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Robert Taylor
Professor, Earth and Environmental Studies, College of Science and Mathematics
- Office:
- Center for Environmental & Life Sciences 414
- Email:
- taylorr@montclair.edu
- Phone:
- 973-655-4129
- Degrees:
- BA, Washington University
- PhD, St. Louis University
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Professor of Organizational and Urban Sustainability in the Department of Earth & Environmental Studies and Coordinator of the M.S. in Sustainability Science - Sustainability Leadership. A member of the Doctoral Faculty mentoring PhD students in environmental management.
Areas of Expertise:
Working with communities and companies to design sustainability projects to enhance development, encourage new business formation and business plans in green technology, increase employment and reduce poverty, develop plans for climate change adaptation for cities, and develop strategies for food security and mobility that reduce the carbon footprint of cities.
Working with Higher Education Institutions to develop graduate programs in Sustainability;
Current Projects in Sustainable Development:
Consultation for U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Network for Career Development for Sustainability Specialists.
Recently awarded a Grant of $195,000 from the United States Department of Defense for the project “Actionable Decision-Making for Flooding Events utilizing a small UAV Platform with LiDAR and Hyperspectral Instruments.” This Grant is designed to establish student training programs and community projects using Aerial Drones for Environmental Research and Analysis.
Developing Solar Energy Installation and Development Programs for Emerging Markets. This program extends solar to non-grid locations, utilizes solar for agricultural irrigation practices, and applies solar energy to micro-grids. Through a consultancy agreement (CEMA) with the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities formed a professional team that negotiated the first PV Solar net-metering agreement with PSEG in the State of New Jersey.
Awarded a grant jointly with Partners for Environmental Quality from the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities for "Interfaith Energy Alliance Project – An Innovative Approach to Marketing Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Systems."
Awarded a grant from the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities as part of the "New Jersey Million Solar Roofs Initiative" to provide technical consulting assistance in the following areas: net metering/interconnection; and premium price markets for solar power.
Developing urban agriculture for food security through the use and development of unused or underused urban land through vertical agriculture or urban roof top hydroponics. This research extends to urban food composting and strategies for reduction of food waste.
Published Books and Chapters in Books:
R.W. Taylor, J.S. Carandang et al, “Solving Food Security through Urban Rooftop Hydroponics,” Chapter 7 in Rob Roggema, Agriculture in an Urbanizing World, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle Upon Type, U.K., 2017
S.K. Singh, S.A. Brachfeld & R.W. Taylor. Chapter 10, “Evaluating Hydrogeological and Topographic Controls on Ground Water Arsenic Contamination in the Middle-Ganga Plain in India: Toward Developing Sustainable Arsenic Mitigation Models,” in Ali Fares, Editor, Emerging Issues in Ground Water Resources, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, 2016.
Robert Taylor, J.S. Carandang et al, Chapter XI, “Urban Hydroponics for Diversified Agriculture,” and Chapter XII, “Urban Hydroponics for Diversified Agriculture, Part 2, in Selected Essays on Pathways Out of Poverty, Angelo King Institute for Economic and Business Studies, De La Salle University, Manila Philippines, 2016.
Robert Taylor, ed. 2013, 2nd edition. Taking Sides: Clashing Views in Sustainability, McGraw-Hill: New York, 2st ed. 2013 (first edition published in 2012).
Robert W. Taylor. “Urbanization, Local Government and Planning for Sustainability,” in Weinstein and Turner, eds., Sustainability Science: the Emerging Paradigm and the Urban Environment, Springer: New York, 2012.
Robert W. Taylor & J.S, Carandang. Sustainability Planning for Philippine Cities. Manila:Yuchengco Center De La Salle University. ISBN: 978-971-94089-49, 2010.
Robert W. Taylor. "Planning Development through Urbanization in Nigeria" in Chatteji and Kaizhong, eds., Regional Science in Developing Countries. (Macmillan: London & St. Martins: New York, 1997), pp 269-283, 1997.
Robert W. Taylor, ed. 1993. Urban Development in Nigeria: Planning, Housing and Land Policy, Aldershot, Brookfield, Hong Kong, Singapore, Sidney: Avebury/Ashgate, 1993.
Peer-Reviewed Publications:
Robert W. Taylor. 2018. “Management Education for Global Sustainability.” Official Proceedings of the IAFOR International Conference on Education in Dubai, UAE, 2018. ISSN: 2189-1035, (in process).
