pyramid (BoP) population. Health Education
- C. McKinley, Y. Limbu, R. Gautam, A. Ahirwar, P. Dubey, C. Jayachandran (2018). Nutrition Knowledge and Diet: Exploring the Influence of Social and Informational Factors in an Indian Adult Population. American Journal of Health Education
- B. Huhmann, Y. Limbu (2020). Creative Advertising Executions Encourage the Processing Advantages of Product Familiarity. Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising
- L. Pham, S. Williamson, Y. Limbu, P. Nguyen (2020). Technology Readiness and Purchase Intention: Role of Perceived Value and Online Satisfaction in the Context of Luxury Hotels. International Journal of Management and Decision Making
- A. Ahamed, Y. Limbu, L. Pham, N. Nguyen (2020). Understanding Vietnamese Consumer Intention to Use Online Retailer Websites: Application of the Extended Technology Acceptance Model. International Journal of E-Adoption
- C. McKinley, Y. Limbu (2020). Investigating Processes Linking Emotional Response to Impressions of Weight-loss Testimonials: The Role of Message Framing and Perceived Risk. Communication Studies
- Y. Limbu, L. Pham, M. Mann (2020). Corporate social responsibility and hospital brand advocacy: Mediating role of trust and patient-hospital identification and moderating role of hospital type. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing
- Y. Limbu, M. Giovannetti, S. Cardinali (2020). Dietary Supplement Usage during Pregnancy and Lactation: Role of Online Social Capital and Health Information-Seeking Behaviour. British Food Journal
- Y. Limbu, R. Gautam, L. Pham (2022). The health belief model applied to COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy: A systematic review. Vaccines
- A. Ahamed, Y. Limbu, M. Mamun (2021). Facebook usage intensity and compulsive buying tendency: the mediating role of envy, self-esteem, and self-promotion and the moderating role of depression. International Journal of Electronic Marketing and Retailing
- T. Wang, Y. Limbu, J. Zhang (2021). Lite App Adoption and Cannibalization. Journal of Digital & Social Media Marketing
- E. Battisti, E. Graziano, Y. Limbu, G. Stella (2021). Web 2.0 and Equity Crowdfunding: a Social Network Analysis. PuntOorg International Journal
- C. McKinley, Y. Limbu, L. Pham (2020). An Investigation of Processes Linking Patient-Centered Communication Approaches to Favorable Impressions of Vietnamese Physicians and Hospital Services. International Journal of Society, Culture & Language
- Y. Limbu, B. Huhmann, C. Jayachandran (2020). Consumers’ Credibility Perceptions and Attitudes Toward Prescription Drug Websites. International Journal of Business and Applied Sciences
- T. Wang, Y. Limbu, X. Fang (2022). Consumer Brand Engagement on Social Media in the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Roles of Country-of-Origin and Consumer Animosity. Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing
- Y. Limbu, R. Gautam, W. Zhou (2022). Predicting Vaccination Intention against COVID-19 Using Theory of Planned Behavior: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Vaccines
- Y. Limbu, L. Pham, T. Nguyen (2022). Predictors of Green Cosmetics Purchase Intentions among Young Female Consumers in Vietnam. Sustainability
- C. McKinley, Y. Limbu (2022). The role of conditional factors in testimonial health messaging: re-examining the influence of self vs. relational goals. Atlantic Journal of Communication
- C. McKinley, Y. Limbu, G. P (2022). Examining the Impact of E-Health Literacy on Patient Satisfaction: An Investigation of Intervening Communication Processes. International Journal of Society, Culture & Language
- Y. Limbu, C. McKinley , P. Ganesan, T. Wang, J. Zhang (2023). Examining How and When Knowledge and Motivation Contribute to Organic Food Purchase Intention among Individuals with Chronic Diseases: Testing a Moderated Mediation Model. Sustainability
- L. Pham , Y. Limbu, M. Le Thi Thu, N. Nguyen (2023). E-government service quality, perceived value, satisfaction, and loyalty: evidence from a newly emerging country. Journal of Public Policy
- Y. Limbu, A. Ahamed (2023). What influences green cosmetics purchase intention and behavior? A systematic review and future research agenda. Sustainability
