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Yi Ren

Assistant Professor, Management, Feliciano School of Business

School of Business 439
BS, Beijing Foreign Studies University
MA, University of Maryland, College Park
MS, Boston College
PhD, Boston College
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Isabelle Yi Ren is Assistant Professor of Management at the Feliciano School of Business, Montclair StateUniversity. Her research interests center around how actors make sense and make use of the various cultural, status, and professional boundaries in organizations and the broader society. She investigates topics such as change mobilization and category mixing in the restaurant industry, knowledge translation across professional boundaries, and (bi)cultural identities in the workplace. She teaches Organizational Behavior and Leadership.


Change mobilization, knowledge translation, status dynamics, organizational behavior, leadership.


  • Lee, J. Y. & Ren, I. Y. Where do institutional changes come from? An integrative framework of field conditions, status positions, and change types. (Preparing manuscript for submission)
  • Liu, D., Ren, I. Y., Wei, L., Pang, X., Yang, Y., & Liu, Z. When and why leaders’ daily positive affect fluctuation inhibits their daily justice rule adherence? An ego-depletion perspective. (Revise and resubmit at <i>Journal of Organizational Behavior</i>.)
  • Liu, M., Lu, X., Ren, I. Y., & Khamis, S. Combating marginality: Identity (re)construction and co-cultural communication of second-generation Asian American female immigrants. (Manuscript writing stage)
  • Nguyen, H. W., Ren, I. Y. & Jung, Y. H. Timing of the ties: The imprinting effect of historical institutional contexts on modern Korean commercial banks-chaebol relationships. (Manuscript writing stage)
  • Ren, I. Y. & Bartunek, J. M. Making it through the second gate: How gatekeepers select academic papers to translate for practice. (Manuscript writing stage)
  • Ren, I. Y., Bartunek, J. M., & Cable, M. Knowledge translation strategies across the academic-practitioner boundary: A balancing act. (Data analysis and manuscript writing stage)
  • Sun, J., Xu, S., & Ren, I. Y. Waxing and waning: A comparative case study of how organizations navigate transitional events in change processes. (Preparing manuscript for submission)
  • Zhu, Z., Nguyen, H. W., Ren, I. Y., Tang, Y. & Shi. W. Are female CEOs always risk averse? Revisiting the relationship between gender expectations and managerial risk-taking. (Preparing manuscript for submission)

Professional Experience

  • Visiting Assistant Professor, Adelphi University (2019 - 2020)
  • Assistant Professor, Montclair State University (2020 - Present)

Honors & Awards

  • Best Doctoral Student Proposal Award , Cognition in the Rough Workshop, MOC Division, Academy of Management Meeting (August 2017)
  • Kwok Leung Memorial Dissertation Fund Award, International Association of Chinese Management Research (May 2018)
  • Finalist paper for the Max Boisot Award, European Group for Organization Studies Colloquium (July 2018)
  • Best Student-Led Paper of MOC Division, Academy of Management Annual Meeting-Managerial and Organizational Cognition Division (August 2019)

Refereed Published Articles

  • I. Ren (2021). Beyond the tipping point: The role of status in organizations’ public narratives to mobilize support for change. Organization Studies
  • C. Chen, A. Rao, I. Ren (2013). Glass ceiling for the foreign born: Perspectives from Asian-born American R&D Scientists. Asian American Journal of Psychology
  • J. Bartunek, I. Ren (2022). Curriculum isn’t enough: What relevant teaching means, how it feels, why it matters, and what it requires. Academy of Management Learning & Education
  • T. Wu, H. Nguyen, Y. Jung, I. Ren (2024). Not the usual project management: A better way to prepare for major disruptions. Journal of Business Strategy
  • Y. Zhang, H. Nguyen, Y. Jung, I. Ren (2024). The social media industry: Where is it heading?. Journal of Business Strategy
  • D. Liu, M. Chen, I. Ren, X. Pang, Y. Zhao (2024). How and when leaders' perceptions of team politics influence justice rule adherence: A moral self-regulation perspective. Journal of Business Ethics
  • G. Deng, M. Jin, I. Ren (2024). The effect of doctor-patient relationship on doctor’s altruistic purpose from pediatrician data in China. Current Psychology

Books & Chapters

  • M. Liu, I. Ren, M. Olekalns, J. Kennedy (2020). Chapter 13: Gender, communication, and negotiation. Edward Elgar
  • I. Ren, J. Bartunek, O. Lassch, R. Suddaby, R. Freeman, D. Jamali (2020). Chapter 48: Creating standards for responsible translation of management research for practitioners. Edward Elgar
  • J. Bartunek, I. Ren, S. Cady, C. Gorelick, C. Forde-Stiegler (2020). Collaborative change: The missing link between scholars and practitioners. NEXUS4Change
  • M. Liu, M. Chen, I. Ren, M. Hinner (2023). Emotional communication in negotiation and dispute resolution across cultures. Peter Lang