Robert W. Taylor. 2017. “Professional Sustainability Management for Vietnamese Businesses.” Proceedings of the International Conference on Law, Business, Education and Corporate Social Responsibility, Manila, Philippines.
JSR Carandang, EA Busayong, ECR Punzalan, RW Taylor, JL Carandang, JIB Janairo and FF Co. “Comparative Analysis on Letture Quality Produced from Urban Agriculture and Organic Farming.” 2016 Manila Journal of Science. 9 (136-147).
Robert W. Taylor et al. 2014. “Solving Urban Food Security through Rooftop Hydroponics,” Finding Space for Productive Cities, “Proceedings of the 6th AESOP Conference on Sustainable Food Planning, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014.
Robert W. Taylor, Jose Santos Carandang, Josemari Calleja. 2014., “Urban Rooftop Hydroponics for Diversified Agriculture: Pilot Project.” Policy Brief: AKI Research Grants on Food Studies. De La Salle University, ISSN#2094-3342.
Robert W. Taylor et al, 2012. “Making Global Cities Sustainable: Urban Rooftop Hydroponics for Diversified Agriculture in Emerging Economics,” OIDA International Journal of Sustainable Development, Vol. 5 No. 7 pp 11-28.
Robert W. Taylor and J.S. Carandang, 2011. “Sustainability and Redevelopment in the City of Manila, Philippines,” Human Ecology – Journal of the Commonwealth Human Ecology Council, Issue No. 23, January.
Robert W. Taylor, 2011 “Financing Sustainability for Cities in Emerging Economies,” in Proceedings: Balancing Corporate Success & Social Good,” eds. Jayachandran & Seshadri, , 12th International Conference of the Society for Global Business and Economic Development (SGBED): Singapore, pp. 49-58.
Robert W. Taylor, 2008, “Making the Business Case for Corporate Sustainable Development, i-Manager’s Journal on Management, Vol. 3, No. 1 June-August, 11-18.
Robert W. Taylor, 2008, "The Key Role of Civil Society in Managing Environmental Sustainability in Asia," International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability, Volume 4, Issue 3.
R.W. Taylor, 2007, "Corporate Sustainable Development: a Model for Strategic Business Management," in Siberian Trade and Economics Journal (STEJ), No. 7, pp 57-59, Omsk, Russian Federation.
Robert W. Taylor and Reuben Hsing, 2007, "High-Speed Broadband and Country Competitiveness," Creativity and Innovation: Imperatives for Global Business and Development, Vol. III, pp. 1712-1724, ISBN 13:978-0-9797659-3-3 (Ryukoku University, Kyoto, Japan
Robert W. Taylor, 2005. "Beneficial Urban Sustainability and Asia: The Metro Manila, Philippines Experience," in Urban Dimensions of Environmental Change –Science, Exposures, Policies, and Technologies, ed. Huan Feng, Lizhong Yu & William Solecki, (Science Press: USA.)
Robert W. Taylor, 2005. "Environmental Management Regimes for Emerging Asian Markets: What Works and What Doesn't," in Charkraborty, C., Jayachandran, C., Misra,, (eds.), Management Challenges in Times of Global Change and Uncertainty, Seoul, South Korea Vol. 3, pp. 1948-1958.
Robert W. Taylor & Justin Hollander, 2003. "The New Environmentalism and the City-Region," in Recent Trends in Urban and Regional Studies, Studia Regionalia, Vol. 10, edited by Ryszard Domanski (Polish Academy of Sciences: Warsaw, Poland
Robert W. Taylor. 1999. "Environmental Sustainability and Higher Education: A Survey Analysis," in The Declaration, Volume 3, Number 2, September, 1999, pp. 14-16.
Robert W. Taylor. 1996. "Sustainable Environmental Policies for Regional Planning," in Y. Steinberger, Preservation of Our World in the Wake of Change, (ISEEQS Publication: Jerusalem, Israel, 1996) pp. 324-327.
Robert W. Taylor. 1996. "New Strategies of Environmental Management for the Urban Region," edited by Manas Chatteji and Ryszard Domanski, Recent Trends in Urban and Regional Studies, Studia Regionalie, Volume V, (Polish Institute: Warsaw, 1996).
Robert W. Taylor. 1994. "The Urban Legacies of the United States in the Philippines," in Cities and Their Environment: Legacy of the Past, edited by International Planning History Society (Hong Kong: 1994).
Robert W. Taylor. 1994. "The Best of Burnham: The Philippine Plans," Planning History, Vol. 16, No. 3, 1994, pp. 14-17.
