Diana Bedoya
My name is Diana Bedoya and I graduated from Montclair State University in 2005 with a degree in Classics and General Humanities and a minor in Latin. Since my graduation, I’ve worked in dramatic publishing and licensing, and my background in the Classics has helped me a great deal. Modern drama (and modern art in general) owes a lot to the Classics and my studies into the Greco-Roman era of art, literature and history have made me more aware of the trends and connections that bridge the ancient and the modern.
Now, I am starting a new phase of my career in recruitment. In my new job, I encounter people from all walks of life, from administrative assistants to CEOs of multi-billion dollar global corporations. When interacting with so many people, I find that my education is one of my greatest assets. My classical studies made me a more articulate individual, not only because the degree requires intensive reading and writing, but because it delves into the roots and mechanics of language. The Classics also allow me to draw from a great fountain of knowledge and shared history when I need to connect with people, and it is this connection that lies at the very heart of my career.
The benefits of a classical education go far beyond the classroom. The Classics allow us to look across the centuries for the answers we need today.

Julia Caruso
My name is Julia Caruso and I graduated from Montclair State University in 2014 with a degree in General Humanities and a minor in Psychology. Studying the Humanities has influenced my perspective tremendously and I can’t speak highly enough about my decision. After graduating, I spent nine months traveling all over the world, eventually reaching eleven countries. I went to a bunch of new states, too! My understanding of art, architecture, literature and history in a global capacity enriched these experiences beyond belief. I was able to connect with my surroundings in a way that would have been impossible had I not been given so much cultural knowledge in my studies. I now volunteer as a sexual assault victim advocate at Bellevue Hospital Center and I also volunteer at a safe home for women who were victims of trafficking. I’m eagerly looking forward to pursuing a Masters of Social Work degree in Manhattan this coming fall.

Nick Lomauro
My name is Nick Lomauro and I graduated from Montclair State University in 2013 with a degree in General Humanities. Studying humanity opened my mind in more ways than I could have imagined. It taught me just how small I am in the timeline of history. However, along the way, I was able to conceptualize life, death, good, evil and everything in between. General Humanities inspired me to recognize my potential and responsibility to pursue a modest, balanced, and happy life. My studies have not and will not end. I will continue to learn, grow and share the power of wisdom.
Only a few weeks after graduation I had an experience of a lifetime. I hiked a 500-mile ancient pilgrimage trail through Northern Spain, El Camino de Santiago. My background in humanities came in quite handy when I encountered numerous situations that tested my resolve. I found myself reflecting back on classroom discussions, literature and ultimately history which helped me act with a sense of mindfulness.
I now have a job, a great one at that. Finding a job that strongly correlates with my foundation and values has led me to a great career path. I am Director of Youth Development at Somerset Hills YMCA in Basking Ridge, New Jersey. I am responsible for developing positive relationships with teens, from middle school to high school, through creative adventure-based programming, volunteerism and social responsibility. The Y brings people together. We have over 20,000 members to prove it. We work side-by-side with our neighbors to make sure that everyone, regardless of age, income or background, has the opportunity to learn, grow and thrive. The ultimate trifecta: Spirit, Mind, and Body.

Zach Macko
My name is Zachary Macko and I graduated from Montclair State University in 2013, with a degree in General Humanities. Humanities has equipped me with the tools to excel in all aspects of business, allowing me to stand out in a crowded field. Humanities has allowed me to understand how people learn, and by understanding how people learn, you understand how to effectively communicate with them, which is one of the key ingredients to being successful in business. I’ve worked for major advertising agencies, multiple divisions of CBS Interactive and CBS Television, the Wall Street Journal, and currently a data company called Bizo where I solve business problems for Fortune 500 companies. I continue to use the skills I’ve learned through my degree in Humanities every single day.

Carolina Soares
My name is Carolina Soares and I graduated from Montclair State University in 2010, with a degree in General Humanities and Classics (with a minor in Latin and Archaeology). Since my graduation, I received a master’s in Theology, taught high school Theology for two years, and am now working as a Catholic Youth and Young Adult Minister in Philadelphia!
As a Youth and Young Adult Minister, I am responsible for the planning, coordination, promotion and facilitation of various programs in Northeast Philadelphia. My background in Classics and General Humanities allows me to “think outside the box” and implement various teaching methodologies to help people with diverse backgrounds learn and grasp anything I am presenting. Through the use of history, art, and music, I create an environment that invites participants of different faith, cultural and ethnic backgrounds to delve deeper into the material presented and apply what they learn to their everyday lives!
I am truly grateful for the education and experience I received from the College of Humanities and Social Sciences at Montclair State University. I can honestly say that my degree in Classics and General Humanities has come in handy in all the work I have done and continue to do!! Did I mention how handy my Latin has been in reading and translating different papers and documents, including my master’s degree (which is written entirely in Latin!)?