- Y. Limbu, B. Huhmann (2023). Online but Unlawful Sales of Unapproved and Misbranded Prescription Drugs: Internet Pharmacy Compliance with Food and Drug Administration Warning Letters. Journal of Consumer Affairs
- Y. Limbu, B. Huhmann (2022). Ethical Issues in Pharmaceutical Marketing: A Systematic Review and Future Research Agenda. Journal of Global Marketing
- Y. Limbu, R. Gautam (2023). How Well the Constructs of Health Belief Model Predict Vaccination Intention: A Systematic Review on COVID-19 Primary Series and Booster Vaccines. Vaccines
- Y. Limbu, B. Huhmann (2023). Illicit Online Pharmacies: A Scoping Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
- Y. Limbu, R. Gautam (2023). The determinants of COVID-19 vaccination intention: A meta-review. Frontiers in Public Health
- Y. Limbu, B. Huhmann (2024). What influences consumers’ online medication purchase intentions and behavior? A scoping review. Frontiers in Pharmacology
- C. McKinley, Y. Limbu (2024). Promoter or Barrier? Assessing How Social Media Predicts COVID-19 Vaccine Acceptance and Hesitancy: A Systematic Review of Primary Series and Booster Vaccine Investigations. Social Science & Medicine
- Y. Limbu, C. McKinley, P. Ganesan, T. Wang, J. Zhang (2023). Examining how and when knowledge and motivation contribute to organic food purchase intention among individuals with chronic diseases: Testing a moderated mediation model. Sustainability
- Y. Limbu, B. Huhmann (2023). Why some people are hesitant to receive COVID-19 boosters: A systematic review. Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease
- Y. Limbu, L. Pham (2023). Impact of e-learning service quality on student satisfaction during the COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review. Knowledge Management & E-Learning
- B. Huhmann, Y. Limbu (2024). Fair balance of prescription drug information on legitimate and llegitimate online pharmacy websites. Pharmacy
- Y. Limbu, C. McKinley (2024). Communication strategies to promote COVID-19 vaccination intention: A systematic review examining the effectiveness of source, appeal, framing, and evidence type. Health Communication
- Y. Limbu, B. Huhmann (2024). Message effectiveness of fear appeals in vaccination communication campaigns: A systematic review. Vaccines
- A. Ahamed, Y. Limbu (2024). Retirement planning: A moderated mediation model of cognitive beliefs, retirement planning attitude, and money availability. Financial Services Review
- A. Ahamed, Y. Limbu (2024). Financial anxiety: A systematic review. International Journal of Bank Marketing
- T. Nguyen, Y. Limbu, L. Pham, M. Ángel Zúñiga (2024). The influence of electronic word of mouth on green cosmetics purchase intention: evidence from young Vietnamese female consumers. Journal of Consumer Marketing
- A. Ahamed, Y. Limbu (2024). Role of social comparison orientation on financial management behavior in a developing nation: examining the mediating role of financial self-efficacy and the moderating effect of financial socialization. The Bottom Line
- Y. Limbu, D. Johnson, C. McKinley, P. Reddy (2024). Health Information Orientation, Social Support, and Diabetes Self-Care Behavior among Indian Adults: The Roles of Education and Self-Efficacy. International Journal of Communication/ USC Annenberg
- D. Abis, P. Pia, Y. Limbu (2025). FinTech and Consumers: A systematic review and integrative framework. Management Decision
- Y. Limbu, D. Johnson, C. Jayachandran, C. McKinley, R. Reddy (2024). Health Information Orientation, Social Support, and Diabetes Self-Care Behavior among Indian Adults: The Roles of Education and Self-efficacy. International Journal of Communication
Published Proceedings
- Y. Limbu (5s). 2008. The Need for Training in Nonverbal Communication and in Empathy for Pharmaceutical Sales Representatives: A Proposed Model for the Effectiveness of Pharmaceutical Sales Society for Marketing Advances Proceedings, Extended Abstract
- Y. Limbu (5s). 2006. Prescription Drug Advertising: Pros, Cons, and Avenues for Future Research Southwest Decision Science Institute Proceedings
- Y. Limbu, B. Huhmann (5s). 2009. Are Humor and Celebrity Endorsers Effective for Direct-to-Consumer Advertising? Society for Marketing Advances Proceedings