Recent Presentations:
Robert W. Taylor, 2018. “Management Education for Global Sustainability.” IICEDubai2018 IAFOR International Conference on Education. Dubai, UAE, February 16-18, 2018.
Robert W. Taylor, 2017, “Professional Sustainability Management for Vietnamese Businesses.” International Conference on Law, Business, Education and Corporate Responsibility. International Association of Humanities, Social Sciences and Management Researchers, Manila, Philippines, January 24, 2017.
Robert Winston Taylor, 2017 “Housing Vulnerability in Coastal Cities: The New York-North Jersey Urban Region,” in the Paper Session, “Interdependent Challenges and Urban Living: Managing Complex Cities (2) at the Annual Conference of the Association of American Geographers, April 8, 2017, Boston, Mass.
Robert W. Taylor, Nguyen Ha, Nguyen Phuc. 2016., “Branding a Transnational Educational Strategy for Sustainable Development,”. 14th International Conference of the Society for Global Business and Economic Development, “Global Connectivity, knowledge and Innovation for Sustainability and Growth: New Paradigms of Theory and Practice,” June 23, 2016, Montclair, New Jersey.
Robert W. Taylor. 2016. “Sustainable Development through Sustainability Science,” Workshop at Ho Chi Minh University of Natural Resources & Environment, May 20, 2016, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
Robert W. Taylor & Jason Kliwinski. 2016, “Sustainability and Resiliency in the Physical Campus and Academic Programs,” at the Society for College and University Planning Regional Conference, “Preparing for the Unexpected: Integrated Planning to the Rescue,” at the University of Delaware, April 1, 2016, Newark Delaware.
Recent Awards and Professional Experience:
2018 - U.S. Department of Labor – Sustainability Specialist
2017 – Grant Awarded by U.S. Department of Defense for Aerial Drone Environmental Research
2015 - External Evaluator, Portland State University, Professional Masters of Science Program in Environmental Science and Management
2014 - Faculty Reviewer for the VEF U.S. Faculty Scholar Program
2013 - Present - Fulbright Specialist, Environmental Science
2013 - Vietnam Educational Foundation Award: Visiting Professor, Ho Chi Minh University of Natural Resources and Environment, Vietnam Educational Fund Award, “Strategies and Technologies for Climate Change Adaptation in Global Cities.”
2012 - Grant Award, Angelo King Foundation: Robert W. Taylor, Jose Carandang, Jose Calleja, P.I.’s, “Urban Rooftop Hydroponics for Diversified Agriculture: Pilot Project,” Manila Philippines, September 2011-September 2012
2009 - U.S. Fulbright Professorships (2): Visiting Professor, Dept. of Biology, De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines “Sustainability Plan for Manila, Philippines” 2009; Senior Lecturer, Depts. of Architecture and Geography & Urban Planning, University of Jos, Jos, Nigeria, 1982.
Conferences and Posters:
Robert W. Taylor, “Management Education for Global Sustainability,” at the IICEDubai 201`8 Conference of the IAFOR International Conference on Education, February 16, 2018, Dubai, UAE.
Robert W. Taylor. 2017. “Professional Sustainability Management for Vietnamese Businesses,” at the International Conference on Law, Business, Education and Corporate Social Responsibility, in Manila, Philippines, January, 2017.
Robert W. Taylor, Delegate, Development Bank Forum Asian on Energy, Manila, Philippines, June 15-20, 2015
Robert W. Taylor, “Using Applied Sustainability Science for Local Problem-Solving,” Passaic River Institute Symposium, October 9-10, 2014, Montclair State University, Montclair, New Jersey.
Robert W. Taylor, 2014. “Using PV Solar to Promote Food Security in Dense Urban Centers.” Asia Clean Energy Forum, 2014, June 18, Asian Development Bank, Manila, Philippines, June 16-19.
Robert W. Taylor et al, 2012. “Making Global Cities Sustainable: Urban Rooftop Hydroponics for Diversified Agriculture in Emerging Economics,” International Conference on Sustainable Development, July 31-August 2, Montclair, New Jersey.
Robert W. Taylor, 2010. “Urbanization and Sustainability Planning: Processes and Strategies,” a paper and presentation delivered at the International Symposium on Sustainability Science: The Emerging Paradigm and the Urban Environment, Montclair, October 26, 2010.
Robert W. Taylor, 2010. “Sustainability and Redevelopment in the City of Manila, Philippines,” paper and presentation delivered at the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers, April 17, 2010, Washington D.C.
