Dr. Jaime Grinberg to Speak at Conference at the University of the Republic of Uruguay
Posted in: College News and Events

Dr. Jaime Grinberg, Professor in the Educational Foundations Department, was invited to speak at an upcoming conference at the University of the Republic of Uruguay. It is one of the largest universities in the world with more than 145, 000 undergraduate and graduate students, and Dr. Grinberg will present a paper for the First International Colloquium of Compared Laicity, to take place on November 17th, 2022.
Scholars from the Americas, Europe, and the Levant will participate in this meeting, sponsored by the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences and the graduate programs in Education Theory and Practices.
Dr. Grinberg teaches undergraduate and doctoral students classes in education history, educational philosophy, and education policy.
His invited presentation, based on a forthcoming book chapter, is titled: “Accommodating Truth and Power Systems: The Case of the Complicated and Contentious Search for Balancing Religion, Secularism, Money, and the Law in American Schools from the Common School Movement to the Present.”