- S. Chaudhury, Y. Limbu (5s). 2009. Consumer Deskilling and the Credit Card Industry: An Intergenerational Perspective The 20th Anniversary Marketing & Public Policy Conference Proceedings, Extended Abstract
- Y. Limbu, M. Kay (5s). 2010. The Role of Adaptive Selling and Communication Style in Pharmaceutical Sales Representative’s Job Performance: The Moderating Effect of Self-Efficacy Proceedings of the Northeast Business and Economics Association, Extended Abstract
- Y. Limbu, A. Mukherjee (5s). 2010. Deal or no deal: Do pharmaceutical sales representatives‟ nonverbal communication and empathy influence physician responses? Business and Health Administration Association, MBAA Conference
- Y. Limbu, A. Mukherjee, B. Gurung (5s). 2013. Student Engagement Techniques and Teaching Quality Ratings in Marketing Education AMA Winter Marketing Educators’ Conference Proceedings
- Y. Limbu, A. Mukherjee (5s). 2012. A Review of Research on Direct-to-Consumer Advertising of Prescription Drugs: Directions for Future Research 2012 MBAA International Conference Proceedings
- A. Mukherjee, P. Shamdasani, Y. Limbu (5s). 2010. Determinants of brand equity in business-to-consumer services Society for Marketing Advances Annual Conference
- M. Kay, Y. Limbu (5s). 2011. Pharmaceutical Promotions and the Physicians-Patient Relationship: Patient Orientation or Physician Orientation? Proceedings of the 2011 MBAA International Conference
- Y. Limbu, A. Mukherjee (5s). 2011. Consumer credit card behavior: A study of intergenerational differences and influences 2011 AMA Marketing & Public Policy Conference Proceedings
- Y. Limbu, R. Peterson (5s). 2011. The Impact of Third-party Sponsored Direct-to-consumer (DTC) Websites: The Moderating Role of Perceived Risk 2011 Society for Marketing Advances Proceedings
- J. Asing-Cashman, B. Gurung, Y. Limbu, D. Rutledge (5s). 2013. Free and Open Source Tools (FOSTs): An Empirical Investigation of Pre-Service Teacher's Competency, Attitude, and Pedagogical Intention American Educational Research Association Conference Proceedings
- C. Chung, Y. Limbu, M. Auth (5s). 2013. Intention to use social networking sites as a product information source: An examination of media richness and information adoption Business and Applied Sciences Academy of North America (BAASANA) International Conference of Proceedings
- Y. Limbu, A. Kumar (5s). 2011. Antecedents and Consequences of Website Credibility: Examining the Role of Online Retailing Ethics 2011 Proceedings of the Northeast Business and Economics Association
- Y. Limbu, A. Kumar (5s). 2011. The Antecedents and Consequences of Website Credibility: The Role of Online Retailing Ethics North East Business and Economics Association
- Y. Limbu, A. Mukherjee (5s). 2011. Application and effectiveness of engaged teaching approach: Intro to marketing course 2nd Annual University Laerning and Teaching Showcase
- , Y. Limbu, R. Peterson (5s). 2012. Role of information and communication technology on usage, adaptive selling behavior, sales force performance, and job satisfaction 2012 MBAA International Conference Proceedings
- Y. Limbu, C. Jayachandran (5s). . Fishing for Silent Traits in Salesforce? An Empirical Investigation of the Role of Perspective-Taking Empathy, Nonverbal Immediacy, and Listening on Sales Effectiveness 2012 Society for Marketing Advances Proceedings
- C. Chung, E. Chang, Y. Limbu (5s). 2012. The effect of online reviews on unfamiliar brand perceptions 2012 Society for Marketing Advances Proceedings
- C. Jayachandran, Y. Limbu (5s). 2012. Preventive Health Behavior among Bottom of the Pyramid (BOP) Households: Roles of Health Beliefs, Demographics, and Social Contexts 4th Research Symposium, Society for Global Business and Economic Development (SGBED)
- Y. Limbu, B. Huhmann (5s). 2012. Direct-to-consumer prescription drug websites: The moderating roles of perceived risk and product category knowledge 2012 World Marketing Congress~Cultural Perspectives in Marketing, Academy of Marketing Science
- Y. Limbu, A. Mukherjee (5s). 2012. Direct-to-Consumer Advertising: A review and Agenda for Future Research Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress
