Three staff members of RYTE Institute looking at document.
RYTE Institute News

Fall Update

Posted in: REDSS Lab

REDSS Lab has some exciting new updates for this upcoming season! We are happy to announce we have been accepted to present the following:

SSHD, Society for the Study of Human Development, in Austin, Texas on October 16th – 18th:

Barrios, V., Chauveron, L., MacDonnell, M., & Urban, J.B. (2015, October).  Social Justice in Developmental Science: A Definition and Review of the Literature.  Paper to be presented at the annual meetings of the Society for the Study of Human Development, Austin, TX.

Barrios, V., MacDonnell, M., Chauveron, L., Illnick, V., Gama, L., Jensen, R., Linver, M.R., & Urban, J.B. (2015, October).  Youth Self-Discovery Through Character Education: A Data Triangulation Approach.  Poster to be presented at the annual meetings of the Society for the Study of Human Development, Austin, TX.

Chauveron, C., Gama, L., Jensen, R., MacDonnell, M., Barrios, V., Illnick, V., Urban, J.B., & Linver, M.R. (2015, October).  Sharing Lab and Learning Successes: The Art of Public Relations.  Poster to be presented at the annual meetings of the Society for the Study of Human Development, Austin, TX.

MacDonnell, M., Urban, J.B., Chauveron, L., Barrios, V., Gama, L., Illnick, V., Jensen, R., & Linver, M.R. (2015, October).  Thinking ahead: The role of goal selection in youth future mindedness. Paper to be presented at the annual meetings of the Society for the Study of Human Development, Austin, TX.

AEA, American Evaluation Association, in Chicago, IL on November 12th – 14th:

Burgermaster, M., Barrios, V., & Urban, J.B. (2015, November). The exemplary and the not-so exemplary: A mixed methods comparative case study of successful and unsuccessful evaluation capacity building efforts. Paper to be presented at the annual meeting of the American Evaluation Association, Chicago, IL.

MacDonnell, M., Gama, L., Illnick, V., Jensen, R., Chauveron, C., Barrios, B., Linver, M.R., & Urban, J.B. (2015, November). Going overseas: Challenges, benefits and lessons learned from international evaluation.  Poster to be presented at the annual meetings of the American Evaluation Association, Chicago, IL.