Study the language, history and culture of Ancient Greece and Rome. Learn to read Ancient Greek and Latin and experience firsthand the work of Homer, Plato, Vergil and Cicero.

Career Opportunities
- Anthropologist
- Business Administrator
- Psychologist
- Sociologist
- Researcher
- Teacher
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Undergraduate Programs
BA in Classics
In the Classics major, students begin their studies with required courses in Greek Civilization and Roman Civilization. As their studies continue, they achieve advanced reading proficiency in one ancient language and take electives in mythology, ancient history, art and archaeology, and ancient literature in translation.
Minor in Classics
The Minor in Classics is an eighteen-credit program that examines the culture, ideas, and values of Ancient Greece and Rome. Student take at least one year of Ancient Greek or Latin and electives in mythology, ancient history, art and archaeology, and ancient literature in translation.