- Y. Limbu, C. Jayachandran (5s). 2014. Exploring the Health Behavior of the Poor and the Role of Social Capital, Health Locus of Control, and Gender Association for Marketing & Health Care Research (AMHCR) Conference
- Y. Limbu, C. Jayachandran (5s). 2014. The moderating roles of traditional health beliefs in the relationship between social capital and self-reported health status among disadvantaged households in India Business and Applied Sciences Academy of North America (BAASANA) International Conference of Proceedings
- Y. Limbu, C. Jayachandran, C. McKinley (5s). 2014. Joint Effects of Message Framing and Evidence Type on Early Disease Detection and Prevention Messages The 13th International Conference Proceeding of the Society for Global Business & Economic Development
- Y. Limbu, P. Chatterjee, C. Jayachandran (5s). 2014. Asymmetric Relationship between Reference Group Influence on Pro-Health and Deviant Behaviors of Base of Pyramid Consumers Association for Consumer Research
- R. Jensen, Y. Limbu, J. Choi (5s). 2015. "Investigating the Relationships between Sports Stadium Atmospherics, Fan Satisfaction, and Future Behavioral Intentions: A Case Study of College Football Fans in the United States" Business and Applied Sciences Academy of North America (BAASANA)
- C. McKinley, Y. Limbu, C. Jayachandran (5s). 2015. The Influence of Statistical versus Exemplar Appeals on Indian Adults Health Intentions: An Investigation of Direct Effects and Intervening Persuasion Processes National Communication Association
- R. Jensen, Y. Limbu (5s). 2014. Assessing How Ecuadorian and Argentinian Fans Perceived Service Quality at a Major Futbol Match in New York City Annual Conference Proceeding of the International Academy of Business Disciplines
- R. Jensen, Y. Limbu (5s). 2015. The Influence of Sports Stadium Atmosphere on Behavioral Intention: The Mediating Role of Spectator Satisfaction Business and Applied Sciences Academy of North America (BAASANA) International
- C. Jayachandran, Y. Limbu, (5s). 2015. Health Branding and Preventive Health Behavior: Trends in Emerging Markets 5th Research Symposium, Society for Global Business & Economic Development (SGBED)
- R. Jensen, Y. Limbu (5s). 2015. Investigating the Relationships between Sports Stadium Atmospherics, Sports Fans Satisfaction, and Future Behavioral Intentions International Academy of Business Disciplines Conference Proceeding
- C. Chung, Y. Limbu, M. Auth, (5s). 2016. The Antecedents of Intention to Use Social Media for Product Information Proceedings of the 14th Society for Global Business & Economic Development
- C. McKinley, Y. Limbu, C. Jayachandran (5s). 2016. “Message Framing Effects on Indian Females’ Mammography Screening Intentions: Examining Moderating and Mediating Relationships Society for Marketing Advances Proceedings
- T. Valerio, Y. Limbu, C. Jayachandran, (5s). 2016. Consumers’ trust in food quality and willing to pay more for National Parks’ brands: Preliminary evidence from Italy International Food Marketing Research Symposium Proceedings
- C. Chung, E. Moriuchi, Y. Limbu, P. Ganesan (5s). 2017. Attitudes toward Star Ratings: Generational Differences among Indian Consumers Society for Marketing Advances Proceedings
- Y. Limbu, C. McKinley (5s). 2017. Monitoring Direct-To-Consumer Drug Advertising: An Over-time Assessment of FDA Warning Letters National Communication Association
- D. Johnson, Y. Limbu, C. Jayachandran, R. Reddy (5s). 2017. The Moderating Role of Service Category Perception in Service Co-Creation Summer American Marketing Association Conference Proceedings
- J. Devon, Y. Limbu, C. Jayachandran (5s). 2018. The Role of Category Skepticism and Customer-to-Customer Interactions in Service Co-Production Society for Global Business & Economic Development
- C. McKinley, Y. Limbu, R. Gautam, C. Jayachandran (5s). 2018. Re-examining the Association Between Nutrition Knowledge and Diet: The Influence of Social and Informational Factors National Communication Association
- Y. Limbu (5s). 2019. Are Pharmaceutical Marketers Going Too Far? Condemnation, Misperception, and Paucity of Evidence Society for Marketing Advances Conference
