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Academic Dishonesty Policy

(Excerpted from the University Code of Conduct)

A.  Academic Dishonesty
Minimum sanction: Probation; Maximum sanction: Expulsion

Academic dishonesty is any attempt by a student to submit 1) work completed by another person without proper citation or 2) to give improper aid to another student in the completion of an assignment, such as plagiarism. No student may intentionally or knowingly give or receive aid on any test or examination, or on any academic exercise, that requires independent work.  This includes, but is not limited to using technology (i.e., instant messaging, text messaging or using a camera phone) or any other unauthorized materials of any sort, or giving or receiving aid on a test or examination without the express permission of the instructor. The following are examples of academic dishonesty:

  1. Copying from another student’s paper.
  2. Using materials not authorized by the instructor on a test or examination.
  3. Collaborating with any other person during a test or examination without authorization from the instructor.
  4. Knowingly obtaining, using, buying, selling, transporting or soliciting, in whole or in part, the contents of a non-administered test or examination.
  5. Coercing any other person to obtain a non-administered test or examination, or to obtain information about such an examination or test.
  6. Substituting for another student, or permitting any other person to substitute for oneself to take a test or examination.
  7. Altering test answers and then claiming the instructor improperly graded the test or examination.
  8. Collusion or purchased term papers:
    Collusion, the unauthorized collaboration with another person in preparing work offered for credit, is academically dishonest. Montclair State University prohibits the preparation for sale and/or subsequent sale of any term paper, thesis, dissertation, essay or other assignment with the knowledge that the assignment will be submitted in whole or in part for academic credit.
  9. Plagiarism:
    Plagiarism is defined as using another person’s words as if they were your own, unintentionally or otherwise, and the unacknowledged incorporation of those words in one’s own work for academic credit. Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to submitting a copied, partially copied, or partially paraphrased work of another as one’s own project, paper, report, test, program, design, pictures, images, or speech (whether the source is printed, under copyright in manuscript form or electronic media) without proper citation. Source citations must be given for works quoted or paraphrased. The above rules of academic dishonesty apply to work that is graded, ungraded, group, individual, written or oral. The following guidelines for written work will assist students in avoiding plagiarism:
    (a) General indebtedness for background information and data must be acknowledged by inclusion of a bibliography of all works consulted;
    (b) Specific indebtedness for a particular idea, or for a quotation of four or more consecutive words from another text, must be acknowledged by footnote or endnote reference to the actual source. Quotations of four words or more from a text must also be indicated by the use of quotation marks;
    (c) Project work will be considered plagiarism if it duplicates completely or in part, without citation, the work of another person to an extent that is greater than is commonly accepted. The degree to which imitation without citation is permissible varies from discipline to discipline. Students must consult their instructors before copying another person’s work.
    (d) Information taken from the Internet/websites must be cited, otherwise, it will be defined as plagiarism.
    (e) Falsifying or inventing any information, data or citation.
    (f) Submitting identical or similar papers for credit in more than one course without prior permission from the course instructor.

Adjudication of Disciplinary Cases – Academic

Students are subject to disciplinary action for reasons of academic dishonesty. The faculty plays an integral role in the process for resolving academic dishonesty complaints.

    1. The faculty member having the suspicion or information of dishonesty should first discuss the matter with the student(s) involved.
    2. The faculty member should then discuss the situation with the chairperson of the department.

On a departmental level, one of the following may be chosen:

(a) For a student who seems mistaken in practice rather than guilty of intention, or in the case that seems to warrant leniency, the faculty member, consulting with the chairperson, may do any of the following which they deem appropriate:
(i)    Grade the work under question “zero” or “failing”
(ii)    Allow the student to demonstrate that s/he can fulfill an assignment through her/his own honest effort.

(b) For an offense which seems to be a clear case of cheating or which does not seem to warrant leniency, the faculty member, after consulting with the chairperson, may do either or both of the following:
(i)    Grade the work under question “zero” or “failing”
(ii)    Assign a grade of “F” for the course. (Students should have the right to remain in a class during the term of any course until or unless suspension from the class or the University is imposed.)

(c) In cases where an “F” grade is assigned for academic dishonesty, the faculty should immediately transmit a Request to Post a grade of “F” on the student’s record. The request should be sent to Ms. Cardrienne McDonald, Assistant Registrar.

  1. The faculty member may contact the University Director of Student Conduct to report the case of academic dishonesty. The student’s name will be placed on the University Academic Dishonesty List and the student will receive formal notice of said action in writing electronically. If a prior academic dishonesty record exists, the case will be referred to the Director for adjudication. If the student does not have any prior academic violation, then the current violation may be handled on the Departmental level. The Director or his/her designee will follow the procedures for adjudication of non-academic cases.

On a conduct level, faculty members have the following options:

(i)    Have the student’s name added to the official listing of students who have committed academic dishonesty. The reported student will receive notice of this act with recommended resources. No other formal conduct action taken.

(ii)    Have the student’s name added to the official listing of students who have committed academic dishonesty and refer the case to the University Director of Student Conduct for adjudication. The Faculty member may be called to testify in the conduct process.

(iii)    With either conduct option, the Faculty will submit copies of documentation and/or detailed reports to the University Director of Student Conduct for official records.