History graduates are critical and creative thinkers; they are skilled and astute researchers and among the best communicators. They are problem-solvers accustomed to bringing together the expressive power of the humanities and marry it to the analytical capabilities of the social sciences. The study of history offers a strong foundation for a range of careers such as teaching; law; government service; politics; journalism and creative writing; publishing; library science; business and policy research; human resources; and positions with local, state or national archives, museums and historical societies or restoration agencies.

Career Opportunities
- Archivist
- Curator
- Museum Worker
- Economist
- Historian
- Teacher
- Psychologist
- Sociologist
- Survey Researcher
Contact Information
Undergraduate Programs
BA in History
Learn to engage with historical texts from a scholarly perspective while cultivating analytical research and writing skills.
B.A. in History with Public and Digital History Concentration
Learn to engage with historical texts from a scholarly perspective while cultivating analytical research and writing skills with an emphasis on the presentation and communication of historical knowledge.
BA in History (Combined BA/MBA)
Learn to engage with historical texts from a scholarly perspective while cultivating analytical research and writing skills.
BA in History with Teacher Certification in Elementary School Teacher in Grades K-6
This program combines the required courses for the BA in History, and the Teacher Certification Pre-Professional Sequence, Elementary Ed Professional Sequence, and Clinical Sequence/Student Teaching courses that are necessary for degree certification in grades K-6.
BA in History with Teacher Certification in Social Studies (Preschool-Grade 12)
This program combines the required courses for the BA in History with those required for Teacher Certification. To meet the approved program for certification in social studies, course work is required in each of the following: anthropology, economics, geography, history, political science and sociology.
Minor in History
This minor begins with the courses on Study of History, the History of the United States, Western and European Civilization, and culminates with three electives of the student’s choosing from a list of topics related to the minor for a combined total of 18 credits.
Minor in Public and Digital History
Prepares students for a wide array of careers that involve, either directly or indirectly, the presentation and communication of historical knowledge.
Graduate Programs
Instructional Certification – Subject Area Certification (Preschool – Grade 12)
This program is for students with a baccalaureate degree who are interested in teaching Social Studies. Total credit requirements for this program include the Teaching Field Requirements, Additional Requirements for State Certification, and the Graduate Professional Sequence.