A Statement from President Cole Concerning the Death of George Floyd
Posted in: University
Dear Students, Faculty and Staff:
The death of George Floyd is yet another tragic reminder of the bias and violence that exist in our society. This incident, and too many like it, is deeply troubling to the members of this University community. All of our work together is based on our commitment to the concept that every individual is entitled to participate in and have access to the benefits of our society, to education of course, but also to the larger protections of social justice.
What we are seeing across the country is that people are sad and angry, and we are experiencing those feelings as well. We are already going through an incredibly difficult period, a time when many are mourning friends and family lost to COVID-19, worried about finances and lost jobs and concerned about the future. The physical distance from each other and not being on campus makes it harder to come together to support each other.
Now, more than ever, we must stand together as a community of scholars. We must recall our values, and find our strength in our principles. During these difficult times, I urge us all to stay united as a community and to support each other. Reach out to your professors, your classmates, your colleagues, friends and mentors. If you are feeling overwhelmed, make use of the resources the University provides, including Counseling and Psychological Services, the Employee Assistance Program and other University services.
As we grieve for innocent lives lost, we need to strengthen our resolve to be part of the creation of a better world, a world in which reason and compassion prevail over ignorance and hatred.
President Cole