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Peter Siegel
Professor, Anthropology, College of Humanities and Social Sciences
- Office:
- Dickson Hall 123
- Email:
- siegelp@montclair.edu
- Phone:
- 973-655-3415
- Degrees:
- BA, University of Delaware
- MA, State University of New York @ Binghamton
- PhD, State University of New York @ Binghamton
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Peter E. Siegel is a New World archaeologist, specializing in pre-European cultures of eastern North America, the Caribbean, and lowland South America. His research interests include the evolution of complex society, the origins and many trajectories of social inequality, village spatial organization and the ritual use of space, heritage management, human-environment relations, ethnoarchaeology, and lithic usewear analysis. Siegel has conducted ethnoarchaeological fieldwork among the Shipibo Indians of eastern Peru and the Waiwai and Wapisiana Indians of southern Guyana. He has directed archaeological projects across much of eastern North America and the Caribbean.
Pre-Columbian archaeology of eastern North America, Caribbean, lowland South America
Lithic analysis
Complex society
Religion and use of ritual space
Archaeological heritage management
Historical ecology
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- The Archaeology of Native North America
- Island Historical Ecology: Socionatural Landscapes of the Eastern and Southern Caribbean
- Archaeological history, memory, and heritage at the White Marl Site, Central Village, St Catherine Parish, Jamaica
- Frequent disturbances enhanced the resilience of past human populations
- Source to sink in precolonial Jamaica: Tracing geochemistry and mineralogy from the rocks to the pots in understanding White Marl pottery production and exchange
- Plant resource diversity in the ethnobotanical record of precolonial Puerto Rico: Evidence from microbotanical remains
- Contested Places and Places of Contest: The Evolution of Social Power and Ceremonial Space in Prehistoric Puerto Rico
- Ideology and Culture Change in Prehistoric Puerto Rico: A View from the Community
- Confronting Caribbean heritage in an archipelago of diversity: Politics, stakeholders, climate change, natural disasters, tourism, and development
- Paleoenvironmental evidence for first human colonization of the eastern Caribbean
- Demographic and Architectural Retrodiction: An Ethnoarchaeological Case Study in the South American Tropical Lowlands
- Continuity and change in the evolution of religion and political organization on pre-Columbian Puerto Rico
- Migration Research in Saladoid Archaeology: A Review
- Plantation Soilscapes: Initial and Cumulative Impacts of Colonial Agriculture in Antigua, West Indies
- Oberly Island: Trend and Tradition in the Lower Lehigh Valley
- Shipibo Archaeo-Ethnography: Site Formation Processes and Archaeological Interpretation
- Edge Angle as a Functional Indicator: A Test
- Functional Variability within an Assemblage of Endscrapers
- Caribbean archaeology in historical perspective
- An Interview With Irving Rouse
- The first documented gold-copper alloy artefact from the West Indies
- Caribbean Lead and Mercury Pollution Archived in a Crater Lake
- Crossing the Caribbean Sea and tracking intellectual history: a discussion
- Curating the past: Caribbean archaeology at the Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History
- Archaeology on the campus: archaeological investigations of the Van Reyper-Bond House at Montclair State University, Montclair, New Jersey