Photo of two students using interactive map screens in the ADP Center.

‘App’ertunities are Endless

Discovering Resources Beyond the SMARTboard

Here are some links to get you started on your group project. Some we have already introduced to you, others require you to learn. Select a website to research and present.

Group Project Websites

Kathy Schrock’s Guide to Everything

Kathy Schrock is an educational technologist who has learning links on virtually any educational technology topic.


Pinterest is a digital curation website that contains various resources used by teachers. It is very similar to bookmarking, but uses visual representations and captions to describe what is on the website. These are called “pins.” Use the search bar, or select the education category to start gathering materials.

iPad Applications

Apps as Assistive Technology

The list below displays the names of iPad applications that you can search in the App Store (it does not have links to the particular app):

Other Resources

Many other websites and resources are listed here for specific learning needs: