College Hall Bell Tower

Space Utilization Reports

Purpose: Use this guide to create reports collecting utilization data for space management purposes.
Audience: Office of the Registrar.

Log into NEST using your University NetID and password.

NEST dashboard screen with red arrow pointing at the "LOG IN" button

Navigate to the NEST Dashboard Sidebar Menu and select the 25Live link.

NEST dashboard logged-in homepage with white arrow pointing at the 25Live application link on the sidebar menu

You can also go to and sign in with your NetID and NetID password. Note: the preferred browsers are Firefox and Chrome.

25Live Sign in
**Note: Clicking on images on this page will make them larger

Creating a Search for Events

At a minimum, there should be two different searches used in looking at space utilization. The first event search used in this analysis will be the academic courses. The second search should be for all events. It is good practice to review how your rooms are being used by classes and all other types of activities.

Click on the Search Events or Go to Search.
Search events text field in 25Live

On the Search Events page, select the Advanced search option, and then click on Add Criterion.

Search add criterion option in 25Live

This option will allow users to define search using additional parameters.

Add criterion for advanced search in 25Live

From the menu select Cabinets. Since we are looking at academics in the first report, you want to choose your academic cabinet.

Click Select Cabinets and select Academic Cabinet. Then click the Done button.

If you wanted to look at All Events, then it would be appropriate to check on both cabinets: Academic Cabinet and Special Events Cabinet.

Cabinets in 25Live

The next Criterion for your academic search is to choose the associated academic term. Click on Add Criterion. From the menu select Categories.

If you choose multiple Categories, make sure you choose either Include Any or Include All. Include any, all or do not include option in 25Live

  • Include Any will pull a more expansive selection.
  • Include All will pull a more limited selection.
  • Do Not Include will give a more expansive Event search, but omitting those Events you do not want to be included.

Under Categories, click Select Categories and select 202520. Then click the Done button.
Categories search in 25Live

Once finished selecting the criterion for the categories, you can click the Search button which will display your search results. Reset, save as and search buttons in 25Live

Click on the Save As button and type the Search Name to save your search.
Save search option in 25Live

Mark Yes if you would like to add your search to your starred searches. Click Save.

Scroll down after the Save As button to view the generated List.
List of academic events in 25Live

The information can also be displayed in the calendar view by clicking on the Calendar tab. List and calendar buttons in 25Live

Keep in mind that 25Live will display recent & future events by default. If you want future or all dates included in your list, toggle from Recent & Future to Future or All Dates. Recent & Future, Future only and all dates button in 25Live

Depending on the type of event, information displayed under each column above will indicate:

  • Name: abbreviated course section information or non-academic event’s name.
  • Title: long title for the academic record or long name given to the non-academic event.
  • Reference: a number given automatically to the record once entered in the 25Live system.
  • Organization: department abbreviation or name of the organization listed as reserving the location.
  • Type: class type or non-academic event type.
  • Category: academic term or not, the information will be displayed under this column for non-academic events.
  • Your role: no information will be displayed for academic records, the requestor or scheduler will show it for non-academic events.
  • Start Date: beginning date for reservation.
  • Creation Date: the date when the event was brought over via the interface for academic records or dates when non-academic events were created in the system.
  • State: tentative or canceled will show for academic records. In addition to the two states showing for academic records: a draft (not holding location) will appear for non-academic events.
  • Locations: space assigned to the event.

If in need to modify your search or view, please note the indications below:

Recent & Future, Future only and all dates button in 25Live Select Columns, Refresh, and Help buttons in 25Live event search

  • Click on the Future button to select only future dates.
  • Click on the All Dates button to select all dates.
  • Click on Choose Columns, to hide or show columns as needed.
  • Click on the Refresh button refresh button and Reset link, if the search was modified, to show updated data.
    Matching events section in 25Live
  • Go to the bottom of the page to select a different page number showing searched information (Selecting any of the number links will take the user to the that page if needed). Also, users can choose the number of items per page by adjusting the Page Size.

Now you have your event search which can be used in any Report template.

To reference any created or saved event search

Click on the Pre-Defined Groups option from the drop-down list.
Select Objects Saved Searches Pre-Defined Groups box 25Live

Type the name of your saved search and it will populate name searches that match the words you type. Click over the search’s name to run the search.
Your Starred (favorite) Event Searches will show a yellow star to the right.
Starred event searches in 25Live

In the Pre-Defined Groups section, you can choose Events You Have Requested, Events You Are Scheduling, Feature Events, and more.

Creating a Location Search

Creating a Location Search in 25Live allows users not only to quickly review the availability and features of a subset of rooms, but it also enables them to run a variety of reports for these locations.

For a quick view of space availability, click on the Search Locations text field.

Search Locations text field in 25Live

Type the name of your university-owned building and click Search icon go.

Users could also click on the Go to Search button to create a location search.

Next, from the Select Object drop-down menu at the top of the page select Locations. Then, flip the toggle switch from Quick Search to Advanced. Lastly, click on the Add Criterion button to begin creating your search.

Search add criterion option in 25Live

Read below for some ideas on searches that may come in handy.

Locations with specific room features

From the Add Criterion list, select Features.

Add criterion list in 25Live

Once you do, the word Features will appear at the top of the criterion.

Features criterion in 25Live

Now you can select which feature you wish to create the search. Click on the ‘Include Any‘ drop-down menu and select that option for a more expansive result.

Click on the Select Features button. Once you do, a Features search window will pop up. Type in part of the name of the feature of interest to you, then click on it in the list of search results. Lastly, click on the Done button.

Features criterion in 25Live, "ad" in search bar

Next, select the Save As button in the bottom right corner.

ADA room feature selected in 25Live

Give your search an informative name, for example: “ADA Rooms”. Then decide if you want to add this search to your starred searches for speedier future access.

Lastly, click on the Save button in the bottom right corner.

Save search window in 25Live

A group of specific locations

From the drop-down menu select Locations, then Specific Locations

Specific Locations option in 25Live location search

Next, click on the Select Locations button. In the Locations search field, enter for example part of the name of the building you are interested in. Once this building’s rooms appear, check the boxes to the left of any rooms of interest to you.

Specific Locations option in 25Live location search

You can perform this search for multiple buildings. Once you checked all the spaces of interest to you, click on the Done button in the bottom right corner.

List of buildings to select in 25Live

You can then add more search criteria by clicking on the Add Criterion button or save the search by clicking on the Save As button.

Give your search an informative name, for example: “University Hall Rooms”. Then decide if you want to add this search to your starred searches for speedier future access. Lastly, click on the Save button in the bottom right corner.

Save search window in 25Live

Your location search is now ready to be used!

To access your created location search

Select Object menu in 25Live

Click on the Pre-Defined Groups option from the drop-down list.

Pre-Defined Groups in 25Live

You can view results as a List, Calendar, Availability, and Availability Weekly.

  • The List option shows all spaces with brief information about the space.
  • The Calendar view shows the occupation of spaces in a calendar view.
  • Availability shows empty and blocked periods for each space allowing the user to see time slots when rooms are available.
  • Availability Weekly shows a glance at the activity, by week, for the specified days and number of weeks.

You add or remove columns for the list view by clicking the Choose Columns button.

After changing the parameters for your search, click on the refresh button View options for search results in 25Live to update the data.

Creating Reports

Reports can be found on the More button in the upper right corner of the application. More button in 25Live

Then, from the drop-down menu of options select Reports.
Home drop-down menu in 25Live

Select the Other Reports link. Then, scroll down until you see the Location Utilization – Excel report.
Reports page in 25Live

The available delivery options are:

View this report now — to save, export it via a method other than email, or print.
Email this report to yourself — using the email address in your 25Live contact record.
Email this report to… — displays a field for you to complete with any valid email address.

Enter the search parameters for the report:

Start Date — the first date of the analysis period.
End Date — last date of the analysis period.
Start Time — earliest event start time.
End Time — latest event end time.
Pad Time — the time between classes if any.
Event Search — the Event Search for which you would like to run the report. Learn how to build custom event searches.
Location Search — the Location Search for which you would like to run the report. Learn how to build custom location searches.
Day(s) of Week — select the days of the week of interest to you (or you can leave all days checked by default).
Sum Bound Head Counts — select the Yes button.

Lastly, click on the Run Report button and wait for your search results to become available.

Notification in 25Live

Notification in 25Live

Note: Make sure that your pop-up blocker always allows pop-ups from 25Live.
Excel sample report in 25Live

If you have questions about using 25Live, please email