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Seed and Project Grants

Summer 2018 Digital Humanities Award Reporting


Those awarded either Seed or Project Grants agree to:

  • Submit to the Director of the CDH an Executive Summary, including each of the sections outlined below. The Executive Summary should be 500 words, and is due 14 days after the first day of classes of the fall semester following the award period. It should address each of the following:
    • Has your understanding of your subject, or your approach to it, changed significantly as a result of the work putting the external grant together?
    • Explain/discuss your work’s contribution to your area of research and to the field of Digital Humanities.
    • Give a detailed account of spending. If funding was provided to an individual, please be specific as to what that individual did/accomplished in exchange.
    • Respond to any input provided by the FAC in the acceptance letter.Provide the Director of the CDH with a copy of the submitted external grant application and proof of submission.


Those awarded Seed Grants agree to:

  • Make a 45-minute presentation at either the Fall or Spring Digital Humanities Day, as indicated on the CDH Summer Grant application as well as a very brief synopsis of the research project at an agreed upon college meeting (subject to scheduling)
  • Provide the Director of the CDH with a copy of the submitted external grant application and proof of submission.


Those awarded Project Grants agree to:

  • Complete the Activity Report form online, addressing each of the items outlined below. The report is due 14 days after the first day of classes of the fall semester following the award period. The Activity Report will be completed online and will require input in the following areas:
    Please provide a detailed summary of the results of your work funded by this grant. This should include, but not be limited to:

    • How your project speaks to the purpose of the CDH Summer Grants, to “foster research, scholarship, and external grant-seeking in the Digital Humanities”
    • A brief summary of your research process
    • Your major findings or results
    • Whether you accomplished the goals of the project
    • Any lessons you learned
    • What you might do differently
    • The current status of your work
  • make a 45-minute presentation at either the Fall or Spring Digital Humanities Day, as indicated on the CDH Summer Grant application as well as a very brief synopsis of the research project at an agreed upon college meeting (subject to scheduling)