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Stephen Ruszczyk
Associate Professor, Sociology, College of Humanities and Social Sciences
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- Dickson Hall 313
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- ruszczyks@montclair.edu
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Stephen Ruszczyk, associate professor, received a PhD from the City University of New York. He has four ongoing research projects. The first, which uses longitudinal ethnography, is a comparison of undocumented youths coming of age in Paris and New York and their local contexts of immigrant "illegality." This project was supported by the “Settling into Motion” Bucerius Ph.D. Scholarships in Migration Studies and the Center for Latin American, Caribbean and Latino Studies of the City University of New York. Publications on this theme have appeared in Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, American Behavioral Scientist, Law & Society Review, Comparative Migration Studies, Metropolitics, Sociological Forum, and Migration Studies.
A second project, for which Dr. Ruszczyk has received a Fulbright U.S. Scholar Award, examines how young people imagine their futures in the context of climate change and polycrisis. This project partners with young people in the United States and Ecuador to carry out locally grounded research. This project has been developed in collaboration with Dr. Mery Diaz (CUNY).
A third project examines building superintendents, known as ‘supers,’ in New York City. Supers are important intermediaries in the production of housing. Their experiences have been little examined by scholars. This project has been developed in collaboration with Dr. Christian Siener (Barnard College) and Dr. Tanesha Thomas (Montclair State University).
A fourth project examines the experiences of college students from immigrant households as they balance college with other social roles. This project has been developed in collaboration with a group of undergraduate and graduate students.
He teaches general courses including Social Problems and Foundations and topical courses including Sociology of Children & Youth, Urban Sociology, Latinas and Latinos in the U.S., Immigration, Urban Social Policy, and Community Development and Housing.
youth, immigration, citizenship, Latines, climate change, urban sociology, organizations, education, qualitative methods
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- Moral career of migrant il/legality: Undocumented male youths in New York City and Paris negotiating deportability and regularizability
- The Legal Status Divide among the Children of Immigrants
- Non-state actors in the regularisation of undocumented youths: the role of the ‘education without borders network’ in Paris
- Moving Inside City Limits: The Urban Mobility of Undocumented Youth
- Local governance of immigrant incorporation: how city-based organizational fields shape the cases of undocumented youth in New York City and Paris