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CHSS Digital Media CoLab

Teresa Slobuski

Posted in: Presenters

Teresa Slobuski

Teresa Slobuski is the Head Librarian of the Vairo Library at Penn State Brandywine. In this role she oversees the operations of the library on campus and acts as a conduit between the libraries and campus students and faculty. She is currently the Association of College and Research Libraries’ representative to the Association of Specialized & Cooperative Library Agencies Accessibility Assembly. She is also a member of the Stonewall Book Awards Mike Morgan and Larry Romans Children’s and Young Adult Literature Award Committee, which highlights excellence in LGBT representation in Juvenile literature. Slobuski is passionate about access and social justice and actively works to improve both representation and recognition of all in libraries.

Slobuski completed her master’s degree in library and information science at Rutgers University in her home state of New Jersey. Her undergraduate degree in English is from St. Mary’s College of Maryland, with minors in Art History and Asian Studies. She began her career in the Scholarly Communication Center at Rutgers University as Project Manager for the New Jersey Environmental Digital Library, a joint effort with the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection to digitize and provide access to historical environmental data and reports. She then spent seven years as faculty librarian at San Jose State University, acting as liaison librarian to Teacher Education, Special Education, Social Work, and Design. She also served as the Research Services Coordinator for two years to oversee excellent public service in both digital and physical reference support.

She has conducted research on a variety of topics such as the impact of non-text media on information retrieval, children’s literature, informal learning and the development of 21st century skills, library space usage, and educational technology topics, especially the use of games as educational tools. She is a librarian because she is interested in knowing something about everything. In her free time, she spends as much time playing games as reason allows. She resides in West Chester, PA with her fuzzy friends.

2017 Presentation Abstract: With the Dice in the Library: Tabletop Games and Culture

Previous Abstracts:
2016: Paper Prototyping Games for Engaged Investigations and Fun in any Subject
2015: The Modern Library
2014: Using Portal 2 to Develop 21st Century Skills