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Sangeeta Parashar

Associate Professor, Sociology

BA, University of Delhi
MA, Iowa State University
MS, Iowa State University
PhD, University of Maryland, College Park
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I am trained in the broad fields of social demography and international development. My research interests are structured around two major themes: social inequalities in (1) work and (2) health, located within the political economy of the region. In addition to compositional factors such as gender, race, caste, class, and religion, I focus on location as an important dimension of stratification. Current research projects examine women's reproductive health and health-seeking behavior in India and Haiti; the triple burden of women in the context of aging; and American attitudes towards non-traditional groups (using the GSS).

Select Publications (Peer Reviewed Book chapters and Journal Articles):
Adya, Monica and Sangeeta Parashar. 2023. “Connected and Committed? Culture and Context in Career Entrenchment of Indian and Native-Born Women in the United States IT Workforce.” Pp. 149-164 in In Handbook of Gender and Technology: Environment, Identity, Individual, edited by Eileen M. Trauth and Jeria L. Quesenbery. Edward Elgar Publishing: Cheltenham (UK) and Northampton (USA). (DOI:

Pole, Antoinette and Sangeeta Parashar. 2020. “Am I Pretty? 10 Tips to Designing Visually Appealing Slideware Presentations.” Revise and Resubmit at PS: Political Science and Politics. 1 – 6. (DOI:

Singh, Vikash and Sangeeta Parashar. (2019). “Hardwar: Spirit, Place, and Politics.” Religions 10(2), 21. (DOL:

Singh, Vikash and Sangeeta Parashar. 2018. “Karl Polyani’s Hungarian Writings.” Contradictions: A Journal of Critical Thought 2(2): 193-199.

Parashar, S. (2014). "Marginalized by Race and Place: A Multilevel Analysis of Occupational Sex Segregation in Post-Apartheid South Africa." International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy 34(11/12): 747-770. (DOI:

Parashar, S. and Y. Wang. (2014). Divisions and Integration: The Expansion of Global Capitalism. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt Publishing.

Allard, F. and S. Parashar. (2013). “Comparing Undergraduate Satisfaction with Faculty and Professional Advisers: A Multi-Method Approach.” The Mentor: An Academic Advising Journal.

Allard, F. and S. Parashar. (2012). “Higher Education: A Conspiracy? How Students View Their Chances in A Four Year Institution.” The Mentor: An Academic Advising Journal.

Parashar, S. and Y. Wang. (2011). Inequality in a Globalizing World: Perspectives, Processes, and Experiences. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt Publishing.

Parashar, Sangeeta. 2015. “Longevity: Wide Disagreement on Prospects.” Opinion piece, The Ashbury Park Press, September 20.

Courses Taught:
INTL 100: Introduction to Global Issues
SOCI 113: Social Problems
SOCI 219: Sociology of Aging
soci 201: Foundations of Sociological Inquiry
SOCI 220: Sociology of Rich and Poor Nations
SOCI 240: Statistics for Social Research
SOCI 250: Polity, Policy, and Process: A Problem Based Approach
SOCI 313: Social Theory and Critical Analysis
SOCI 315: Social Inequality
SOCI 318: Sociology of Population
SOCI 400: Senor Project


Social Demography; International Development and Globalization; Social Inequalities in Health and Education; Aging; Gender, Work, and Family; Population Policy; Social Statistics and Methods; Student Advising and Pedagogy
