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Monica Taylor
Professor, Educational Foundations, College for Education and Engaged Learning
- Office:
- University Hall 2142
- Email:
- taylorm@montclair.edu
- Phone:
- 973-655-6952
- Degrees:
- BA, University of Pennsylvania
- MS, City College of New York
- PhD, University of Arizona
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Monica Taylor is Director of the Teacher Education and Teacher Development Ph.D. program as well as the Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies program and a professor in the Department of Educational Foundations at Montclair State University. She writes about feminist pedagogy, self-study, LGBTQ+ inclusive practices, teaching for social justice, and teacher leadership. Her newest book is Our Bodies Tell the Story: Using Feminist Research and Friendship to Reimagine Education and Our Lives. Other edited and written books include: The 2nd International Handbook of Self-Study of Teaching and Teacher Education Practices; Playhouse: Optimistic Stories of Real Hope for Families with Little Children; A Year in the Life of a Third Space Urban Teacher Residency: Using Inquiry to Reinvent Teacher Education; Gender, Feminism, and Queer Theory in the Self-Study of Teacher Education Practices; and Whole Language Teaching, Whole Hearted Practice: Looking Back, Looking Ahead. She is the co-editor of The Educational Forum, and the co–principal investigator of the WIPRO Science Education Fellows grant that supports teacher leaders in eight New Jersey districts. Monica also serves on the board of Planned Parenthood of Metro New Jersey and volunteers as an advocate for asylum seekers and voter protection. Her commitments to fighting sexism, heteronormativity and racism manifest in all aspects of her life.
Feminist and Queer Pedagogy
School Based Teacher Education
Self Study/Action Research
Teacher Leadership
Theater of the Oppressed
Embodied Pedagogy
Gender and Sexuality in Teacher Education
Montclair State does not endorse the views or opinions expressed in a faculty member's webpage or website. Consistent with the principles of academic freedom, the content provided is that of the author and does not express the opinions or views of Montclair State University.
- Allowing the Personal to Drive Our Self-Study
- Feminist Teacher Leadership
- Triggered by the Kavanaugh Hearings
- Dislodging Patriarchal Boundaries
- Self-Study of Teaching and Teacher Education and Social Justice
- Co/autoethnography: A Retrospective
- An Interview with Julian Boal
- Tending to Ourselves, Tending to Others