- Y. Limbu, M. Giovannetti, S. Cardinali (5s). 2019. Do Online Social Capital and Internet Use of Health Information Influence Dietary Supplement Usage during Pregnancy? Business and Applied Sciences Academy of North America (BAASANA) International Conference
- G. Ahmed, M. Inairat, Y. Limbu, C. Amponsah (5s). 2019. Innovations in MSMEs in the United Arab Emirates - An Empirical Study Proceedings of the 16th Society for Global Business & Economic Development
- C. McKinley, Y. Limbu, L. Pham (5s). 2019. An Investigation of Processes Linking Patient-Centered Communication Approaches to Favorable Impressions of Vietnamese Physicians and Hospital Services The Proceedings of National Communication Association 105th Annual Convention
- Y. Limbu, L. Pham, M. Mann (5s). 2018. Does corporate social responsibility influence hospital brand advocacy? Mediating role of trust and patient-hospital identification Proceedings of the Annual 2018 Society of Marketing Advances Conference
- M. Mann, Y. Limbu (5s). 2018. Keeping it real: Do consumers care about supply chain transparency? Proceedings of the Annual 2018 Society of Marketing Advances Conference
- Y. Limbu, C. McKinley, R. Gautam, C. Jayachandran (5s). 2018. A moderated mediation model of the relationship between nutrition knowledge and food label use among consumers with multiple chronic conditions Society for Global Business & Economic Development
- Y. Limbu, L. Pham, M. Mann (5s). 2018. Does corporate social responsibility influence hospital brand advocacy? Mediating role of trust and patient-hospital identification Society for Marketing Advances Conference
- M. Mann, Y. Limbu (5s). 2018. Keeping it real: Do consumers care about supply chain transparency? Society for Marketing Advances Conference
- Y. Limbu, C. McKinley, C. Jayachandran (5s). 2018. Persuasion Strategies in Disease Prevention and Early Detection Behaviors: Examining the Interactive Effects of Message Framing and Evidence Type Proceedings of 9th International Conference of Business and Applied Sciences Academy of North America (BAASANA)
- J. Zhang, Y. Limbu, T. Wang (5s). 2021. When Half a Loaf is Better: The impact of self-uncertainty on purchase intention Society for Marketing Advances Conference Proceedings
- Y. Limbu, B. Huhmann (5s). 2022. Internet Pharmacy Whack-a-Mole: FDA Warning Letters in the Fight Against Unapproved or Misbranded Pharmaceutical Sales over the Internet Society for Marketing Advances Conference Proceedings. (Best Paper Award, Public Policy, Non-Profit, & Healthcare Marketing Track)
- C. McKinley, Y. Limbu, P. Ganesan (5s). 2022. Examining the Impact of E-Health Literacy on Indian Adults’ Patient Satisfaction: An Investigation of Intervening Communication Processes The Proceedings of National Communication Association 108th Annual Convention
- Y. Limbu, B. Huhmann (5s). 2023. Presenting an Ethical Façade: How Illegal Online Pharmacies are Winning the War Against Legitimate Online Pharmacies, and transparency Society for Marketing Advances Conference
- Y. Limbu, C. McKinley (5s). 2023. ‘SAFE’ strategies to promote COVID-19 vaccination: How effective are source, appeal, framing, and evidence type approaches? Society for Marketing Advances Conference
Books & Chapters
- Y. Limbu, A. Mukherjee (2016). Direct-To-Consumer Advertising: A Review and Agenda for Future Research. Springer
- Y. Limbu, B. Huhmann (2016). Direct-to-Consumer Prescription Drug Websites: The Moderating Roles of Perceived Risk and Product Category Knowledge. Springer
- B. Huhmann, Y. Limbu (2018). Influence of gender stereotypes on advertising offensiveness and attitude toward advertising in general. Routledge
- R. Hinson, O. Adeola, Y. Limbu, E. Mogaji (2020). Marketing in Healthcare-Related Industries. Information Age Publishing
- Ahmed , , C. Jayachandran, Y. Limbu (2022). Nation Branding as a Strategic Approach for Emerging Economies: The Case of UAE. Palgrave McMillan CHam
- A. Ahamed, Y. Limbu, L. Pham, H. Nguyen (2021). Understanding Vietnamese Consumer Intention to Use Online Retailer Websites: Application of the Extended Technology Acceptance Model. IGI Global
- G. Ahmed, A. Abudaqa, C. Jayachandran, Y. Limbu, R. Alzahmi (2022). Nation Branding as a Strategic Approach for Emerging Economies: The Case of UAE. Palgrave Macmillan, Springer International Publishing