Aerial view of campus over Cole Hall

Campus Climate Assessment

Posted in: Updates

Office of the President

Dear University Community:

I am excited that we have launched an important project to gather information about our campus climate around diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging.

Everyone who works for or attends Montclair State University should feel that they are valued, respected and have full access to all the opportunities that the University provides. While this institution has made considerable strides towards this important goal over many years, there’s always more we can and should do.

That’s why I am inviting every member of our campus community to share your perspectives about what’s working and where we have opportunities to improve. What we learn from each other will help all of us advance in the shared work of building our community. I look forward to sharing the findings with you next spring.

The project is called “Soaring Together: Deepening Diversity, Enhancing Equity, Increasing Inclusion and Building Belonging in the University community.” There will be quantitative and qualitative components to this assessment. Watch for a link to the survey and other engagement opportunities. I hope that you will respond to the survey. In addition, you may be invited to participate in a focus group, and I encourage you to do so.

Everyone’s voice matters, and we want to hear from as many people as possible, so this project will take several months. However, that doesn’t mean that everything’s on pause for a year and we’re not going to take action when opportunities arise to further enhance our policies, procedures and climate in ways that build belonging for all of us.

I want to thank Dr. Ashante Connor, Director of Equity and Title IX Coordinator in Human Resources, for taking on the leadership of this project at my request. I also want to thank the students, faculty, staff and administrators who have agreed to serve on the advisory committee for the project, as well as the student consultants from the University’s Eagle Industrial/ Organizational (I/O) Psychology program. Finally, I would like to welcome our partners in this process, SOVA Solutions. They are former higher education people who specialize in helping colleges and universities with projects like this one.

Check your email in the next few days for a link to the survey. For more information, please contact

Carpe Diem!
President Koppell