Robert W. Taylor & Jose Carandang, Report to the City of Manila, Philippines, “Aiming for Sustainability in the City of Manila, Philippines: Planning Process and Recommendations,” Manila, Philippines 2009.
Robert W. Taylor & Jose Carandang, “Sustainability and Redevelopment in the City of Manila, Philippines,” International Conference on “Human Ecology for an Urbanizing World,” Commonwealth Human Ecology Conference, Manchester, U.K. July 29-June 3, 2009.
Robert W. Taylor, 2006."Brownfields Redevelopment in Paterson, New Jersey," a paper delivered at the 16th Annual Conference on the Small City, October 15-17, Wilkes-Barre, Pa
Robert W. Taylor, 2006, "Brownfield Investigations in the First U.S. Planned Industrial City," a Poster Presentation at the 2006 National Brownfields Conference in Boston Massachusetts, November 13-15.
Robert W. Taylor, 2006. "Renewable Energy Options," Panelist in the Session "From Energy Past to Energy Future: Renewables and Alternatives," at the Annual Conference of the American Association of Geographers, Chicago.
Robert W. Taylor, 2004. "The Past, Present and Future of PV Solar Energy," a presentation made at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers Session on "Energy Resources for the 21st Century," Philadelphia, Pa., March 18, 2004.
Robert W. Taylor, 2004. "Urban Sustainability and Asia: The Metro Manila, Philippines Experience," a presentation delivered at the International Conference on the Urban Dimensions of Environmental Change: Science Exposures, Policies and Technologies, May 25-28 Shanghai, China, 2004.
Robert W. Taylor, et al. 1997. The Search For Balanced Development.- The New Jersey Meadowlands and the Special Area Management Plan (Dept. of Earth and Environmental Studies, Upper Montclair, New Jersey, 1997), pp 1-119.
Robert W. Taylor. 1993. "The City Beautiful Movement Overseas: Daniel Burnham in the Philippines," Proceedings of the Fifth National Conference on American Planning History, Hilliard, Ohio: Society For American City and Regional Planning History, 1993.
PhD – Saint Louis University, St. Louis, Missouri, USA 1971 specializing in urban and environmental studies with a dissertation on smart development alternatives to unplanned metropolitan growth;.
BA – Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri, USA, 1966 Political/Historical Science; Graduated with Chancellor Eliot Honors in the top 10% of graduating class;
Post-Doctoral Grants (NEH) - Columbia University, New York for Urban Design and Architecture PHD (Two grants in the 1980’s and 1990’s)
Certificates, Certifications and Licenses:
EPA Training Course, “Superfund Technologies” Edison, New Jersey; Real Estate Professional Certificates, New York University, specializing in green real estate development; ISSP-SA International Society of Sustainability Professionals Professional Certification. 2015.
Administrative Experience, Project and Grant Development: Acting Chair, Department of Earth & Environmental Studies (2007); Director, Center for Environmental Management & Analysis (CEMA) – a consulting center for problem-solving and technical assistance for local communities.
Grants: Have accumulated over 2 million dollars in Federal, State and Local governments and private foundations as the P.I.; Grants from: U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services; U.S. Dept. of Defense; Council of International Exchange of Scholars (Fulbright Program; Vietnam Educational Foundation (U.S. Government); New Jersey Public Utilities Commission (PV Solar Projects and Energy conservation); Angelo King Foundation (urban food security in the Philippines); and Montclair State University ISS Grants, etc.
Mentor and Chief Adviser for the following Dissertations for the PhD:
Aimann Sadik, PhD “Corporate Social Responsibility and the Gold Mining Industry: The Ghana Experience” (completed)
Shevon Letang, PhD “Citizen’s Perspectives of Access to the Decision-Making Making Process and Community Improvements as a Determinant of Brownfield Redevelopment Success” (completed)
Marcia Anderson, PhD “The Effectiveness of Venue Strategies for Environmental Communication in Non-Agricultural Integrated Pest Management Campaigns” (completed)
Sushant Singh, PhD “Developing a Socio-Economic Sustainable Arsenic Mitigation in Bihar, India” (completed)
Lisa Johnson, “Measuring the Effectiveness of Business Improvement Districts (BID’s) as a Standard and Model for Sustainability Design and Economic Growth” (in progress)
Schenine Mitchell, “An Analysis of Inter-Agency Collaborations to Address Environmental Issues in Brownfield Communities” (in progress)
Peer-Reviewed Publications in Collaboration with PhD Advises:
Singh, S.K., Taylor, R.W, Rahman, M.M, Pradhan, B. “Developing Robust Arsenic Awareness Prediction Models using Machine Learning Algorithms,” Journal of Environmental Management. 211C:125-137.t:1.m5Q@cFa, 2018.
