2023-2025 AAC Executive Board
- Reginia Judge, President
- Saundra Collins, Vice President
- Karen Mingo, Recording Secretary
- Khadija Ahmed, Corresponding Secretary
- Jason Francis, Treasurer
- TBA, Parliamentarian
- TBA, Member at Large
Executive Board Meetings – First Wednesday of the month at noon – on Zoom
You can contact the African American Caucus by emailing:
President, Reginia Judge at Judger@montclair.edu
Treasurer, Jason Francis at Francisj@montclair.edu – Please email Jason to be added to our listserv.
Meeting Dates
- 9/4
- 10/2
- 11/6
- 12/4
- 1/1
- 2/5
- 3/5 – Spring Break – No meeting
- 4/2
- 5/7