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Jongho Moon
Assistant Professor, Kinesiology, College for Community Health
- Office:
- University Hall 4121
- Email:
- moonj@montclair.edu
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Dr. Jongho Moon is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Kinesiology within the College for Community Health. In his teaching role, Dr. Moon specializes in teacher education and has taught a wide range of courses in both health and physical education across various course modalities. As a researcher, Dr. Moon’s professional focus centers on the “Whole-of-School” approach within the school system to promote physical activity and enhance learning outcomes among children and adolescents. Through this comprehensive strategy, Dr. Moon aims to leverage youth physical activity experiences as a vehicle for health and physical education learning opportunities. For his work, he received an Innovative Paper Award from the CSPAP Special Interest Group from SHAPE America. Presently, Dr. Moon is exploring “Movement Integration” as a method to extend physical activity beyond traditional physical education. This initiative seeks to achieve academic learning and standards-based outcomes, such as motor competence and social-emotional learning, while fostering healthy, active lifestyles. Dr. Moon also investigates support systems, including innovative curriculum and pre-service/in-service teacher education programs, that align with the Whole-of-School approach. Since 2021, Dr. Moon has been an active member of the Active School Research Alliance, collaborating with multidisciplinary, nationwide research groups.
Courses Taught:
PEMJ 131 Fitness Activities
PEMJ 335 Teaching of Elementary Physical Education
Google Scholar Profile: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=7Q-jTVUAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=sra
Physical Activity Promotion
Whole-of-School Approach
School System
Movement Integration
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