Singh, S.K., Taylor, R.W. & Su, H. “Developing Sustainable Models of Arsenic-Mitigation Technologies in the Middle-Ganga Plain in India,” in Current Science. 113(1): 80-93. DOI: 10.18520/cs/v113/i01/80-93, 2017.
Du, X., Varde, A.S., Taylor, R.W. “Mining Ordinance Data from the Web for Smart City Development,” in R. Stahlbock, M. Abou-Nasr, G. Weiss, Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on Data Mining, ISBN 1-160132-453-7, CSREA Press, 2017.
Letang, S. Taylor, R.W. 2012. “Community Perception of Redevelopment and its Impact on Brownfields Redevelopment Success,” OIDA International Journal of Sustainability Development, Vol. 5 No. 9, pp 22-41.
Sadik, A, Taylor, RW. (2009). “An Analysis of Media Reports on Gold Mining Issues in Ghana.” Society of Mining and Exploration (SME) Annual Meeting, February 22-25, Denver. Co. Preprint manuscript 09-043
Specialties are in: urban environmental management;sustainability planning for global cities; environmental policy; sustainability science; and environmental communications.
Current Position:
Coordinator, Professional Science Master of Science in Sustainability Science at Montclair State University
Professor, Organizational and Urban Sustainability in the Department of Earth & Environmental Studies, Montclair State University – Montclair, New Jersey USA.
Graduate Faculty, PhD Program in Environmental Management at Montclair State University
Teaching Specialties: Responsible for teaching both graduate and undergraduate courses in the following specialties:
Urban Sustainability - Best Practices for Sustainable Management of Cities.
Organizational Sustainability – Best Practices for Business Sustainable Management.
Environmental Policy and Communications - Sustainability Reporting; Conflict Resolution
Courses Offered:
Current Issues in Sustainability Science (Graduate)
Organizational Environmental Management (Graduate)
Environmental Change & Communications (Graduate)
Sustainability Science Seminar (Undergraduate)
Sustainability Science Capstone Internship Project (Graduate)
The Human Environment/Sustainability (Undergraduate)
Introduction to Sustainability Science (Undergraduate)
Montclair State does not endorse the views or opinions expressed in a faculty member's webpage or website. Consistent with the principles of academic freedom, the content provided is that of the author and does not express the opinions or views of Montclair State University.
Research Projects
Urban Rooftop Hydroponics for Global Cities in the Tropics
Funded by the Angelo King Foundation and done in collaboration with the Department of Biology De La Salle University, Manila Philippines and results recently published in the OIDA Journal of Sustainable Development.
Food security will be a challenge for global cities in emerging economies. Traffic congestion, rising fuel prices, and poor road and logistical infrastructure has produced a problem in transporting agriculture from rural areas to urban markets where people reside and where the food is consumed. Urban roof agriculture is being explored in various global cities as a method to increase food security, enhance environmental awareness and as a key strategy for urban sustainability. This research project addresses the capacity of cities to reduce both their ecological and carbon footprints through utilizing under-used roof space in larger global cities in tropical global cities in the Tropics.The methods developed demonstrate the capacity to minimize the ecological and carbon footprints of growing lettuce and micro greens by saving transportation and logistical costs, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, conserving water, and saving energy costs by using solar panels as a power source for pumps and aerators.
Management Education for Global Sustainability
Challenges to corporate business success requires the development of a new type of manager/leader who can integrate business expertise with knowledge of science and technology. The Professional Science Masters (PSM) Degree in Sustainability Science is an example of this new model of graduate education. While the PSM degree has grown significantly in U.S. graduate education, this paper tests its viability as a professional degree program designed to prepare sustainability professionals for Vietnamese businesses. A survey was delivered in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam to discover if local companies find sustainability education to be a current or future human resource need for their organizations; if so, what education and job skillsets are business organizations looking for; and to assess their support for an experiential program, internship or consultancy for students in such a program. The results of this survey indicate that there is a growing need for sustainability professionals in Vietnam and that companies would be interested in developing research and internship opportunities with local universities.
Strategies and Technologies for Climate Change Adaptation in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (2013)
Funded by the Vietnam Educational Foundation - The development of a series of pilot projects to address climate change adaptation in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam in collaboration with Ho Chi Minh City University of Natural Resources and Environment.